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Abou-El-Hassan, A., Abou-Raya, A.K. and Al-Rehab, F.A., 1971. Raising the feeding value of rice straw by alkali treatment and addition of urea. U.A.R.J. Anim. Prod., 11, 311–312.

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1.Horticulture: a select bibliography, 1976 (E*)
2.Cotton specialists and research institutions in selected countries, 1976 (E*)
3.Food legumes: distribution, adaptability and biology of yield, 1977 (E F*** S***)
4.Soybean production in the tropics, 1977 (E*)
5.Les systèmes pastoraux sahéliens, 1977 (F*)
6.Pest resistance to pesticides and crop loss assessment - 1, 1977 (E* F*)
7.Rodent pest biology and control - Bibilography 1970–74, 1977 (E*)
8.Tropical pasture seed production, 1978 (E* F*** S***)
9.Improvement and production of food legume crops, 1977 (E*)
10.Pesticide residues in food - 1977, 1978 (E*)
1.Animal breeding: selected from World Animal Review, 1977 (E* F* S)
2.Eradication of hog cholera and African swine fever, 1976 (E* F* S*)
3.Insecticides and application equipment for tsetse control, 1977 (E* F*)
4.New feed resources, 1977 (Tri*)
5.Bibliography of the criollo cattle of the Americas, 1977 (Biling, E/S*)
6.Mediterranean cattle and sheep in crossbreeding, 1977 (E* F*)
7.Environmental impact of tsetse chemical control, 1977 (E* F*)
8.Declining breeds of Mediterranean sheep, 1978 (E*** F***)
9.Slaughterhouse and slaughterslab design and contruction, 1978 (E*)
10.Treating straw for animal feeding, 1978 (E*)
1.Guidelines for watershed management, 1977 (E* F*** S***
2.Hydrological techniques for upstream conservation, 1976 (E* F*** S***)
3.Conservation in arid and semi-arid zones, 1977 (E* F***)
4.Special readings in conservation techniques (E*)
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2.Planning forest roads and harvesting systems, 1977 (E*)
3.World list of forestry schools, 1977 (Tri*)
4.World pulp and paper demand, supply and trade, Vol. 1, 1977 (E* F* S*) Vol. 2, 1978 (E* F*)
5.The marketing of tropical wood, 1978 (E* S*)
6.National parks planning, 1978 (E*)
1.Review of food consumption surveys, 1977 Vol. 1 -- Europe, North America, Oceania, 1977(E*)
2.Report of the joint FAO/WHO/UNEP conference on mycotoxins, 1977 (E* F* S*)
3.Report of the joint FAO/WHO expert consultation on the rôle of dietary fats and oils in human nutrition, 1977 (E* F*** S***
4.Specifications for the identify and purity of thickening agents, anticaking agents, antimicrobials, antioxidants and emulsifiers, 1978 (E*)
5.Guide to specifications, 1978 (E*)
6.The feeding of workers in developing countries, 1978 (E* S*)
FAO SOILS BULLETINS: 40 titles published
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