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Sender Institution:

Fruit Research Institute 0312 Pitesti-Maracineni, Romania
el: +40-048-278066; Fax: +40-048-278292; e-mail: [email protected]Web:

Research Project

Title: Improvement of walnut assortment in Romania

Project leader:

MARIN F.-Cr. Fruit Research Institute Pitesti-Maracineni


Deaconu I.-Gh., Fruit Research Station Geoagiu
Botu M., Achim Gh., Fruit Research Station Valcea
Georgescu Simona, Chirita Ramona Fruit Research Station Targu Jiu
Petre L., Rominger E., Fruit Research Station Iasi

Funding institution:

Fruit Research Institute Pitesti-Maracineni, Romania

Starting date:



30 years

Project objectives: In Romania, walnut culture is very important, being a part of its national culture too. The main characteristic of walnut culture in our country is that a large amount of nut production is obtained from trees grown on their own roots, spread over various ecological conditions. Therefore nut production is still fluctuant quantitatively and qualitatively.

Despite of these facts there are many biotypes from which productive types can be selected for the rebuilding of a modern walnut culture and to satisfy the growers' aims and the consumers' needs.

According to the national strategy for walnut breeding, the new walnut cultivars are elected following precise objectives as:

- large size (12-19g), spherical or ovoid shape, yellow or cream colour, adequate strength, shell thickness and suture, easy kernel extraction with a kernel percentage over 50% for nuts;

- good size, light colour, high organoleptic quality, high nutritive value (fats ³ 50%, proteins ³ 16%), for kernel;

- late bud break, cold resistance, heat tolerance, reduced or medium vigour, lateral fruitfulness, high and constant productivity, precocity in bearing, early ripening time (between 15-20 September), resistance or tolerance to key walnut diseases (anthracnose and walnut blight), resistance to key walnut pests (Cydia sp.).

Project summary and results: Since 1979 and till 1989 a great effort was dedicated to the walnut assortment and walnut culture reinforcement by the Fruit Research Institute and its stations at Geoagiu, Târgu Jiu, Vâlcea and Iaºi, and for this reason the nut production slowly increased in 1989 from 41.600 to 45.000 t nuts in shell. During this period a number of 12 cultivars were obtained, mainly through selection in walnut populations, except the cultivar Sarmis obtained by open pollination of the cultivar Sibisel Precoce (released in 1985), and the cultivars Germisara (Sibisel 44 x Sibisel Precoce) and Orastie (Sibisel 44 x Sibisel 4), obtained by controlled pollination

But, the difficulties linked to walnut vegetative propagation and also those appeared after the changes in land property structure after 1989 had conducted to the drop of the nut production until about 35.700 t nuts in shell and the cultivated surface until about 6.000 ha in 1996, with not many modern plantations.

In such conditions the Fruit Research Institute and its stations, had elaborated a national strategy for the reinforcement of walnut culture. In this strategy a central place is held by the assortment improvement through selection in walnut populations, controlled hybridisation and vegetative propagation.

Due to continuity of the controlled program conducted by the Fruit Research Station Geoagiu between 1958-1995 and until today, there were made 633 combinations, resulting 9709 hybrids from which many elite selections are now under evaluation.

Since 1996 Fruit Research Station Vâlcea and Faculty of Horticulture of the University of Agronomical Sciences of Craiova have a common research program for the improvement of walnut assortment for South-West of our country through selection in local walnut population and controlled hybridisation.

As a result of these general efforts, since 1990 until present were obtained, mainly through selection in walnut populations, a number of 10 new walnut cultivars and 2 walnut rootstocks with higher agronomical performances.

In consequence the Romanian walnut assortment include now 22 cultivars and 2 rootstocks from Juglans regia L., and about another 30 elite selections are under evaluation in the experimental fields of the Fruit Research Institute, about 30 more at the Fruit Research Station of Geoagiu, 20 elite selections at Fruit Research Station Valcea, and many other selections at Fruit Research Stations Iasi and Targu Jiu.

Since 1992 a special attention was paid to germplasm prospectation, evaluation and preservation, as a determinant condition for the success of our national walnut breeding program, romanian walnut germplasm fund including now 215 accessions which include: 6 species, 168 romanian genotypes and 41 foreign genotypes.

Related publications:

ACHIM GH., BOTU M. 1996. Selectii de perspectiva la nuc (Juglans regia) din zona Valcea. Lucrarile Stiintifice ale I.C.P.P. 18.: 142-153;

ACHIM GH., 2000. Comportarea unor soiuri si elite de nuc la altoire in Zona Valcea. Sesiunea Anuala de Referate si Comunicari Stiintifice a I.C.P.P., Pitesti, Septembrie 2000, (poster);

BARASCU ADRIANA, PREDA SILVIA, BOTU M., B. NEACSU, 1998. Rezultate preliminare privind inmultirea nucului "in vitro". Buletin Stiintific I.C.P.P., 59

BOTU M. 1998., Nut crop situation in Romania. FAO-CIHEAM Nucis Newsletter, 7: 23-24;

BRANISTE N., DRAGOI D., 1999. Ghidul Pomicultorului, Editura Paralela 45, Pitesti: 8-17, 89-94;

BRANISTE N., 1999. Pomicultura în Romania. Revista Hortinform 8: 36-38;

COCIU V., 1957. Nucul., Editura Agro-Silvica de Stat, Bucuresti;

COCIU V., VASILESCU V., PARNIA P., GODEANU I., ONEA I., 1983. Cultura nucului.., Editura Ceres, Bucuresti;

DEACONU I.-GH., ANA-RODICA MANUGHEVICI, 1986. Noi biotipuri de nuc selectionate in centrele de cultura. Lucrarile Stiintifice ale I.C.P.P. 11: 85-90

DEACONU I. GH. 1996. Comportarea unor elite de perspectiva si soiuri de nuc, in conditiile Zonei Geoagiu. Buletin Stiintific I.C.P.P., 51

DEACONU I.-Gh., 1999. Contributii la ameliorarea genetica a nucului., Teza de Doctorat, A.S.A.S. Gheorge Ionescu -Sisesti, Bucuresti;

DEACONU I.-Gh., 2000. Elite de nuc obtinute la S.C.P.P. Geoagiu in scopul imbunatatirii sortimentului de nuc. Sesiunea Anuala de Referate si Comunicari Stiintifice a I.C.P.P., Pitesti, Septembrie 2000, (poster);

DUMITRESCU FLOAREA, BOTU M., 2000. Comportarea unor genotipuri de nuc l aatacul principalilor agenti patogeni in Zona Valcea. Lucrarile Stiintifice ale I.C.P.P., 20, 2001;

HOZA D., STANDARDI A., STANICA FL. TUDOR A. 1992. Date preliminare privind cultura "in vitro" a nucului (Juglans regia) Lucrari Stiintifice Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara, Bucuresti, Seria B., vol XXXV: 51-55;

MARIN FL.-Cr. 1999. Variatia principalelor caractere ale fructelor unor genotipuri de nuc din fondul de germoplasma al I.C.P.P. Pitesti-Maracineni. Lucrari Stiintifice I.C.P.P., 20, 2001;

MANUGHEVICI ANA-RODICA 1987. Cercetari privind arealul de cultura a nucului in judetul Hunedoara. Lucrarile Stiintifice ale I.C.P.P., 12: 99-109;

OPREA N., 2000. Romania -Tara nucului carpatian. Originea nucului comun (Juglans regia). Revista Hortinform, 3: 24;

PARNIA P., GUSITA ST., ONEA I., 1982. Stadiul actual al altoirii nucului in Romania. Lucrarile Stiintifice ale I.C.P.P., 7: 173-183;

PARNIA P., MLADIN GH., DUTU I., WAGNER ST., 1992. Producerea pastrarea si valorificarea materialului saditor pomicol si dendrologic., Cap. VII. Particularitatile producerii si cresterii materialului saditor la diferite specii., nucul, alunul si castanul.: 174-178;

PARNIA P., VASILESCU V., DEACONU I. Gh., si colab., 1997. Cercetãri si realizari in ameliorarea genetica a nuciferelor din Romania., Braniste N., Duþu I., 1997. Institutul de Cercetare si Productie pentru Pomicultura Pitesti-Maracineni-30 de ani de activitate (1967-1997), Pitesti-Maracineni: 147-158;

PARNIA P., DUTU I., ROMAN I., STEFAN D., 1997. Ameliorarea geneticã a portatoilor pentru nuc si castan comestibil., Braniste N., Dutu I., 1997. Institutul de Cercetare si Productie pentru Pomicultura Pitesti-Maracineni-30 de ani de activitate (1967-1997), Pitesti-Maracineni:167-170;

PETRE L., ROMINGER E., 1996. Soiuri noi de nuc obtinute la Statiunea de Cercetare si Productie Pomicola Iasi. Lucrarile Stiintifice ale I.C.P.P.,18: 166-170;

PETRE L., ROMINGER E., 2000. Soiuri de nuc create la Statiunea de Cercetare si Productie Pomicola Iasi. Revista Hortinform, 3: 25-26, 35.

POPESCU M., MILITIU I., CIREASA V., GODEANU I., DROBOTA G., CEPOIU N.; 1982. Pomicultura generala si speciala., Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti., Cap. 30. Godeanu I., Cultura nucului.: 404-418;

RADUTA P., 1999. Identificarea unor populatii de nuc rezistente la ger si ingheturi tarzii, in vedera ameliorarii sortimentului actual din zona de vest a tarii., Teza de doctorat, Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara, Bucuresti;

STEFAN N., 2000. Situatia culturii nuciferelor in principalele tari producatoare din lume. Revista Hortinform, 4: 48-50;

TETILEANU C., 1996. Contributii la stabilirea celor mai adecvate si eficiente sisteme de intretinere si lucrare a solului in livezile tinere de nuc. Buletin Stiintific I.C.P.P., 51;

VASILESCU V., 1981. Identificarea unor biotipuri valoroase de nuc. Revista Horticultura, 2;

VASILESCU V., 1988. Sortimentul de nuc din Romania. Revista Horticultura, 9;

VASILESCU V., 1992. Noi biotipuri de nuc identificate in zona Subcarpatilor Meridionali. Horticultura, 4;

VASILESCU V. TOMESCU I., 1993. Tehnologia culturii nucului în Romania, Targu Jiu, 1993;

VASILESCU V. TOMESCU I., Catalogul resurselor genetice din pomicultura, existente in colectiile din Romania, Pitesti, 2000: 55-56 (uz intern);

VASILESCU V. TOMESCU I., Fondul de germoplasma la speciile pomicole de arbusti fructiferi si capsun, existente in Romania., Pitesti 1993: 140-143 (uz intern);

VASILESCU V. TOMESCU I., Lista oficiala a soiurilor si hibrizilor de plante de cultura din Romania. 1975, 1979, 1984, 1985, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000;

VASILESCU V. TOMESCU I., Soiuri de nuc omologate in Romania in perioada 1967-1999. Soiuri si portaltoi de pomi,arbusti fructiferi si capsun create in perioada 1967-1999., Pitesti, 2000: 15-16;

VASILESCU V. TOMESCU I., Pomologia R.P.R. vol. 6.,Nucul-Alunul-Migdalul-Castanul comestibil., Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 1967 Nucul.: 9-299.

Sender Institution:

Statiunea de Cercetare Dezvoltare Pomicola Vâlcea
Str. Calea Traian nr. 464, Rm. Vâlcea 1000, Romania.
Tel/Fax:; e-mail: [email protected]

Research Project

Title: Intraspecific hybridization breeding programme for high yielding, late flowering, early bearing, lateral bearing, blight and anthracnosis tolerant walnut cultivars, producing quality nuts.

Project leader:




Funding institution:

Academia de Stiinte Agricole si Silvice (ASAS) - Institutul de Cercetare - Dezvoltare Pomicola (ICDP) - Statiunea de Cercetare - Dezvoltare Pomicola Vâlcea - Str. Calea Traian nr. 64, Rm. Vâlcea 1000, Romania.

Starting date:



30 years

Project objectives: During the last 30 years, more than 20 Romanian walnut cultivars were obtained through individual selection from the local populations of Juglans regia L. These cultivars have a good adaptation to the local conditions but they are sensitive to anthracnosis and blight. The production potential and the fruit quality are medium for most of them and they are terminal bearers.

The breeding program carried out at Vâlcea has the aim to obtain precocious walnut cultivars with lateral fruitfulness, late flowering, blight and antracnosis tolerance and high quality fruits. The Romanian cultivars and selections are crossed with "Ideal" type hybrids and cultivars from U.S.A. and France which are lateral bearers.

Project summary and results: A number of 30 crosses have been made so far and more than 2000 hybrids were obtained. They are planted in the selection plots, on their own roots and are under evaluation.

The selection into the local populations of Juglans regia L. continues in the Vâlcea zone in order to use new parents with quality fruits and with good adaptation to the local environmental conditions for the breeding program. Two of them, 'Valcor' and 'Valrex' will be released as cultivars in 2000.

Related publications:

ACHIM Gh., BOTU M., 1994. Selectii de perspectiva la nuc (Juglans regia L.) din zona Vâlcea. Lucr. St. ICPP Pitesti, Editura Medro: 142-153.

BOTU M., ACHIM Gh., 1994. Primele rezultate obtinute in selectia unor elite intro populatie de nuc din zona subcarpatilor sudici. Lucr. St. Univ. Craiova "Trecut, prezent si viitor in cultura nucului din Oltenia", Ed. I: 26-36.

BOTU M., ACHIM Gh., GODEANU I., BOTU I., 1999. Valcor si Valrex - soiuri noi valoroase de nuc pentru cultura in Romania. Ses. St. "Prioritati in cercetarea stiintifica". University of Craiova.

GODEANU I., BACIU A., BOTU M., ACHIM Gh., 1997. Valuable walnut hybrids and selections for intensive growth in Romania. III International Walnut Congress, Alcobaça (Portugal), 13-16 June 1995., Acta Horticulturae 442: 95-100.

Sender Institution:

Institutul de Cercetare si Productie, Pomicola, Pitesti - Maracineni - Statiunea de cercetare si Productie Pomicola, Str. Calea Romanilor nr 141, 2616 Geoagiu, Hunedoara, Romania,
Tel:; Fax:

Research Project

Title: Obtaining walnut varieties, through artificial hybridisation, with late flowering, early fruit production, high productivity, resistance to specific diseases, and high quality fruits

Project leader:




Funding institution:

National Education Ministry of Romania, Bucharest, Geoagiu, Romania

Starting date:



35 years

Project objectives: The favourable climate we have in the district of Hunedoara for walnut growing is shown in some famous production centers like Sibisel, Geoagiu, etc.

All the plantations were made with trees obtained from seeds. For obtaining better results, a study was made to collect the best biotypes.

These biotypes were the initial material for artificial hybridisation and resulted in a large number of young trees (10.000) which were selected.

After the selection we obtained a large number of valuable hybrids of good fruit quality but of relative late production and low productivity in comparison with the American varieties.

In 1977, a research program was started thanks to the help of Mr. Eric Germain, to obtain walnut varieties with late bud break, high productivity and early cropping.

In this program we used the germplasm from the most valuable American, French and Romanian material.

Project summary and results: The result of the program to obtain walnut varieties after 1977 was the achievement of 5500 hybrids of which 1550 reached the final selection.

We have obtained a large number of hybrids with late bud break but only 1-2% with lateral bearing. The most valuable hybrids were grafted for obtaining micro-cultures in different districts in Romania. After studying, 6 perspective hybrids resulted and another 5-6 hybrids have a chance to be selected in the near future.

Related publications:

DEACONU I., MANUGHEVICI A.R., 1984. Geoagiu 4-21 elita de perspectiva pentru imbunatatirea sortimentilui de nuc sesiune de referate stiintifice. ICPP Pistesti.

DEACONU I. Rezultate privind crearea de siiuri de nuc la S.C.P.P. Geoagiu. Bulletin informativ al Academiei de Stiinte agricole si Silvice, 22

DEACONU I., 1996. Comportarea unor elite de perspectiva si soiuri de nuc, in conditiile zonei Geoagiu. Buletin Stiintifice I.C.P.P., 51

DEACONU I., 1999. Contributii la ameliorarea genetica a nucului. Teza de Doctora ASAS Gheorge Ionescu-Sisesti, Bucuresti.

DEACONU I., 2000. Elite de nuc obtinute la SCPP Geoagiu in scopul imbunatirü sortimentului de nuc. Sesiunea Anuala de Referate si Comunicari Stiintifice a I.C.P.P. Pitesti, Sept 2000 (poster)

VASILESCU V., DEACONU I., ROMAN I., 1988. Sortimentul de nuc in Romania. Revista de Horticultura, 9

Sender Institution:

University of Craiova, Faculty of Horticulture, Pomiculture Dept.,
AI Cuza Street 13, 1100 Craoiva, Romania
Tel: 40.51.414.541; Fax: 40.51.411.688

Research Project

Title: Creation and homologation of new cultivars and rootstocks for intensive walnut growth

Project leader:

GODEANU I. (University of Craiova, Faculty of Horticulture)



Funding institution:

National Education Ministry of Romania, Bucharest, Romania

Starting date:



20 years

Project objectives: The objective of this program is the creation of new cultivars and rootstocks suitable to intensive growth.

Most of the nowadays cultivars existing in culture in Romania have very high quality fruits, but they are not suitable to intensive growth because these cultivars are vigorous and late maturing, have low potential owing to terminal fructification and are susceptible to specific diseases.

Romania has now more than 4.7 million natural hybrids on their own roots, and more than 500 hybrids were created in the Horticulture Faculty of Craiova through controlled pollination by using genitors with lateral fructification. Out of this rich germplasm basis we proposed the selection of perspective elites in order to obtain new cultivars and rootstocks.

Project summary and results: Among more than 2000 genotypes investigated, after the observation made during vegetation period on the morphological and agro-productive characteristics of the trees, the physical-chemical fruit characteristics and the behaviour in the nursery, 13 selections have been chosen for obtaining new cultivars and 10 selections for obtaining rootstocks, that will be further investigated in testing plots.

The testing plots are located in various areas of culture in order to test ecologic plasticity and to collect the necessary data for homologation of selections.

In general, these selections have high productivity, medium or low growing vigour, medium or good resistance to the specific walnut diseases, and high quality fruits.

Related publications:

BOTU M., GODEANU I., BACIU A., 2001. The behaviour of some walnut cultivars and selections in the first years after planting. 4th International Walnut Symposium, Bordeaux (France), 13-16 Sept. 1999. Acta. Hort. 544: 141-147.

GODEANU I., BACIU A., BOTU M., ACHIM GH., 1997. Valuable walnut hybrids and selections for intensive growth in Romania. 3rd International Walnut Congress, Alcobaça (Portugal) 13-16 June 1995. Acta. Hort. 442: 95-100.

GODEANU I., SINA COSMULESCU, BACIU A., 1997. Selectii noi pentru cultura intensiva a nucului. Analele Universitatii din Craiova, vol. II (XXXVIII): 125-130.

GODEANU I., BACIU A., SINA COSMULESCU, BOTU M., ACHIM GH., 1998. Contributii la imbunatatirea sortimentului de portaltoi pentru cultura intensiva a nucului. Lucrari stiintifice USMAV Bucuresti: 102.


Sender Institution:

Biotechnical Faculty University of Ljubljana - Agronomy Department,
Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel: 386.,
Fax: 386.

Research Project

Title: Assessment of possible linkage between pomological characteristics and isozyme polymorphism of various fruit trees in Slovenia

Project leader:



Solar A., Štampar F., Viršèek-Marn M., Usenik V., Hudina M., Podjavoršek A.

Funding institution:

Biotechnical Faculty University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Starting date:



5 years

Project objectives: Classical methods for cultivar identification are based on the determination of morphological and physiological characteristics. The influence of external factors can make these determinations less reliable or very difficult. Studying of morphological and pomological characteristics of fruit trees is very pretentious due to their long life cycle (especially long juvenile phase), largeness and high maintenance costs.

Biochemical methods (starch and polyacrilamid electrophoresis) on the other hand, provide fast and reliable methods for cultivar identification. Enzymes as primary genes products are very useful genetic markers, since their expression is independent of environmental factors.

The goal of this project is cultivar identification and the assessment of possible linkage between genes for economical important traits and enzyme markers. For this purpose genetic material of walnuts (Juglans sp.), apples (Malus sp.), peaches, sweet cherries (Prunus sp.), pears (Pyrus sp.) and chestnut (Castanea sp.) is analyzed.

Project summary and results: Walnuts: different cultivars, part of walnut germplasm collection in Slovenia were analyzed. In fifteen cultivars isozymic variation of malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD) extracted from the pollen were studied. In seventeen cultivars leaf enzymes MDH, 6PGD, peroxidase (PRX) and aspartate aminotransferase (AAT) were analyzed.

Pollen enzymes MDH and 6PGD are very useful systems for identification and distinction of walnut cultivars. 15 cultivars were classified into 10 MDH phenotypic groups and 14 6PGD phenotypic groups. All of the cultivars included could be identified and distinguished. Among the leaf enzymatic systems, 6PGD and PRX were the most variable. 17 cultivars were classified into 9 PRX phenotypic groups and 7 6PGD phenotypic groups. Only 10 cultivars were distinguishable. Further investigations will include other enzymatic systems, e.g. esterase (EST) and dehydrogenase (SKDH).

By using enzymic analysis we try to find out the connection between some economically important characteristics (late leafing and apomictic embryo developing) and isozyme markers.

Related publications:

SOLAR, A., 1992. Identification of walnut cultivars (Juglans regia L.) by morphological characteristics and electrophoretic isozyme analysis. Master of science thesis, Ljubljana, BF Agronomy Department, 66 p.

SOLAR, A., SMOLE, J., ŠTAMPAR, F., 1993. Identification of Walnut Cultivars by Pollen Isozymes. International Walnut Meeting. Tarragona Spain, Oct. 1991. Acta Horticulturae 311: 95-100.

SOLAR, A., SMOLE, J., ŠTAMPAR, F., MARN-VIRŠÈEK, M., 1993. Characterization of Isozyme Variation in Walnut (Juglans regia L.). EUCARPIA Fruit Breeding Section Meeting, Aug 30 - Sept 3 1993, Waedenswil/Einsiedeln Switzerland: Programme and Abstracts 1993: 87; in printing for Euphytica, Ref. No: EUPH3095EUCA.

SOLAR, A., SMOLE, J., KOŠMELJ, K., 1993. Distinguishing of Walnut Cultivars (Juglans regia L.) with Comparison of Morphological Characteristics Including Discriminant Analysis (in Slovene). Res. Rept. Biotechnical Fac. Univ. of Ljubljana, Agricultural Issue, Ljubljana (1993) 61: 91-101.

ŠTAMPAR, F., VIRŠÈEK - MARN, M., USENIK, V., HUDINA, M., SOLAR, A., 1996. Results of the research on molecular markers in fruit crops in Slovenia. Eucarpia fruit breeding section newsletter 2: 24

USENIK, V., ŠTAMPAR, F., SOLAR, A., HUDINA, M., PODJAVORŠEK, A., SMOLE, J., 1997. Isozyme polymorphism in fruit trees. 1st Congress of the Genetic Socety of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Proceedings: 95-96

Sender Institution:

Biotechnical Faculty University of Ljubljana - Agronomy Department,
Branch Office Maribor, Vinarska 14, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Tel/Fax: 386.; e-mail: [email protected]

Research Project

Title: Selection of autochthonous walnut population (Juglans regia L.) in Slovenia

Project leader:



Hudina M., Èakš J., Pliberšek T.

Funding institution:

Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Branch Office Maribor, Slovenia

Starting date:



15 years

Project objectives: Slovenia's climatic and soil characteristics are rather variated. Its major part has continental climate with sharp winters, rather hot summers and frequent spring frosts. Its smaller part, near to the Adriatic sea, has a Mediterranean climate. Walnuts are spread over the whole country, many of them can be found on the upper parts of the vineyard areas and near rivers. Until recently walnut growing was rather unplanned and extensive; farmers usually planted home grown walnut seedlings. In the late seventies they started to plant grafted walnut trees.

Among almost 50 foreign cultivars, which have been tested since 1975, there are only a few that seem to be suitable for growing in our conditions. The main problem is almost always early leafing.

The selection of autochthonous walnut started in the sixties. This was the time when some ecotypes have been chosen. The cultivar 'Elit' spread, which leafs at almost the same time as the best French cultivar 'Franquette', which has nuts of medium quality, and is at the same time low sensitive to blight.

Since 1990 the selection is guided according to the issued competition for collecting good quality walnuts. The main criteria being late leafing, nut quality and resistance against blight.

Project summary and results: At the moment we are monitoring over 700 ecotypes from various parts of Slovenia. 17 % leaf at the same time as 'Franquette' or even later.

On the basis of the analysis lasting for the last 8 years we have chosen 25 quality ecotypes. Some of them have already been grafted to Juglans regia L. and have been planted in a common plantation in Maribor (north-eastern part of Slovenia) for further research.

Some 20 % of ecotypes are still in their juvenile phase, which means that the research will last at least for the next 5 years. In the following years we shall make plantations of preselected types on two locations in Slovenia.

Related publications:

SOLAR, A., 1990. Phenological and Pomological Characteristics of Walnut Cultivars in Northeastern Slovenia. Int. Symp. on Walnut Production. Budapest. Hungary, Sept.1989. Acta Horticulturae 284: 167-173.

SOLAR, A., 1990. S selekcijo do kakovostnih orehovih sort. Sad, Krsko, 1(10): 3,4.

SOLAR, A., 1991. Rezultati nateèaja za zbiranje kakovostnih orehov, Sad, Krško, 2 (2): 13,14.

SOLAR, A., 1992. Nadaljevanje dela na odbiri orehov iz avtohtone populacije na Slovenskem. Sad, Krško, 3(5): 15,16.

SOLAR, A., 1993. Zbiranje kakovostnih orehov, rezultati nateèaja iz leta 1992. Sad, Krško, 4 (5): 7.

SOLAR, A., 1997. Lupinarji. In: Ambroziè-Turk, B., Godec, B., Koron, D., Solar, A., Stopar, M.,Usenik, V.,Viršèek-Marn,. Introdukcija in selekcija sadnih rastlin v letu 1996. Prikazi in informacije KIS, 181: 36-51.

SOLAR, A., 1998. Lupinarji. In: Ambroziè-Turk, B., Godec, B., Koron, D., Solar, A., Stopar, M.,Usenik, V., Viršèek-Marn, M. Introdukcija in selekcija sadnih rastlin v letu 1997. Prikazi in informacije KIS, 188: 35-58.

SOLAR, A., HUDINA, M., ŠTAMPAR, F., 2001. Relationship between tree architecture, phenological datas and generative development in walnut (Juglans regia L.). Fourth International Walnut Symposium, Bordeaux (France), 12 - 16 Sept. 1999. Acta Hort, 544: 275-286.

Sender Institution:

Biotechnical Faculty University of Ljubljana - Agronomy Department,
Branch Office Maribor, Vinarska 14, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Tel/Fax: 386.; e-mail: [email protected]

Research Project

Title: Quantitative analysis of genotypic diversity in tree architecture constitution (branching pattern and fruiting habit) in walnut (Juglans regia L.)

Project leader:



Batiè F., Štampar F., Hudina M., Pliberšek T.

Funding institution:

Biotechnical Faculty University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Starting date:



7 years

Project objectives: Tree habit has an important influence on yield, regular production, flowering and ripening time, geographic adaptation etc. in many fruit species. In walnut, its influence on juvenile period and yield have been reported by some authors. Tree architecture analysis which includes tree vigor, growth and fruit bearing habit could explain a lot of genetic variation of spontaneous walnut seedlings and hybrids, respectively. Therefore, knowledge about tree architecture constitution should be taken into consideration in nut production technology and also in walnut breeding strategies.

With introduction of some features (type of ramification, branching density, fruit bearing habit, angles of the main and the second branches, quality and quantity of fruit bearing shoots, buds and inflorescences) and quantitative analyses of them, our aim is to determine agronomic value of genotypes with different tree architecture constitution. The final objective of the project is modeling the tree development and predicting the ability of walnut trees for regular productivity, which is the main purpose of walnut breeding and growing.

Project summary and results: 1022 walnut seedlings from the largest collection of local genotypes in Slovenia have been included into analyses. Fruit bearing character of one year-old shoots and their position on older branches have been started to observe in the year 1998. Branching pattern was determined in a few steps from determination of architectural unit which is 'fertile branch' (three years old branch with two and one year-old shoots) to drawing the models of the most typical branching habit and detailed quantitative analyses of constituent parts of the architectural unit for each pattern. Four most frequent habits of branching structure and fruit setting were detected. 25 trees for each pattern and five fertile branches per tree were included into further analyses to quantify differences between patterns. Detailed analysis of fruit bearing shoots, buds, inflorescences and fruit-set on the most typical fertile branches, which will last from the year 2000 to 2004, will enable to model the development and predict further growth and productivity of walnut trees.

Related publications:

SOLAR, A., 2000. Determination of morphometric and pomological indicators in walnut (Juglans regia L.) breeding. Doctoral thesis, Ljubljana, BF Agronomy Department, 156 p.

SOLAR, A., HUDINA, M., ŠTAMPAR, F., 2001. Relationship between tree architecture, phenological datas and generative development in walnut (Juglans regia L.). In: Fourth Inter. Walnut Symposium, Bordeaux (France), 12-16 Sept. 1999. Acta Hort., 544: 275-286.


Sender Institution:

Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries
Departament d'Arboricultura Mediterrània. Centre de Mas Bové
Apartat 415. 43280 Reus, Spain
Tel: 34 977 34 32 52; Fax: 34 977 34 40 55; e-mail: [email protected]

Research Project

Title: Genetic variability among Spanish walnut populations. Genotype-environment interaction. Mating system in J. regia

Project leader:




Funding Institution:

Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA), Barcelona
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), Madrid
European Community (EC)

Starting date:



15 years

Project objectives:

· Knowledge of genetic variability among wild J. regia Spanish populations by isoenzymes analysis.

· Evaluation on nursery and field test of genotype-environment interaction between Spanish material from different habitats.

· Study of mating system in J. regia on wild populations.

· How to use all this information to improve selection and germplasm conservation in Juglans regia.

Project summary and results: The study of natural J. regia population was started in the frame of a European project, where different countries sampled their wild population and a general study of J. regia variability in Europe was made. In this context started the analysis of J. regia Spanish populations. The study of variability was based on the individual characterization by six isoenzymatic systems (PGM, 6PGD, MDH, SDH, DIA and MPI). All of these studies are carried out in collaboration with the Centro de Investigationes Forestales of Lourizán (CIF) in Galicia. Field test for evaluation of adaptive traits will be planted in two sites in Spain, Galicia, in the Northwest and Catalonia in the Northeast while laboratory analysis will be made only in one laboratory but following the same protocol. The heritability of some vegetative features (budbreak, height and diameter at first and second growth), taken in nursery has been calculated in J. regia species. All of these characters are highly heritable (h2 around 0.90).

Related publications:

ALETÀ N., OLARTE C., TRUCO M.J., ARÚS P., 1990. Identification of walnut cultivars by isozyme analysis. Ist Intern. Symposium on Walnut Production, Budapest (Hungary), 25-29 Sept 1989. Acta Hort. 284: 91-96.

ALETÀ N., ROVIRA M., NINOT A., ARÚS P., 1993. Inheritance of four isozymes in walnut. 2nd Intern. Walnut Meet., Tarragona (Spain), 21-25 Oct. 1991. Acta Hort. 311: 62-67

BARTHELEMY D, ALETÀ N, MALVOLTI M.E, JAY-ALLEMAND C, 1998. The origin of walnut species and evolution. Ed. EC. Directorate General VI (Agriculture) (in press).

MALVOLTI M.E; ALETÀ N, NINOT A., SPADA M., 1998. Walnut (J. regia) genetic resources in Europe. Ed. EC. Directorate General VI (Agriculture) (in press).

MALVOLTI M.E; ALETÀ N, NINOT A., SPADA M., 1998. Walnut (J. regia) genetic resources in Europe. FAO-Nucis Newletter, 7: 20-23.

Sender Institution:

Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries
Departament d'Arboricultura Mediterrània. Centre de Mas Bové
Apartat 415. 43280 Reus, Spain
Tel: 34 977 34 32 52; Fax:34 977 34 40 55; e-mail: [email protected]

Research Project

Title: Exploration, selection and field evaluation of walnut seedlings from Spanish wild populations looking for good productive features as cultivars. Spanish walnut germplasm collection establishment

Project leader:




Funding Institution:

Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA), Barcelona
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), Madrid
European Community (EC)

Starting date:



25 years

Project objectives: In Spain there are still 500 000 walnut seedlings scattered over the countryside. Some have suitable productive characteristics such as lateral fruitfulness, in the Mediterranean populations, or "blight" tolerance in some populations located in the Northwest of Spain. We try to assess agronomic behaviour of that plant material for fruit production or as genitor in future breeding programmes.

An effort is done to conserve genetic variability in J. regia species of Spanish populations, including representative plant material in a germplasm collection.

Project summary and results: We started exploring seedling walnut populations of Northeast of Spain where walnut trees were selected from 1982 to 1987. Then Galician populations, in Northwest of Spain, were explored from 1988 to 1992. These materials are evaluated in field collections together cultivar references (cultivars as 'Chandler', 'Franquette', 'Vina' and Adams-10'). They are studied and described under IPGRI parameters until they reach adult phase. Clones having outstanding agronomical or pomological features are conserved in a germplasm collection to maintain the variability of Spanish walnut populations. At present 25 Spanish clones are included in germplasm collection and 61 more are still on evaluation. This field collection is a dynamic plantation where new trees are annually included or eliminated. Cherry Leaf Roll Virus (CLRV) is present at high levels in autochthonous J. regia trees, in some places more than 30% of analysed trees were CLRV positive. CLRV infected tree is automatically excluded of field collections.

Some clones showed a "blight" tolerance similar or even lower than 'Adams-10'. To evaluate "blight" tolerance on immature nuts a test in laboratory has been prepared by CERTA of Girona University.

Controlled crosses using autochthonous genitors have been made and full-sib progenies are under selection. Those crosses allow to study the transmission of "blight" tolerance character.

Related publications:

ALETÀ N., NINOT A., 1992. Comportamiento de 15 preselecciones de nogal obtenidas por prospección en poblaciones autóctonas. II Jornadas de Experimentación en Fruticultura de SECH: 10-11 Noviembre, Moncada.

ALETÀ N., NINOT A., 1993. Exploration and evaluation of Spanish native walnut (J. regia L.) populations from Catalonia and Galicia. 2nd Intern. Walnut Meetin, Tarragona (Spain), 21-25 Oct. 91. Acta Horticulturae 311: 17-23.

ALETÀ N., NINOT A., 1997. Field evaluation of J. regia selected clones from seedling populations of mediterranean and Atlantic Spanish coasts. 3rd Intern. Walnut Congress, Alcobaça (Portugal), 13-16 June, 95. Acta Horticulturae 442: 63-68.

ALETÀ N., NINOT A., MORAGREGA C., LLORENTE I., MONTESINOS E. 2001. Blight sensitivity of J. regia Spanish selections. 4th International Walnut Symposium, Bordeaux (France), 12-16 Sept. 99. Acta Hort. 544: 353-362.

BATLLE I; ALETÀ N.; CLAVÉ J.; NINOT A., PLANA J., ROMERO M., ROVIRA M., TOUS J., VARGAS F.J., 1999. Bancos de germoplasma de especies de frutos secos y desecados: Avellano, Nogal, Pistachero y Algarrobo. Fruticultura profesional. Especial Frutos Secos II. 104: 6-12.

GERMAIN E., ALETÀ N., ROUSKAS D., GOMES-PEREIRA J., MONASTRA F., LIMONGELLI F., NINOT A., ZAKINTHINOS G., 1997. Prospections réalisées dans les populations de semis de noyer d'Espagne, de Grèce, d'Italie et du Portugal: caractérisation des populations et description des présélections issues de ces prospections. Options Mediterranéennes. Série B: études et recherches. Número 16. Ed. CIHEAM-CE/DG.VI:9-40.

MALVOLTI M.E, ALETÀ N, NINOT A., SPADA M., 1998. Walnut (J. regia) genetic resources in Europe. FAO-Nucis Newletter, 7: 20-23.

MORAGREGA C., BACARDIT C., NINOT A., ALETÀ N., MONTESINOS E., 1997. La "bacteriosi" de la noguera. Sensibilitat varietal i virulència del patogen. II jornada de Protecció Vegetal. ICEA: 17-20.

Sender Institution:

Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries
Departament d'Arboricultura Mediterrània. Centre de Mas Bové
Apartat 415. 43280 Reus, Spain
Tel: 34 977 34 32 52; Fax: 34 977 34 40 55; e-mail: [email protected]

Research Project

Title: "Trailing of foreign cultivars in Spain"

Project leader:




Funding Institution:

Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA), Barcelona
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), Madrid

Starting date:



25 years

Project objectives: Since 1976, at Mas Bové-IRTA, foreign varieties are being evaluated to be used in new Spanish orchards. Cultivar potential productivity and pest and disease resistance are evaluated in different environments.

Project summary and results: In Spain the walnut tree, as a landscape tree, is common and popular, while walnut growing in orchards is only recent. The consumption of unshelled walnut is traditional at Christmas and the Spanish demand for this nut is the second highest in Europe after Germany.

The first introduction of foreign varieties dates from 1976. Now the Mas Bové collection of walnut cultivars has 51 varieties from different origins: 22 from USA, 14 from France, 4 from Chile, 3 from Hungary, 2 from Portugal and Germany and 1 from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Yugoslavia. 40 varieties are already characterized by IPGRI descriptors, on the base of 12 data years on the field. All cultivars have been characterized by six variable isoenzymic systems.

Field trials have shown a good productive adaptation of Californian varieties as 'Chandler','Chico', 'Hartley','Howard', 'Serr', 'Sunland' and 'Vina'. French cultivars have high chilling requirements and in warm areas, like Mas Bové, their production could be lower than expected. Two Chilean varieties, 'AS-1' and 'AS-7' had a high level of lateral bearing and they are the two most productive cultivars in field collection. Pistillate Flower Abortion (PFA) is present, with more or less incidence, in nearly all cultivars. This negative feature has a very low incidence on Chilean material while in Californian varieties appear up to 50%, depending on the year.

Related publications:

ALETÀ N., KISHORE D.K., SHARMA Y.P., PRAMANIK K.K., 1999. The Persian walnut (J. regia L.) A textbook on pomology (Temperate Fruits), vol. IV: 169 - 193. Prof. T.K. Chattopadhyay, Editor. Kalyani Publishers. New Delhi.

ALETÀ N., NINOT A, 1992. La nuez en España. Caracterización de la producción y de la oferta. Hortofruticultura, 12: 35-40.

ALETÀ N., NINOT A., 1993. Variedades de nogal. Fruticultura Profesional, 54: 93 - 100.

ALETÀ N., NINOT A., 1999. Potencial agronòmic de les varietats comercials de noguer. Catalunya Rural i Agrària 55: 17-20.

ALETÀ N., OLARTE C., TRUCO M.J., ARÚS P., 1990. Identification of walnut cultivars by isozyme analysis. Ist Intern. Symposium on Walnut Production, Budapest (Hungary), 25-29 Sept, 1989. Acta Horticulturae. 284: 91-96.

ALETÀ N., ROVIRA M., NINOT A., ARÚS P., 1993. Inheritance of four isozymes in walnut. 2nd International Walnut Meet., Tarragona (Spain), 21-25 Oct. 1991. Acta Horticulturae 311: 62-67.

ARAMBURU J., NINOT A., ALETÀ N. 1997. Importancia del virus del enrollado de la hoja del cerezo (CLRV) en el cultivo del nogal en España. Phytoma 93: 30-35.

ARAMBURU J., NINOT A., ALETÀ N., 1997. Translocation of Cherry leaf Roll Virus (CLRV) in J. regia. 3rd Intern. Walnut Congress, Alcobaça (Portugal), 13-16 June 1995. Acta Horticulturae 442: 393-398.

NINOT A., ALETÀ N., 1996. La caracterización de la nuez europea: Características de las areas de producción. España. Simposio europeo sobre la nuez. Reus, 3-4 mayo, 1996.

MORAGREGA C., BACARDIT C., NINOT A., ALETÀ N., MONTESINOS E., 1997. La "bacteriosi" de la noguera. Sensibilitat varietal i virulència del patogen. II jornada de Protecció Vegetal. ICEA: 17-20

ROVIRA M., NINOT A., ALETÀ N., 2001. Pistillate flower abortion on walnut (J. regia L.)..4th International Walnut Congress, Bordeaux (France), 12-16 September 99. Acta Hort. 544: 287-293

Sender Institution:

Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries
Departament d'Arboricultura Mediterrània. Centre de Mas Bové
Apartat 415. 43280 Reus, Spain
Tel: 34 977 34 32 52; Fax: 34 977 34 40 55; e-mail: [email protected]

Research Project

Title: Introduction of walnut production in Spain. Orchard management

Project leader:




Funding Institution:

Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA), Barcelona
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), Madrid
European Community (EC)

Starting date:



15 years

Project objectives: Know-how of walnut orchard management in relation to "blight" control, orchard design, training systems, pruning, irrigation or plant production under agricultural and environmental Spanish conditions.

Project summary and results: Walnut orchards using grafted trees started to be planted in Spain around 1976 when Californian and French cultivars were introduced. Walnut orchard management was unknown and technologies applied in California and France were assessed.

At present Spanish technology to produce walnuts has been developed and orchards are well managed. Pests and diseases are detected and treated on time. "Blight" and Cydia pomonella are the main phytosanitary affections. In some places, spray orchard programme should include "antracnosis" control.

Cultivars like 'Chico' and 'Vina' have been trailed in intensive orchards, trained in hedge. Experience after 12 years data is useful, production is high and quality of nuts is easy to maintain by biannual pruning. It is important to point out that disease control is difficult as spraying correctly is not easy under this plantation system.

Training systems are on evaluation. "Goblet" is still the most common training system in extensive and semi-intensive plantations. Semi-structurated central leader is the most used training system in hedgerow. Training systems to get precocious production and increase orchard productivity are being on evaluation as free-leader.

Adult orchards are often not pruned because of the high cost, biannual pruning is being shown as very interesting solution, quality and quantity of production do not decrease and the pruning cost is half of the annual cost. In this context mechanical pruning is also evaluated, both in hedgerow and in semi-intensive orchard. Cycles of mechanical pruning of three and four years have been studied in hedgerow. Until now no differences have been detected in quality and obviously the amount of production is higher in treatments with less pruning. Trials are not concluded yet.

"Blight" could be controlled by three treatments applied correctly on time established by references: budbreak (Cf-Bf), appear of female flowers (Ff1) and nut set (Gf). Rising copper treatments do not improve disease control and add unnecessary copper to the soil.

J. regia is a water demanding species but an excess of irrigation favours vegetative growth which could even affect negatively nut production. Reduction of 30% of total water demand has been successful.

Different grafting systems have been studied, tongue graft applying localised heat (hot callusing pipe) just before the spring and patch budding at the beginning of May are the most suitable systems to obtain quality on grafted plant, particularly the second. In both cases good mother plant orchard is the key of success.

In vitro plants have been on evaluation comparing to grafted plants in field plots, until now there are no differences in growth but production has started before in grafted than in vitro plants; these results are preliminary and only from 'Serr' cultivar.

Related publications:

ALETÀ N., NINOT A., ROMERO M., 1999. La poda de formación y de producción en el nogal. Fruticultura profesional. Especial Frutos Secos II. 104: 85-91.

ALETÀ N., NINOT A., ROMERO M., SANTOS J., 1999. Poda de formación y producción en tres variedades de nogal; 'Hartley', 'Serr' y 'Vina'. Actas VIII Congreso de la SECH: Vol. 3: 249-254.

ARAMBURU J., NINOT A., ALETÀ N., 1997. Importancia del virus del enrollado de la hoja del cerezo (CLRV) en el cultivo del nogal en España. Phytoma 93: 30-35.

LÓPEZ M.M., MARTÍ R., MORENTE C., ORELLANA N., NINOT A., ALETÀ N., 1994. Bacterias fitopatógenas identificadas en nogal en España. Invest. Agr. Fuera de serie nº 2: 308-314.

MORAGREGA C., BACARDIT C., NINOT A., ALETÀ N., MONTESINOS E., 1997. La "bacteriosi" de la noguera. Sensibilitat varietal i virulència del patogen. II jornada de Protecció Vegetal. ICEA: 17-20.

NINOT A., ALETÀ N., 1997. Early performance of three walnut cultivars in two training systems. 3rd. International Walnut Congress ISHS. 12-16 Junio, Alcobaça (Portugal). Acta Horticulturae 442: 339-344

NINOT A., MORAGREGA C., MONTESINOS E., ALETÀ N., 1997. El control fitosanitari de la "bacteriosi" al noguer. Calendari d'aplicacions amb coure. II jornada de Protecció Vegetal. ICEA.: 21-26.

NINOT A., ALETÀ N., MORAGREGA C., MONTESINOS E., 2001. Effect of copper scheduling applications to walnut blight control. Plant Disease (in preparation).

Sender Institution:

Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries
Departament d'Arboricultura Mediterrània. Centre de Mas Bové
Apartat 415. 43280 Reus, Spain
Tel: 34 977 34 32 52; Fax: 34 977 34 40 55; e-mail: [email protected]

Research Project

Title: Postharvest walnut management: drying, conservation and establishment of specific walnut quality parameters

Project leader:




Funding Institution

Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA), Barcelona
European Community (EC)

Starting date:



6 years

Project objectives: Commercial quality of walnuts depends on harvest, crop conditioning (hulling, cleaning and drying) and storage management: Drying conditions should take into account initial walnut conditions but also the kind of varieties (size and shape), and atmospheric conditions (RH, T). Good storage will prevent mould development and rancidity.

Specific objectives of this work were:

- To establish appropriated drying conditions for cultivars planted in Spain, depending of initial nut humidity and cultivar nut features.

- To establish several strategies to store walnuts (cold storage, warehouse and mixed systems), depending on storage time required.

- To select specific, morphological, chemical and sensorial, parameters to define walnut quality.

This work had been carried out in collaboration with different institutions of several European countries under the co-ordination of the Centre Technique Interprofessionnel des Fruits et Légumes (France).

Project summary and results: Walnut maturity is early or medium on Mediterranean walnut orchards. Harvest is usually carried out before autumn rains, and walnut water content is always below 30%db (dried base) and often below 20%. That situation allows short drying times (12-18h) when using heated air (35-40ºC) to reach humidity level between 8-12%db. Relations between air temperature, air flow and walnut characteristics and volume were analysed and different drying strategies were defined, considering both continuous and discontinuous drying techniques.

Best cold storage conditions are 10ºC with 60% RH, which allows to preserve walnut quality for at least one year. Even though, cheaper conditions could be applied for shorter commercial strategies.

Main parameters used to find out altered walnut lots are: (1) kernel colour that should be kept light; (2) oil acidity (free fatty acids) that trends to rise due to enzymatic hydrolysis of glycerides, and that should be lower than 0.1 % and never higher than 0.4 %; (3) oil stability to rancidity process (by Rancimat method in hours at 100ºC) that should be higher than 5.5 h and never lower than 4.0 h; (4) water activity which determines the possibility of mould development, hydrolysis reactions and oxidation process, that should be close to 0.600 at 25ºC, and never lower than 0.500 or higher than 0.700; (5) sensorial characteristics, mainly rancidity; (6) other parameters, like kernel size, fatty acid composition, tocopherol and polyphenol contents and also oil content, can help to decide how to preserve walnuts.

Sensorial analysis has been used to study walnut quality and a very intensive work has been done between French, Italian and Spanish panels in order to consent a common profile that could be used in future works.

Related publications:

Charlot G., Prunet J.P., Lagrue C., Aletà N., 1996. Noix et cerneaux. Qualité et consommation. CTIFL Ed.. 166pp.

GUERRERO L., ROMERO A., GOU P., ALETÀ N., ARNAU J., 2000. Sensory profiles of different walnuts (Juglans regia L.). Food Sci. Tech. Int. vol.6 (3): 207-216.

LóPEZ A., PIQUÉ M.T., ROMERO A., ALETÀ N., 1998. Walnut sorption isotherms related to cold storage. Italian J. of Food Sci.: 10 (1): 65-72

LÓPEZ A., ROMERO A., PIQUÉ M.T., ALETÀ N., 1998. Infuence of the cold-storage conditions on the quality of unshelled walnuts. Int. J. of Refrigeration. 18 (8): 544-549

ROMERO A., ALETÀ N., NINOT A., 1993. Indices chimiques qui permettent l'évaluation du potentiel de conversation de la noix. Colloque Scientifique sur la maîtrise de la qualité des noix. Technologies du séchage et de tri. Bordeaux - Septiembre - 1993. Publicación del CTIFL.

SINESIO F., GUERRERO L., ROMERO A., MONETA E., LOMBARD J.C., 2001. Sensory evaluation of walnut: an interlaboratory study. Food Sci. Tech. Int. (in press).

Sender Institution:

Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries
Departament d'Arboricultura Mediterrània. Centre de Mas Bové
Apartat 415. 43280 Reus, Spain
Tel: 34 977 34 32 52; Fax: 34 977 34 40 55; e-mail: [email protected]

Research Project

Title: Selection of Juglans progenies and clones as rootstock or for woodland

Project leader:




Funding Institution:

Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA), Barcelona
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), Madrid
European Community (EC)

Starting date:



30 years

Project objectives: J. regia progeny selection for rootstock or timber production. Vigor, homogeneity and drought tolerance are main features searched.

Increment of Juglans offer for woodland by selected material of J. regia, black walnut or interspecific hybrids.

Project summary and results: In Spain walnut is usually growing in small groups but they are spread in many different environments. Exploring these small populations "plus" trees are chosen and introduced in collections, often topgrafted onto adult trees, to get seeds as soon as possible. Juglans species from other countries have also been introduced. Progenies from those trees are evaluated first in nursery and later on field trials.

Five J. regia half-sib progenies have been on evaluation on the field as rootstocks, grafted with 'Vina'.

Diameter evolution, controlled by dendrometers, seems to be a good test for drought tolerance selection in young trees.

New genotypes of Juglans are planted in different environment to evaluate their capacity for timber use comparing to commercial French interspecific hybrids (Ng23xRA and Mj209xRA).

Five J. regia clones together with an interspecific clone (J. hindsii x J.regia) are propagated in vitro as selected trees. These plants will be planted in field tests in 2001.

Related publications:

ALETÀ, N; NINOT, A., 1997. Walnut for both nut and high quality timber production. Ed. EC. Directorate General VI (Agriculture) (in press).

BARTHELEMY, D; ALETÀ, N; MALVOLTI, M.E; JAY-ALLEMAND C, 1998. The origin of walnut species and evolution. Ed. EC. Directorate General VI (Agriculture) (in press).

MALVOLTI M.E; ALETÀ, N; NINOT, A.. SPADA, M. 1998. Walnut (J. regia) genetic resources in Europe. Ed. EC. Directorate General VI (Agriculture) (in press)

MALVOLTI M.E; ALETÀ, N; NINOT, A.. SPADA, M. 1998. Walnut (J. regia) genetic resources in Europe. FAO-Nucis Newletter, 7: 20-23.

Sender Institution:

Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca.
Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario.
30150 La Alberca, Murcia, Spain

Research Project

Title: Rootstock and cultivar propagation study of CIDA'S fruit selections

Project leader:




Funding institution:

Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agroalimentarias

Starting date:



4 years

Project objectives: In 1976 the walnut research objectives were established and they were set up in successive short duration research projects. Such objectives can be classified into the following topics:

- Domestic selections. Productivity, fruit quality, resistance to late spring frost, mild winter adaptation, pest and disease resistance or tolerance and lateral bearing.

- Foreign material introduction. Behaviour studies of the main foreign cultivars in Murcia's conditions.

- Breeding. Crossing of domestic selections with others of short juvenile period and with high quality foreign cultivars.

- J. regia rootstocks. Resistance or tolerance to Armillaria and good conditions for nursery production and orchard behaviour. The choice of this species for rootstock prevents the incidence of blackline.

Project summary and results: Old walnut seedlings are present all over Spain from the sea level to 1.600 m altitude, and on all kinds of soils except on saline soils. The native walnut population can be appraised at approximately half a million of old seedlings. As a result of these observations, the selection objectives were established and 57 new domestic selections were introduced in collection for behaviour studies. Also 21 foreign cultivars, most of them from USA, and from Chile, France and Portugal have been introduced.

On the other hand, a sowing made in 1980 gave a tree that flowered in 1981, and another 13 flowered in 1982. Such short juvenile character has been used in the breeding programme, that at present includes new crossing between some Spanish selections and short juvenile plant material.

Four J. regia seedlings seem to be resistant or tolerant to Armillaria, and the evaluation or all the cultivars in collections as seed mother plants allow to choose the best material for nursery production.

The selected walnut material is included in the National Germplasm Bank of Spain.

Related publications:

FRUTOS D., 1988. La población española de nogal (Juglans regia L.). II Congreso Mundial Vasco, I: 325-336.

FRUTOS D., 1988. Walnut grafting by hot callusing. 2° Colloque Noyer - Noisetier. AGRIMED. Bordeaux (France).

FRUTOS D., HITA I., 1993. Nota sobre detección del virus del enrollado de la hoja del cerezo (CLRV) en selecciones españolas de nogal (Juglans regia L.). Investigación Agraria, 8 (2): 275-277.

FRUTOS D., MARTINEZ J., 1993. Evaluación de plantas de semilla de cultivares de nogal (Juglans regia L.) como portainjertos de la especie. II Congreso Ibérico de Ciencias Hortícolas, 2: 1640-1645.

FRUTOS D., 1993. Propagación y selección del nogal (Juglans regia L.) como especie frutal. Tesis Doctoral, E.T.S.I. Agrónomos. Madrid: 397 pp.

Sender Institution:

Centro de Investigaciones forestales de Lourizan
Xunta de Galicia. Apdo: 127. 36080 Pontevedra, Spain
Tel:; Fax:; e-mail: [email protected]

Research Project

Title: Breeding Juglans regia and Castanea sativa for wood and fruit

Project leader:




Funding institution:

Centro de Investigaciones Forestales de Lourizan, Pontevedra, Spain

Starting date:



4 years

Project objectives: The selection of a Juglans regia breeding population between the local germplasm from Northern and Northwestern of Spain and to study genetic variation.

The main objective is the selection for wood production by late leafing, bole quality and fast growth. But fruit quality is also studied.

Project summary and results: Half-sib progeny test of sixty Juglans regia trees selected in Galicia. Number of blocks = 3; Number of seedlings by block = 15. Evaluation for growing and dates of bud break in nursery.

Isozyme variation of natural populations in Galicia for eleven loci.

Related publications: Not specified


Sender Institution:

University of Yüzüncü Yil, Faculty of Agriculture
Department of Horticulture, 65080-Van, Turkey
Fax: 90.432.22.51.104

Research Project

Title: Studies on the breeding by selection method of walnuts (Juglans regia L.) in Gevaº district

Project Leader:

SEN Seyit Mehmet



Funding Institution:

University of Yüzüncü Yýl, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, 5080 Van, Turkey

Starting Date:



3 years

Project Objectives: Turkey is one of the motherlands of walnut. It is possible to see walnut tree almost in each city of Turkey. In Anatolia, there are millions of seedling walnut tree (Juglans regia L.) populations, which are distributed over almost all regions and have different genetic characteristics from each other. Distribution of walnut trees in our country differs according to regions and cities. The Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey has the largest native walnut population. It is known that among the trees of the rich walnut population of this region, which are all produced from seed, there is great diversity, including types with superior qualities. Gevas is one of the districts situated in the lake Van Region. This study was performed on point selection studies on more than 10 000 seedling walnut trees. Important fruit and tree characteristics in these walnut types were examined.

Project Summary and Results: Walnut trees grown from seed over 10 000 during this selection study carried out for three years in Gevas district were investigated. Fruit samples from 735 walnut trees were collected. Important fruit and tree characteristics in these walnut types were examined. As the result of evaluations and weighed scores, 20 walnut types were selected as promising. In the selected types, fruit weights changed between 11.24 g and 16.81 g. Kernel weights varied from 5.89 g to 7.52 g. Fourteen selected types had kernels between 6.00 g and 7.52 g. Five selected types had kernel percents between 50.55 percent and 53.12 percent. Seventeen selected types had extra light colored kernels in rate of 70.00-100 percent. Only three types had extra light colored kernels in rate of 30.00-50.00 percent. On the other hand, protein contents of the kernels in the types were between 12.50 percent and 23.80 percent. Oil contents of the types were between 56.29 percent and 69.40 percent. Seventeen types had oil content over 60.00 percent. In respect of flowering characteristics, nine types were protandrous, four types were protogynous and seven types were homogamous within selected types. Lateral pistillate flower was 40.00-100 percent in four types; 20.00-40.00 percent in nine types and 0-20.00 percent in six types.

Related Publications:

ASKIN M.A., GÜN A., 1995. Breeding by Selection of Çameli and Bozkurt Walnuts (Juglans regia L.) II. National Congress of Hort. Adana, 1: 461-463.

CELEBIOGLU G., Ferhatoglu Y., BURAK M., 1988. Populatýon, Selection and Plantations of Walnuts in Turkey. International Conference on Walnuts. Atatürk Cent. Hort. Res. Enst., Yalova, September 19-23: 83-89.

KÜDEN A., KASKA N., TÜREMIS N., 1995. Walnut Selection in Middle Taurus Mountains. Acta Horticulturae 442: 117-119.

ÖLEZ H., 1971. Studies on Breeding by Selection of Walnuts (Juglans regia L.) of Marmara Region. B.K.M.A.E., Yalova.

SEN S.M., 1986. Walnut Growing. Eser Publication, Samsun: 229 pp.

Sender Institution:

University of Yüzüncü Yil, Faculty of Agriculture
Department of Horticulture, 65080 Van, Turkey
Fax: 90.432.22.51.104

Research Project

Title: Natural walnut selections (Juglans regia L.) from Ikizdere district of Rize (East Black Sea Region)

Project leader:




Funding Institution:

University of Yüzüncü Yil, Faculty of Agriculture, Van, Turkey

Starting date:



4 years

Project objectives: Ikizdere, a county of Rize being the most rainy Province of Turkey, is located in the East Black Sea Region. With its 490 m altitude and its 1102 mm annual rain, the county is 35 km distante from the coast of the Black Sea. In the district, where walnut is growing back to ancient times, there are a great number of seedling walnut trees with different ages in scattered population. Within this population, we aimed to select walnuts (Juglans regia L.) based on desired characteristics and thus to preserve natural walnut sources.

Project summary and results: Walnut seedling trees in Ikizdere were inspected for four years in terms of several nut characteristics and fruitfulness on terminal and lateral shoots. Observations and evaluations currently continue. By now, results indicated the existence of many promising selections and these can be summarized as follows:

- 39 new promising selections were determined.

- Nut weights were between 10.05 g and 20.84 g.

- Selections had protandrous, protogynous and homogamous flowering types.

- Shell thickness was between 0.93 mm and 2.01 mm.

- Kernel weights were between 5.01 g and 9.33 g.

- Kernel percents were between 39 and 60.

- Most selections had light colored kernels.

- Lateral bearing was between 20 % and 80 %.

- Terminal bearing was between 60 % and 100 %.

Related Publications:

SEN S.M., 1980. Studies on Breeding by Selection of Walnuts (Juglans regia L.) of Northeast Anatolia and East Black Sea Region. A.Ü.Z.F. Erzurum.

SEN S.M., TEKINTAS F.E., 1992. A Study on the Selection of Adilcevaz Walnut. 23rd Intern. Hort. Congress, Florence (Italy), 27 Aug.-1 Sept. 1990. Acta Hort. 317: 171-174.

Sender Institution:

Atatürk Central Horticultural Research Institute
PK: 15, 81901 Yalova, Turkey
Tel: 90.216.814.25.20; Fax: 90.216.814.11.46

Research Project

Title: Evaluation of the local and foreign walnut varieties in Turkey

Project leader:



Funding institution:

Atatürk Central Horticultural Research Institute, Yalova, Turkey

Starting date:



10 years

Project objectives: Turkey is one of the centers of origin of walnut (Juglans regia L.). Walnuts have been growing spontaneously as seedlings almost all over Turkey for a long period of time. That means Turkey has great potential for the improvement of its walnut production and export by selection. The first study started in the Marmara region in 1969. Then selection studies extended throughout the country in four steps in the late 80's. During the survey study 3400 walnut seedling trees were evaluated for their kernel quality, productivity and tree health in their natural environment. At the end, 112 types were selected and grafted and selection orchards were established. After evaluation of these selections, 11 cultivars were released as standards.

This project is carried out with the purpose to compare these 11 native cultivars with 4 foreign cultivars in the same ecology.

Project summary and results: Descriptions of 11 cultivars released from the previous studies were published. These cultivars usually bear nuts as early as in their second year of planting and produce catkins in the fourth year. Since the orchard has been recently established there are no data to submit yet.

Related publications:

FERHATOGLU Y., 1993. The characteristics of walnut cultivars obtained through selection. 2nd Intern. Walnut Meet., Tarragona (Spain), 21-25 Oct. 1991. Acta Hort., 311: 34-36.

Sender Institution:

K. Maras Sütcü Imam University, Faculty of Agriculture,
Department of Horticulture, 46060 K. Maras, Turkey
Tel: 90.344.223.76.66; Fax: 90.344.223.00.48; e-mail: [email protected]

Research Project

Title: Comparison of the Turkish and foreign walnut varieties and types in the same ecology

Project leader:




Funding institution:

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, K.S. Univ.

Starting date:

Feb. 1998


3 years

Project objectives: To grow high yielding and good quality walnut varieties of foreign origins and selected types of Turkish origin in K. Maras (Turkey) ecological conditions. To compare their phenologies, time of fruit setting, nut characteristics, yield in different years, tree growth.

Project summary and results: Walnut seedlings were budded in 1998 at Yalova Horticultural Research and Training Center and planted in January 2000.

Related publications: Not specified

Sender Institution:

K. Maras Sütcü Imam University, Faculty of Agriculture,
Department of Horticulture, 46060 K. Maras, Turkey
Tel: 90.344.223.76.66; Fax: 90.344.223.00.48; e-mail: [email protected]

Research Project

Title: Improvement of walnut production in K. Maras (Turkey) in order to supply high quality walnuts for both local and foreign markets.

Project leader:




Funding institution:

Turkish State Planning Organization - K.S. Univ.

Starting date:

Feb. 1998


5 years

Project objectives: To gather selected walnut types in orchard. To compare their phenologies in the same orchards. To compare their yields and quality in the same orchards; To recommend the best types to the walnut growers in the vicinity of K.Maras province.

Project summary and results: Walnut seedlings grown in the orchard were budded in the Summer of 1999. One year old nursery plants of some of the previously selected walnut cvs such as 'Serr', 'Chandler', 'Franquette', 'Pedro', 'Midland', 'Howard', 'Vina', 'Hartley', 'Yalova 1', 'Yalova 2', 'Yalova 3', 'Yalova 4', 'Sebin', 'Bilecik', 'Bursa 95', 'Kaman 1', 'Kaman 3 Ürgüp', 'Kaplan 86' and 'Tokat 1'. 'Type 310' and 'Type 186' were planted in experimental orchard.

Related publications: Not specified

Sender Institution:

K. Maras Sütcü Imam University, Faculty of Agriculture,
Department of Horticulture, 46060 K. Maras, Turkey
Tel: 90.344.223.76.66; Fax: 90.344.223.00.48; e-mail: [email protected]

Research Project

Title: Crossing of high yielding and super quality walnut types selected from K. Maras (Turkey) Area

Project leader:



Funding institution:

K. Maras Sütcü Imam University

Starting date:

Feb. 1998



Project objectives: To obtain high yielding, high quality and pest and disease resistant walnut cultivars.

Project summary and result: The nuts obtained by crossing selected types (186, 310, 432, 158) of walnuts were sown in December 1999. In April 2000 new crossing were carried out.

Related publications: Not specified

Sender Institution:

University of Gaziosmanpasa, Faculty of Agriculture,
Department of Horticulture, 60250 Tokat, Turkey
Fax: 90.356.2521488; e-mail: [email protected]

Research Project

Title: Walnut breeding for late leafing, lateral bud fruitfulness and nut quality using intraspecific crosses

Project leader:




Funding instition:

University of Gaziosmanpasa, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, 0250 Tokat, Turkey

Starting date:



25 years

Project objectives: The Turkish walnut populations carry important genetic variability consisting of more than four million of seedling trees. Some work was already done in Turkish populations for several years. Selected types were collected and some of these types were propagated by grafting. The main goal of selection was to select walnut types with high nut quality.

No breeding program has so far been initiated in Turkey. A walnut crossing program will be beneficial to combine the characteristics of selected types on a superior walnut variety. The main objective of this program is to combine lateral bud fruitfulness and late leafing.

Walnut types with late leafing and good nut quality are being used as female while the types with high lateral bud fruitfulness and good nut quality are being used as male parents.

Project summary and results: Nine crosses have been made in 1998. 987 seeds were obtained from these crosses and planted in a greenhouse.

Related publications:

AKCA Y., SEN S.M., 1994. Studies on selection of walnut (Juglans regia L.) in Gürün. Proceedings of the Eucarpia Fruit Breeding Section Meeting "Progress in Temperature Fruit Breeding", Wadenswil/Einsiedeln (Switzerlend) 30 aug.-3 sept. 1993: 179-181.

AKCA Y., SEN S.M., YILDIZ K, 1997. The degree of repeatability in walnut and its importance in selection breeding. 3rd International Walnut Congress, Alcobaça (Portugal), 13-16 June 1995. Acta Hort. 442: 81-82.

AKCA Y., SEN S.M., 2001. Study on the selection superior walnut trees in Hizan (Bitlis) population, Fourth international walnut symposium, Bordeaux (France), 12-16 Sept; 1999. Acta Hort. 544: 115-118.

AKCA Y., SEN S.M., 2001. A study on the genetic variability and selection of superior walnut (Juglans regia L.) trees within seedling population of around Lake Van (Turkey), Fourth international walnut symposium, Bordeaux (France), 12-16 Sept; 1999. Acta Hort. 544: 119-124.

AKCA Y., KESKIN S., CELEP C., 2001. A study on selection of superior walnut types with lateral bud fruitfulness and maximum nuts per cluster, Fourth international walnut symposium, Bordeaux (France), 12-16 Sept; 1999. Acta Hort. 544: 125-128.


Sender Institution:

Ministry of Science of Ukraine; Institute of Horticulture of the Ukrainian
Academy of the Agrarian Sciences - Prydnistrovs¢ka Research Station of the Institute of Horticulture, 6, Sadova Street, 03027, Kyiv-27, Ukraine
Tel: 380 266.65.48; Fax: 380 266.65.49; e-mail: [email protected]

Research Project

Title: Creation of the National Genetic Fund of the promising Persian walnut cultivars (breeding of forms combining early fruit bearing, high productivity, tolerance to diseases and high nut quality).

Project leader:

KONDRATENKO P. (Institute of Horticulture, UAAS, Kyiv).


(Institute of Horticulture, UAAS, Kyiv;
Prydnistrovs¢ka Research Station, Chernivtsi).

Funding institution:

Ministry of Science of Ukraine; Institute of Horticulture of the Ukrainian
Academy of the Agrarian Sciences - 6, Sadova Street, 03027, Kyiv-27, Ukraine,
Prydnistrovs¢ka Research Station of the Institute of Horticulture -
3a/148, Almaatyns¢ka Street, 58029, Chernivtsi-29, Ukraine,
Tel. (03722)3.31.91, Fax (03722)4.37.07

Starting date:



30 years

Project objectives: Ukraine has a leading position among the former USSR states concerning Persian walnut production owing to the favorable natural conditions for its growing. However, the existing plantations are from seed origin and therefore they distinguish themselves for the unlimited genetic versatility as to forms mainly low-yield with low nut quality. Taking into consideration Ukraine¢s potential possibility as concerning the essential increase of the Persian walnut production, researches of its genetic fund have been carried out in the Prydnistrovs¢k-Prykarpathian region since 1970. It is here where the main plantations of this crop have been established. The aim of the investigations is studying the genetic fund and selection of forms, which would maximize characteristics important for practice: early fruit bearing, high productivity, tolerance to diseases and high nut quality.

Project summary and results: 672 forms have been approbated. Among them 75 have been selected for stationary investigations on the rootstock Juglans regia. According to the results of the multi-year researches 9 forms have been selected. They have been granted the status of cultivars and have been included into the National Genetic Fund of Ukraine. Three cultivars ('Bukovyns¢kyi', 'Prydnistrovs¢kyi' and 'Chernivets¢kyi') maximize early fruit bearing, high productivity, tolerance to diseases and high nut quality. Simultaneously with the stationary investigations of the local forms further inspection of the Persian walnut genetic fund in the region has been carried out. This work is the most valuable concerning productivity, resistance to diseases and nut quality (kernel is released as a whole, separated easily, kernel yield is 52.2 to 60.7 %).

Related publications:

ANDRIYENKO M., ZATOKOVYI F., SATINA L., 1991. Persian walnut in Ukraine. 1st Intern. Symp. on Walnut Production. Budapest, Sept.1989. Acta Hort. 284: 333-334.

SATINA L., 1998. Persian walnut in Bukovyna. Sadivnytstvo: Interdepartmental thematic scientific collection 47: 77-81.

ZATOKOVYI F., SATINA L., SAIKO V., YOLTUKHIVSCKYI M., 1986. Industrial growing of Persian walnut. Kyiv, Urozhai: 22-38.


Sender Institution:

Branch of Mountain Horticulture of R.R. Shreder. Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Wine-making. S. Charvak, Bocstanlyk region,
702186 Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Research Project

Title: Selection of species and introduction of walnut cultivation (Juglans regia L., Amygdalus L., Corylus L.)

Project leader:




Funding institution:

Branch of Mountain Horticulture of R.R. Shreder, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Starting date:




Project objectives: The aim of research is to select economic and valuable walnut varieties using wild and cultivated plants of Uzbekistan; to cross Juglans regia with the other species and varieties in order to create improved varieties with high nut quality, valuable biological qualities such as: drought and late frost resistance, early ripening, low anthracnosis and blight susceptibility and high yielding; to adapt new valuable species and varieties of Juglans regia and hybrids from the other parts of the world.

Project summary and results: More than one hundred valuable varieties of walnut have been selected. Among them nine were adopted by the State Committee. Two varieties have been selected for pollination. They were adopted by the State Committee too. The best species of walnut from Uzbekistan and other countries were used for crossing: Juglans nigra L., J. cinerea L., J. rupestris Engelm, Carya olivaformis Nutt, J. mandshurica Maxim, J. sieboldiana Maxim and ssp cordiformis (Maxim).

More than 600 seedlings and 100 hybrids have been observed; among them there are 30 hybrids with valuable economic and biological qualities.

Related publications:

ABDURASULOV A., Kalmykov S.S., 1965. Agrotechnic and the best species of walnut, Tashkent, UzNIITI: 3-12.

ABDURASULOV A., 1985. Some results on selection of walnut (J. regia). Gardens and wine plantations of mountainous zone of Uzbekistan. Mekhnat publising house, Tashkent: 25-30.

KALMYKOV S.S., 1964. Results tasks and methods of selection of walnut in Uzbekistan. The works of the R.R. Shreder Institute Horticulture, Viticulture and wine-making, volume XXVIII: 81-90.

KALMYKOV S.S., 1965. Fast ripening species of walnut. Report 2 of the all-Union-Science-research Institute of tea and subtropical plants: 113-119.


Sender Institution:

University of Beograd, Faculty of Agriculture, Fruit Growing Department,
11080 Beograd - Zemun, Nemanjina 6, Serbia and Montenegro

Research Project

Title: Walnut selection (Juglans regia L.) from the natural population as a method of creating cultivars in Yugoslavia

Project leader:

MRATINIC Evica (Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade)


KORAC M. (Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad), MITROVIC M.,MILETIC R. (Institute for Research in Agriculture "Serbia" in Cacak and Zajecar)

Funding institution:

The Ministry for Science and Technology of Serbia, 11000 Beograd,
Nemanjina 22-24, FR Yugoslavia, Tel. 381 11 199 805,
Fax: 381 11 193 659

Starting date:



35 years

Project objectives: There are presently 2 109 000 walnut trees in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, of which 1 752 000 are fruit bearing. The annual walnut fruit production is around 20 000 t.

Research work related to walnut meant up to 1965 only the study of introduced foreign walnut cultivars from France and Bulgaria at the beginning, and later from other countries too. Soon afterwards walnut clone selection from the natural population began, as the fastest and most cost efficient manner to acquire good quality walnut types, which would then be reproduced vegetatively. This was done because walnut reproduced at that time in Yugoslavia exclusively generatively, thus there was a big polymorphism of genotypes, among which there were exceptionally good quality, fruitful, frost and pathogen resistant trees. Work on the walnut selection is still the only method of creating walnut cultivars in FR Yugoslavia.

The basic aims of walnut selection in Yugoslavia were resistance to late spring frosts, resistance to pathogens (Xanthomonas juglandis and Gnomonia juglandis), regular and abundant fruitfulness. The walnut fruit (kernel) should be of light yellow colour, good taste, of high oil content, rich yield (over 50%), and the shell should be as smooth as possible and of medium thickness. The walnut fruits should be able to endure well mechanical picking and transport.

Work has been done on the walnut introduction and selection at: the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade, the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad, the Institute for Research in Agriculture "Serbia" in Cacak and Zajecar, the Institution for Fruit in Pec and the Institution for Fruit in Bjelo Polje.

Project summary and results: There are 5 recognized walnut cultivars to date in Yugoslavia. These are: "Champion", "Srem", "Tisa", "Backa" and "Mire". All of these have been selected from the local walnut population. Besides these another 13 good quality Yugoslav selections can be found in the production.

The features of the Champion cultivar are shorter vegetation, exceptional resistance to winter frosts, medium tree richness and abundant fruitfulness. The fruit is of regular shape, with a smooth shell, a mass of around 14 g, with very high yield (around 58 percent), and excellent quality.

The Srem cultivar has big fruit (around 15 g), smooth and thin shell, high yield (around 57 percent), and excellent quality. It is recommended for growing in viticultural zones.

The Tisa cultivar belongs to the racemose forms (J. regia f. fruticosa) with blossom reaching up to 20 female flowers and big genetic potential for fruitfulness. It has very big fruits (mass around 15 g), high yield (around 52 percent) and good quality.

The Backa cultivar is of good rich fruitfulness thanks to the feature whereby female flowers are formed laterally too. The fruit is of medium size (around 12 g), with light coloured, smooth shell, high yield (around 52 percent). It is suitable for viticultural zones.

The Mire cultivar is of medium rich tree, excellent fruitfulness in regions where there are no late spring frosts. The fruit is of medium size (around 12 g), high yield (around 55 percent).

The features of all other Yugoslav selections are high fruitfulness potential (the Rasna selection bears fruit already in the nursery-garden), dominant protandric blossom, medium large to large fruit, high yield (over 50 percent) and good kernel quality. Some of them belong to the racemose form (sel. Medvedja), most are resistant to winter frosts and some also to late spring frosts. Most selections have exceptional resistance to Xanthomonas juglandis and Gnomonia juglandis.

62 walnut selections which are not to be found in commercial production, are instead kept under in situ conditions for the requirements of the Yugoslav bank of plant genes. Some of these may be used in the future as starting material in the creation of new cultivars through hybrids, for the creation of foundations, for afforesting bare land and landscaping, for home gardens, some for commercial breeding, for use as fresh fruit or for further processing, as well as for further studying. The selection Viktor, the original tree of which was found at 1000 m altitude, should be particularly pointed out among the indicated selections. Its features are exceptional resistance both to winter and spring frosts. It belongs to the recemose walnuts, with 13-16 female flowers in the blossom. It is of homogamous blossom, and it germinates fruits apomictically. The fruit is small, of high yield, excellent quality. It is currently studied as potentical foundation, and is recommended for afforesting bare land. The Ras selection is also interesting, because of exceptionally late vegetation beginning (end of June, beginning of July).

Foreign, introduced cultivars and walnut selections are found in collective plantations in Yugoslavia for the purposes of scientific and research work, and some of them are also grown in commercial production ('Cheinovo', 'Yupiter', 'G. 139', 'G. 251', 'Sibisel 44', and 'Elit',). Besides these some 39 other cultivars have been introduced and are at research stage ('Amigo', 'Apollo', 'Ashley. Ba~kovski', 'Brodvin', 'Bulinaskij-491', 'Corne', 'Concord', 'Chico', 'Dorka', 'Eureka', 'Fernette', 'Fernor', 'Geisenheim-22', 'Geisenheim-286', 'Geisenheim-1239', 'Grandjean', 'Gustine', 'Haloze', 'Izvor-10', 'Yalova 1974/4', 'Yalova C/2', 'Yalova C/3', 'Lompoc', 'Marbot', 'Mechalfe', 'Milotaï 14', 'Midland', 'Paradox', 'Parisienne', 'Perustinski', 'Pestisani', 'Sent Andrey', 'Serr', 'Susista', 'Tankovoj-600', 'Tehama', 'Vina', 'Victoria').

Related publications:

KORAC M., CEROVIC S., NINIC-TODOROVIC J., 1995. Dihogamija oraha (Juglans regia L.). Jugoslovensko vocarstvo. 29 (111-112).

KORAC M., CEROVIC S., GOLOSIN B., NINIC-TODOROVIC J., 1996. Karakteritike i perspektive proizvodnje oraha i lesnika u Jugoslaviji. Jugoslovensko vocarstvo. 30 (115-116).

KORAC M., CEROVIC S., MITROVIC M., KUZMANOVSKI J., JOVANCEVIC D. 1990. Walnut production, Population Variability and Breeding Results Activided in Yugoslavia. 1st Intern. Symposium on Walnut Production, Budapest (Hungary), 25-29 Sept. 1989. Acta Horticulturae. 284: 135-141.

MILETIC R., 1995. Sadrzaj ulja i sirovih proteina u plodovima populacije oraha u Timockoj krajini. Jugoslovensko vocarstvo. 29 (111-112): 61-66.

MILETIC R., 1996. Vaznije pomoloske karakteristike populacije oraha Timocke krajine. Jugoslovensko vocarastvo. 30 (115-116): 369-375.

MITROVIC M., 1996. Rezultati proucavanja novijih sorti i tipova oraha. Jugoslavensko vocarstvo. 30 (115-116).

MITROVIC M., STANISAVLJEVIC M., GAVRILOVIC-DAMJANOVIC J., 1997. Biochemical composition of fruits of some important walmut cultivars and selections. 3rd International Walnut Congress, Alcobaça (Portugal), 13-16 June 1995. Acta Horticulturae 442: 205-207.

MITROVIC M., NIKOLIC M., OGASANOVIC D., 1999. Selection of Walnut. Acta Horticulturae 484, pp. 203-205.

MRATINIC EVICA, 1994. Osobine selekcionisanih tipova oraha otpornih prema niskim temperaturama. Jugoslovensko vocarstvo. 28 (107-108).

MRATINIC EVICA, 1997. Ekofizioloske osnove otpornosti selekcionisanih tipova oraha (Juglans regia L.) prema mrazu. Studija- SMNT: 73-87.

PAUNOVIC S., KORAC M., MISIC P., MRATINIC EVICA, MITROVIC M., MILETIC R., 1992. Monografija-Formiranje banke gena vocaka Jugoslavije - poglavlje Orah (Juglans regia L.). SMNT: 273-311.

PAUNOVIC S., MACET K., MRATINIC EVICA, 1996. Banka gena vocaka Jugoslavije. Jugoslovensko vocarstvo. 30 (115-116).

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