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Final comments

After 12 years of existence, Brazil’s programme for population improvement through recurrent selection began producing its first final results with the release of cultivar SCSBRS 113-TioTaka. It should be emphasized that several lines originating in this programme are in the final phases of evaluation for release as cultivars at several sites in Brazil. Moreover, within this time, a large quantity of scientific and technical knowledge was amassed, increasing efficiency in the use of the method for improving irrigated rice.

Table 17. Means for traits grain yield (GY); lodging (LOD); plant height (PH); cycle; whole- (WGY) and broken-grain yield (BRG); amylose contents (AC); gelatinization temperature (GELT); tolerance of iron toxicity (FeTox); and resistance to blast. The lines were evaluated in regional trials conducted at six sites in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, 1999/00 to 2001/02 cropping seasons.


GYa (kg ha-1)


PH (cm)

Cycle (days)

WGY (%)

BRG (%)

ACc (%)





8.561 a






28 (H)


IS (5-6)


SC 170

8.194 ab






29 (H)


S (7)


Epagri 108

8.044 abc






29 (H)


IR (5)


SC 165

7.705 bcd






27 (I)


IR (4)


SC 167

7.628 bcd






30 (H)


IR (4)


SC 162

7.439 cd






27 (I)


R (3)


SC 164

7.294 d






28 (H)


R (3)


SC 163

7.267 d






26 (I)


R (3)


SC 168

7.083 d






29 (H)


R (3)






a. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different according to Duncan’s test at 5% probability. Averaged across six sites (Turvo, Itajaí, Joinville, Massaranduba, Pouso Redondo and Tubarão) and three cropping seasons (1999/00, 2000/01 and 2001/02).

b. R refers to resistant.

c. H and I refer to high and intermediate, respectively.

d. H refers to high.

e. Reaction on a 1 to 9 scale, where R is resistant (0-3); IR is intermediately resistant (4-5); IS is intermediately susceptible (5-6); and S is susceptible (7-9).

f. R, IR and S refer to resistant, intermediately resistant and susceptible, respectively.

Recurrent selection seeks the continuous increase of frequencies of favourable alleles within a population over successive selection cycles, thus comprising one of the technically better methods of improvement. Plant breeders, when implementing a programme of this nature, should consider that results occur on a medium-to-long-term basis and, if the populations are well managed, the programme will have a constant flow of genetically diverse elite lines.

A major achievement obtained by the programme was to incorporate population CNA-12, synthesized without using genetic male sterility, and which aims to obtain cultivars with stable resistance to blast for the tropical and subtropical regions of Brazil. With this population, it is still hoped to evaluate the efficiency of manual recombination with the male-sterility gene. Monitoring genetic variability through microsatellite markers will also be studied in coming years. Such analysis will help estimate the number and frequency of alleles in the population. If it is verified that, compared with the initial variability found in the parental materials, allelic variability has dropped, then new parents can be added in the recombination stages to preserve variability, an essential condition for obtaining new allelic combinations to proceed with genetic selection. On the assumption that the most prevalent alleles are the most adapted, we can determine the donor progenitors of these alleles, which would therefore be regarded as important sources of alleles with high adaptive value, and thus include them in new populations.


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