Contents -

P. Economic analysis

499. The Conference expressed its appreciation of the work in economic analysis and gave its approval to the program of work proposed. The periodical reviews of the current situation and demand outlook as set out in The State of Food and Agriculture were and were considered to be of particular value to the smaller and to the less developed countries, since they were c unable to maintain large economic intelligence staffs for agriculture. It was stressed c that, in view of the broad field covered by this work, it was important both to continue to concentrate on tangible problems, whether national or international, and also to maintain close cooperation between all units concerned in the Organization. The importance of continued and strengthened working relations with GATT, OEEC and other international organizations, especially including the United Nations Regional Commissions, was also emphasized. The Conference expressed its appreciation of the increased attention being given to African problems.

500. There was general agreement with the broad balance of the program, with primary emphasis on agricultural programming and development and on the improvement of marketing services, especially in less developed countries. The usefulness of the work in progress on agricultural price stabilization and support policies, agricultural investment and credit, and on crop insurance was also stressed. Appreciation was expressed of the assistance given to individual countries through ETAP, and of the efforts to adjust the work on, for example, agricultural programming and marketing to the needs of individual countries. It was also stressed, however, that studies on developments and broad trends in agricultural production and on international trade and price movements for agricultural products could be most appropriately carried out by FAO, and were of considerable value to member countries. This also applied to the exchange of information between countries on price stabilization, crop insurance, or the provision of credit, etc.

501. The Conference welcomed the more fundamental study now being given to the underlying factors influencing the rate of agricultural development, including the effect of such factors as the system of land tenure, credit facilities, marketing structures and the stabilization of farm prices. Appreciation was expressed of the special chapter on these problems in The State of Food and Agriculture 1959. The relationship between these factors and agricultural productivity should be further studied in the light of experience in different countries and, wherever possible, the help of national governments and research institutions should be enlisted for such work. Support was also expressed for the proposals for further study of the problems of agricultural programming, especially in the Far East and Near East, and it was felt that this work should be strengthened as opportunities arose in other regions, including Africa. In all this, close co - operation should be maintained with other sections of the Organization.

502. The economic study of agricultural incomes and levels of living on the lines outlined in The State of Food and Agriculture 1959 was approved, and the view was expressed that work in this field should be developed further.

503. The Conference expressed appreciation of the quality of the recent work on price stabilization and support policies. It was considered that further regional centers of the type held at New Delhi and Santiago should be organized at an appropriate time, and that work in this field should be continued on the lines proposed in Resolution No. 9/59, Agricultural Price Stabilization and Support Policies, and closely co - ordinated with that of GATT. It was considered also that the collection and dissemination of information on the experiences of member countries in providing farm credit, including medium - term credit, would be of value to member countries. A similar suggestion was made in regard to crop insurance.

504. The Conference noted with approval the development of the Organization's work on marketing, including the appointment of regional marketing specialists, as well as its general orientation, and commended the increasing emphasis being given to it. Economic progress and urbanization in less developed regions would bring with them increasingly important problems of marketing, which must be reflected in the program of work.

505. While the core of the work on marketing should continue to take the form of technical assistance to individual countries, the Conference particularly welcomed the increased program of training centers and technical meetings. It also welcomed the prospect that the recommendations of the 1958 Regional Conferences for more permanent training institutions for marketing might be implemented. The suggestion was made for a study of the operation of future markets in less developed countries, with special reference to their influence on the stabilization of agricultural prices.

506. The Conference noted the favorable reception given to the publication of the first marketing guides, directed toward the special problems of less developed countries. It also approved the proposals for forthcoming issues and noted that the draft manuscripts for them were being widely circulated for comment, so that complete advantage could be taken of experience in all parts of the world.

Q. Statistics

507. The Conference expressed its general approval of the work in statistics in 1958 - 59 and of the program of work envisaged for 1960 - 61. It recognized the considerable progress made by the Organization in the collection and publication of agricultural statistics, as shown in the Monthly Bulletin of Agricultural Economics and Statistics and the statistical yearbooks, and the improvement of statistical methods and services in the different countries through ad hoc publications on statistical methodology, training centers and expert advice to governments. It also recognized that, while FAO's resources were in the main directed toward underdeveloped countries, in the field of agricultural statistics the Organization's work of collecting and disseminating timely information was also of the utmost importance for the developed countries.

508. The Conference adopted the following resolution:

Resolution No. 46/59

Establishment of Statistics Advisory Committee


Recognizing that FAO has neither continuous machinery for receiving expert guidance on its technical problems nor active assistance in the formulation and promotion of its Program of work on statistics,

Reaffirming that under its Constitution the Organization is vested with full authority for the collection and improvement of international agricultural statistics,

Emphasizing that this gap should be filled as soon as practicable,

Noting that within FAO various sections of the Organization other than statistics are served by suitable bodies which give them technical guidance, and also that the United Nations, through its many statistical bodies, including the Statistical Commission, the Conferences of Statisticians in the different regions and working groups thereof, has at its continuous disposal important bodies of experts to advise and promote a statistical program,

Requests the Director - General to explore with the Program and Finance Committees the possibility of setting up a Statistics Advisory Committee whose members would be drawn from all parts of the world, known for their proficiency in agricultural statistics, and who would have specialized knowledge of the different aspects of FAO's statistical work:

1. to advise on special technical and methodological aspects of the Organization's work submitted to it by the Director - General in the field of agricultural statistics, taking into account recommendations of statistical bodies of the United Nations, other specialized agencies, and international organizations concerned in this field, as well as the requirements for government administrations using such statistics; and

2. to review ad hoc statistical publications of FAO for final approval before publication.

509. With regard to the collection, analysis, and standardization of data on food and agriculture, the Conference noted that in this work close co - operation between the Divisions of the Organization and co - ordination with the various regional statistical bodies doing similar work are indispensable. While acknowledging the need to collect and publish more agricultural statistics, as for example on trade by countries of origin and destination, the Conference urged that emphasis should be given to the improvement of the quality, of the data published through additional work on standardization and by a clearer presentation of tables in the statistical yearbooks with, where necessary,, precise definitions and conversion factors. In this connection FAO's Handbook of Technical Conversion Factors and the World Crop Harvest Calendar would be of great value. Suggestions such as the inclusion of total production of feed grains, total meat trade figures in terms of carcass weight, totals for grain according to uses, and a change in the order of the contents of the Trade Yearbook to bring it into line with the Production Yearbook, and the inclusion of stocks of agricultural commodities should be given consideration. The proposed series of meetings to standardize agricultural statistics in European countries was expected to go a long way toward eliminating discrepancies in the comparative figures of different countries. There is no need to publish charts in annual reference books like the Trade Yearbook and the Production Yearbook, where the best use of space is the most important consideration.

510. The Conference noted that the International Institute of Agriculture had regularly published valuable country - by - country surveys containing all available data on plant and animal production from a large number of countries, that even the Yearbooks from 1941 - 42 to 1945 - 46 published under the auspices of FAO contained such information and that these tables were most useful to member countries. It therefore urged that FAO should also publish agricultural statistics country by country, but in a more comparable form and expanded in accordance with the present - day availability of statistics. However, some delegates considered that this project should not be given high priority in the Program of Work.

511. The conversion of domestic prices into U.S. dollars was inadequate from the point of view of international comparability, since official exchange rates did not accurately reflect purchasing powers. It was suggested by some delegations that until more work had been done in the field of purchasing power parities, domestic agricultural prices only should be shown, accompanied by a separate table of the leading exchange rates. The Conference noted that the Organization's work on agricultural prices in Europe, in collaboration with the Economic Commission for Europe, was being extended to other areas, notably to the Far East and Central America. An improvement in the price data of European countries was noted. The Conference suggested that some attention should also be given to comparisons of prices of primary products with those of semiprocessed and finished agricultural products and foodstuffs, and to comparisons of prices at the wholesale and retail levels, when more resources were available.

512. The Conference noted that the present indices of agricultural production calculated in the Organization referred neither to gross nor to net production. It welcomed the work being undertaken in collaboration with the Conference of European Statisticians in developing an international system of index numbers of agricultural production based on an added value concept in line with the index for industrial production, and hoped that this would be extended to other regions.

513. As regards future work on statistical indicators of agricultural development, the Conference reaffirmed the recommendation of its Ninth Session that great importance should be attached to work on agricultural income and farm costs of production. It hoped that the Organization would be able to make a start with this work at an early date but recognized that it would require more professional staff.

514. The Conference reviewed the two major aspects of the work on food consumption: food balance sheets and food consumption surveys. Food balance sheets provide a very useful tool for the broad assessment of national food supplies and their utilization. The Conference noted that food balance sheets had been prepared and published regularly for 35 countries only and felt that the Organization should intensify its efforts to increase the number of countries covered by food balance sheets, particularly in view of the value of such estimates for the preparation of the Third World Food Survey. This work might be considered as a suitable project in connection with the Freedom from -Hunger Campaign.

515. The Conference felt that the international comparability of food balance sheets should be enhanced. The work done by OEEC for its member countries in this field should be extended by FAO to other countries, insofar as funds permit. Such activities should be undertaken in collaboration with other interested organizations. Special attention should also be given to the improvement of figures on stocks.

516. While approving the publication of three - year averages, the Conference expressed the wish that annual figures for the last year or so should be made available. The work on food balance sheets in underdeveloped countries would make greater progress if FAO gave such countries more assistance and guidance in drawing up food balance sheets. The Conference felt that this project could also play a role in connection with the Freedom - from - Hunger Campaign.

517. The Conference strongly emphasized the importance of food consumption surveys for obtaining basic data in several fields of FAO's responsibility. Food consumption surveys provide information in respect of different sections of the population and, therefore, give a deeper insight into food consumption problems than can be obtained from the over - all figures of food balance sheets. Very few of the surveys made so far had been nation - wide. They referred mostly to limited areas or sections of the population only, and also showed several other shortcomings, The Conference therefore endorsed the Director - General's intention to promote food consumption surveys along the lines successfully adopted for the 1960 World Census of Agriculture, which would not only help to create a better basis for nutrition policy but would also help to provide better material for economic and social analysis.

518. In preparing the various documents needed in the campaign for promoting food consumption surveys, special attention should be given to methodological aspects, particularly with regard to underdeveloped countries, where methods had either to be simplified or replaced by completely different approaches, such as objective measurement. FAO should assist these countries in finding methods appropriate to their conditions.

519. The Conference recognized that in the promotion of food consumption surveys the Statistics and Nutrition Divisions had a joint responsibility (see Resolution No. 341 59, Food Consumption Surveys).

520. The Conference approved the methodological statistical work of the Organization - the dissemination of knowledge on improved techniques through publications, training centers and the work done by experts in the field in directly assisting governments in improving their methods for the collection of agricultural statistics. It recognized that the straightforward application of statistical methods developed in advanced countries to solve problems in the underdeveloped regions was not always practical, and emphasized the importance of FAO's developing methods for the assistance of underdeveloped countries.

521. The Conference noted the enormous difficulties confronting the experts in countries that have no cadastral records, where illiteracy is high, where transport is not available or totally inadequate, and where there is practically no trained staff of any kind, and expressed its appreciation of the fact that FAO technical assistance experts had been able to achieve so much under adverse conditions.

522. In this connection the Conference noted the successful use of aerial photographs in the collection of certain agricultural statistics by several FAO experts, and recommended that the Organization should assemble national experience on the subject and make this information available to governments through the publication of a manual. It noted, however, that a similar manual was contemplated by the Forestry Division and recommended that care should be taken to avoid duplication.

523. The Conference noted that, while great efforts had been made by the regional statisticians to carry out the program of work in the regions, their burden was generally too great to enable them to undertake this heavy task without additional staff and travel. Work in Latin America was handicapped by the fact that there was only one permanent regional statistician for the whole of the region stationed in Santiago, Chile. It was impossible for him to cover such a vast area adequately and at the same time maintain close relations with the Inter American Statistical Institute in Washington, the body established for improving Latin American statistics. The Conference therefore adopted the following resolution:

Resolution No. 47/59

Appointment of an Additional Statistician to Latin America


Considering that the regional statistician for Latin America presently stationed in Chile cannot adequately cover the whole region because of the number of countries it comprises and the distances involved,

Noting that the schemes of economic integration of Central America and Panama require a statistician to permanently serve this region and neighboring areas, and furthermore that this statistician could co - ordinate relations and activities with the Inter - American Statistical Institute,

Requests the Director - General to make whatever arrangement may be feasible, in order to make the continuous services of a statistician available for the northern region of Latin America.

524. The Conference welcomed the creation of the post of Regional Statistician for Africa. In view of the great lack of trained statisticians in the region, it recommended that the Director - General should go further and explore the possibility of creating a post for an additional statistician, whose function it would be to organize and supervise the training of African agricultural statisticians.

525. The Conference also noted the urgent need for the training of agricultural statisticians and the promotion of statistical research in the Near East, and strongly recommended the establishment of a permanent research and training center for agricultural statistics in that region, possibly as a project under the United Nations Special Fund. In view of the complexities involved in statistics of livestock and livestock products, a meeting of experts and a training center on the subject at an early date were desirable.

526. The Conference recommended that the Director - General consider including a regional biometrician for the Near East region in his proposed program of work for the next biennium.

527. The Conference emphasized the importance of obtaining estimates of crops as early as practicable and recommended that a manual giving experiences in forecasting techniques for crop production should be prepared.

528. The Conference commended the Director - General on work done in the preparation and promotion of the 1960 World Agricultural Census. Through regional meetings, training centers and seminars, documentation prepared and assistance to countries under ETAP and the Ford Foundation Grant, FAO had made important contributions to the census projects. The interest of countries in the census had also been much increased because of its greater flexibility. The regional census programs and the various uses of sampling now drawn to the attention of countries had enabled a larger number of countries to give their support to FAO's 1960 Census program. Many more countries had, as a result of FAO's efforts to date, expressed their intention to participate than had been the case for the 1950 Agricultural Census.

529. The Conference approved the further steps proposed in the Director - General's program of work for promoting the census. In particular, it welcomed the proposed Seminar on Evaluation, Analysis and Use of Census Results in Asia and the Far East, and stressed that similar seminars should be held in other regions, where possible.

530. Noting the difficulties experienced by many countries in the tabulation of their census and other data and the large amount of expenditure and effort involved in this work, the Conference urged that special measures should be taken to ensure speedy tabulation and publication of census results. As one of these measures, it welcomed the preparation of studies on data - processing methods and recommended that special regional training centers on the tabulation of census data should be organized. In view of the particular interest of countries of the Near East, the Conference urged that a center be organized for this region. The offer of Lebanon to act as host country for such a center was appreciated.

531. The Conference endorsed the steps taken by the Director - General to explore the feasibility of tabulating census data centrally by electronic computers. It was noted that several countries had expressed interest in participating in such a project. The Conference welcomed the fact that the processing of the agricultural census of the Egyptian Region of the United Arab Republic by electronic methods as a pilot project was under active investigation and discussion among the parties concerned. The basic experience gained from this pilot project would be of great use not only to the participating countries but also to man), others in deciding whether to use similar services for the processing of their census and other survey data. The Conference expressed appreciation of the co - operation of the International Computation Center of UNESCO in this work and recommended that the necessary facilities should be provided for a rapid and successful completion of the pilot project and that its results should be made available to other interested countries.

532. The following resolution was adopted:

Resolution No. 48/59

Central Tabulation of Data


Approving the steps being taken to promote and assist in the 1960 World Census of Agriculture,

Considering that a speedy national and international publication of the census results will enhance greatly their value for agricultural policy and development planning,

Notes that several countries have expressed interest in the training of their national technicians in data processing methods, through regional training centers, and in participating in a scheme of central tabulation of their census data by electronic equipment;

Notes also that the processing of the agricultural census of the Egyptian Region of the United Arab Republic by electronic methods as a pilot project is under active investigation and discussion among the parties concerned;

Recognizes the importance of this pilot project for enabling other countries to acquire basic experience in this new field and to train their technicians.

Requests the Director - General to continue assisting countries in planning, taking and tabulating their censuses of agriculture, so as to promote a speedy publication of the national and international census results, in particular:

1. to provide the necessary facilities so far as feasible for a rapid completion of the aforementioned pilot project on central tabulation in collaboration with the International Computation Center of UNESCO (ICC) and to explore the possibility of providing similar services to other interested countries;

2. to organize regional training centers on data processing in collaboration with the Statistical Office of the United Nations and other interested organizations.

533. Approval was given for the organization's plans to organize national pilot censuses and national training centers with the help of the Ford Foundation Grant. This radically new approach in census promotion might well convince countries that still hesitated to take a census, of the feasibility of doing so under their conditions.

534. The Conference noted that FAO had been urging governments and promoting action to speed up the preparation of national census results. The Organization thus had a special responsibility to see that it made the international census reports available at the earliest possible date. The Conference therefore requested that steps be taken to speed up the issue of the international census publications and thus avoid the delays which had occurred in the publication of the 1950 reports.

535. In commenting on the possible centralization of certain fishery and forestry statistics, the importance of close association between the statistical and technical functions in these fields was emphasized. A number of delegates urged the Director General to take into account the implication of such a move on the adequacy of the work before arriving at a decision on this question, while some others supported the centralization statistics.

R. Information and Publications

Rural legislation


536. The Conference heard a report which described the new structure and staffing of the Public Information Service resulting from its reorganization, outlined the functions of each section, and illustrated work done and plans for the ensuing biennium.

537. While expressing general satisfaction with the work of the Service, the Conference considered that it might be further improved by a rearrangement of activities within the flexibility provided by the budget.

538. The hope was expressed that funds might be found for the preparation of a cinematographic film on the general theme of hunger and poverty in the world and the activities of FAO in dealing with this problem. Likewise, it was suggested that short informational films on agricultural problems and techniques, as well as television shorts, should be prepared.

539. It was proposed that an informational pamphlet with more details of the history, structure and functioning of FAO than the current basic pamphlet, should be prepared for the use of experts, fellowship holders and others who might come into direct contact with the Organization.

540. The Director - General was also requested to study the possibility of preparing a handy fact book containing basic data on the agriculture of each country, for ready reference by agricultural administrators, educators, and others.

541. The Conference, wishing to facilitate access to the results of agricultural research performed in different countries, adopted the following resolution:

Resolution No. 49/59

Exchange of Information on Research


Considering that a number of countries feel the need for technicians and administrators to keep in touch with research under way or planned, and for the application of new scientific knowledge and successful measures adopted to step up agricultural production in other countries so as better to guide and facilitate their work, particularly in the case of developing countries,

Requests the Director - General to explore and report to the Eleventh Session of the Conference on means whereby the Organization might help to solve this problem where existing arrangements are not considered satisfactory, by furthering collection and publication of information about research made and practical measures undertaken in any country.

542. The importance of providing greater assistance to Member Governments for the improvement of their agricultural information and extension services, and the value of schools as a channel for creating awareness of food and agricultural problems arid of the means of their solution were stressed. In this connection, the exchange among Member Nations of information about agricultural extension techniques and methods for teaching about FAO in schools was advocated. The Conference noted the work which FAO was already carrying out in those fields and urged Member Governments to seek such assistance in improving their agricultural information services, in the form of publications, experts, fellowships, etc.

543. With regard to information and extension work, special attention was drawn to the value of visual presentation for illiterate audiences and users of minority, languages. The growing advantages of using broadcasting and television as informational channels, without, however, neglecting the importance of journalism, was also emphasized. The Conference felt, therefore, that the facilities available at FAO Headquarters should be strengthened, and accordingly, adopted the following resolution:

Resolution No. 50/59

Public Information Service of FAO


Recognizing the major importance of furthering the work of FAO in the less developed areas of the world through technical development and education, especially in schools, and

Considering that in these areas the visual method of teaching is more valuable than the written word,

Requests the Director - General to review and revise the present organization of the Public Information Service, with a view to increasing the strength of the Visual Media and Education Aids Section.

544. The Conference furthermore adopted the following resolutions:

Resolution No. 51/59

Facilities for Broadcasting


Noting that governmental radio systems in many countries broadcast FAO information,

Noting that for example Radio Italy in Rome has heretofore been broadcasting a daily radio program in Spanish, which occasionally includes FAO information, and that this short - wave broadcast is perfectly received in all the Latin American countries,

Recognizing that radio could be effectively used to inform member countries and the world at large of the functions, activities and achievements of the Organization, and

Considering that an effective public information service requires that such aims, functions and achievements be disseminated all over the world through known mass media of communication, which include radio,

Requests the Director - General to seek the further co - operation of governmental and other broadcasting systems for broadcasting to the world information on the objectives, activities and accomplishments of the Organization.

Resolution No. 52/59

Co - operation of Member Governments in the Dissemination of Information about FAO


Noting the urgent need for intensifying public information on the objectives of the Organization and what it does for the welfare not only of the peoples of but also of mankind as a whole,

Recognizing that the Member Governments could be of great assistance in the dissemination of such information through the use of all mass media of communication now availed of by each of them, and

Considering that the intensified public information herein sought is very necessary in enlisting local public support for the objectives and activities of the Organization,

Requests the Director - General to urge Member Governments to do everything possible to include information on the Organization in their respective public information programs.

545. The Conference recognized that its discussion on all the above points bore relation to the broader issue of reaching the mass public in all countries, including urban dwellers, farmers, other rural people, schoolchildren and students, with information on the purposes of FAO in general and food and agricultural problems in particular, and means for their solution. The Conference therefore decided to consider carefully, this issue at a future session. It was recognized that FAO itself, with the means at its disposal, could not be expected to carry out this task directly, that governments and other national institutions had the major responsibility for it, but that many, governments needed assistance in discharging this responsibility.


546. In its study of the activities and proposed Program of Work of the Organization, the Conference dealt not only with the substance of the technical and related publications and documentation but also with the aspects and problems of publishing as such in connection with the work of the Publications Service. In doing so, the Conference felt itself considerably assisted by the list of intended publication, requested by the Ninth Session of the Conference and appended to the Program of Work and Budget, and wished this practice to be continued.

547. The technical quality and the usefulness of FAO's publications were generally, commended. Appreciation was also expressed for the trend now under way, toward development of a more modern and attractive presentation, which might assist in bringing FAO publications to wider public knowledge and use. In this connection the Conference wished this development to be worked out with due regard to a proper balance among the various subject fields and kinds of publications, to economy and to the intended use of the publications.

548. Attention was drawn to the degree to which concise and readable drafting of documents and publications could economize the time not only, of delegates and other users but also the time required for translating and printing. The Publications Service should continue to give all possible help on these points. The Director - General was requested to seek additional means of conserving the time of Member Governments, technical and professional officers, in examining the Organization's documentation, including publications, as by attaching summaries of two or three pages in appropriate cases. In particular, it was stressed that a publication ought not to be initiated if the field was already sufficiently served, and that the public group and the purpose to which a publication is directed should first be clearly, determined, so that the content and style might be fully, appropriate. A proper balance should be maintained between publications for the technical and professional groups with which FAO works, and publications for the general lay, public which wished to be generally informed of the Organization's put - poses and activities.

549. It was recognized that National FAO Committees or similar bodies could be helpful in expanding the public sales distribution of FAO publications, whether through commercial or governmental sales agencies, and continued exploration of these avenues by the Committees and by the Organization was invited. It was also pointed out in several instances that co - operation between national authorities and FAO Headquarters could result in more efficient and economical distribution of the copies furnished to Member Governments.

550. The Conference recalled and reiterated Resolution No. 24/55 adopted at its Eighth Session, which provides for the simultaneous distribution of documents in the three working languages of the Organization. It noted with satisfaction the progress made in simultaneous distribution of documents in the three working languages due to the implementation of this resolution, and therefore requested the Director - General to continue to strive toward an ever - better implementation of this resolution. On the other hand, recognizing the difficulties encountered in the preparation of meetings by countries where none of the three working languages is the official language and which countries are far from Headquarters, the Conference, for the exclusive purpose of ensuring equal working conditions among Member Nations, decided to authorize the Director - General to give favorable consideration to special requests for earlier distribution of working documents for Conference, Council and other meetings from governments which, because of distance and translation problems, are in a less favorable position than the majority of Member Nations.

Rural legislation

551. The Conference noted the activities carried out during 1958 - 59 by the Rural Legislation Branch - and was fully informed of the purposes, methods arid scope of the Branch's work, as described in the memorandum submitted by the Director - General in compliance with a request of the Conference at its Ninth Session.

552. The Conference expressed its appreciation for the close and increasing collaboration achieved between the Branch and the technical and economic divisions of the Organization on the legislative aspects of studies or projects included in the program of work of these divisions.

553. It also recognized the value of the services rendered to Member Governments. Special reference was made in this connection to the regular publications and to monographs prepared by the Branch covering the various fields of FAO.

554. In order to render the basic documentation of the Branch even more complete, the Conference requested the Member Governments that were not already doing so, to supply FAO regularly with official gazettes, statutes, texts of laws and regulations dealing with food and agriculture. In this connection it noted the efforts made by the Branch for completing its basic documentation by including legislation of a larger number of states within federations.

555. The Conference concurred with the Director - General's suggestion that each Member Government should appoint, within its National FAO Committee, Ministry of Agriculture or some other body, a liaison officer to collaborate with the Branch and, in particular, to supply, at suitable intervals, short analyses of new national legislation in FAO fields. The Conference was of the opinion that this result would be best achieved if the Director - General were to approach Member Governments individually for that purpose.

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