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The success of any farming operation for fish and shellfish depends upon the availability of a ready supply of larvae or “seed” for on-growing to market size. The cultivation of fish and shellfish larvae under controlled hatchery conditions requires not only the development of specific culture techniques, but in most cases also the production and use of live food organisms as feed for the developing larvae. The present manual reviews and summarizes the latest developments concerning the production and use of the major live food organisms currently employed in larviculture worldwide. It describes the main production techniques as well as their application potential in terms of their nutritional and physical properties and feeding methods. The manual is divided into sections according to the major groups of live food organisms used in aquaculture, namely micro-algae, rotifers, Artemia, natural zooplankton, and copepods, nematodes and trochophores. The document has been prepared to help meet the needs of aquaculture workers of member countries for the synthesis of information in the field of aquaculture nutrition and feed development.

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