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To evaluate whether a byproduct is likely to be a suitable feed resource for monogastric animals, the following examination should be undertaken.

5.1.1 Chemical analysis

The byproduct should be analysed according to the AOAC's Official Methods of Analysis. Emphasis should be put on dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF), ash, acid insoluble ash (AIA), calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P). This is in order to classify the byproduct into one of INFIC's feedstuff classes. Macroscopic and/or microscopic appraisal of the by-product may be helpful.

The conventional feed ingredient(s) that will be potentially substituted by the byproduct should be identified. Comparing their chemical composition to that of the byproduct always helps in the initial estimation of the level of substitution in isonitrogenous-isocaloric diets for monogastric animal in which the byproduct is to be fed.

5.1.2 Palatability and toxicity trials

In order to evaluate the acceptability, palatability and/or toxicity of the byproduct in monogastric animals, a preliminary feeding trial should be carried out. A statistically sound design should be used with an adequate number (>4) of replication and sufficient numbers of animals in each experimental unit (>35 unsexed broilers, >12 layers or >2 pigs).

5.1.3 Determination of the optimum range of inclusion

Isonitrogenous-isocaloric experimental diets should be formulated including the byproduct to supply a key nutrient (primarily energy or protein) at 4 to 5 levels (eg: 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) of that supplied by the substituted ingredient. This is to enable the researcher to detect the optimum range of inclusion from the response curve (Figure 5.1).

5.1.4 Feeding trials using target animals

A feeding trial on broilers should be carried out through a normal production range (6–8 weeks); for layers it should be through the first half of the laying period (point of lay to 22 weeks). Pigs should be studied over the range 25 to 60 kg liveweight. This is to ensure that the observed responses are real and reliable.

Animal performance can be assessed from the response curve with appropriate statistical analyses of observed weekly records of feed intake and liveweight gain (or egg production).

A precise evaluation of the byproduct, in terms of optimum substitution level, nutrient supplementation/correction and method to improve its nutritive value, can be subsequently undertaken by making use of this preliminary evaluation together with the complete analytical data as will be outlined in the following sections.


Once a byproduct has been defined chemically and tested on animals to know its acceptability level (ie: the maximum concentration in a feed which does not affect too much the health, feed intake or faeces consistency. A digestibility test may provide useful information of its feeding value.

Bio-available energy and amino acids account for over 90% of feed costs. Therefore a priority must be given to determine the digestibility of these nutrients. The following suggestions are proposed as guidelines for such a determination. A comprehensive discussion of the subject was given by Picard et al (1985).

5.2.1 Metabolizable energy for poultry

5.2.2 Digestible energy for pigs

Metabolizable energy (ME) may be calculated using the following equation:

ME: metabolizable energy (Mcal/kg)
DE: digestible energy (Mcal/kg)
DP: digestible protein (g N × 6.25/kg)
(100 - 1) is the correction for DE lost as heat (1%)
0.07 = Coefficient assuming a 50% N retention and 9 Kcal/g of N in urine (measured).

5.2.3 Amino acids

For any monogastric animal a precise determination of the amino acid content of the ingredient is essential for feed formulation. However such measurements are costly and difficult. The best way is to send a sample to a specialized laboratory or to refer to a value taken from the literature. In fact, a given protein source shows a relative consistency of its amino acid composition. Therefore a standard value may be adjusted to the actual N content of the sample using the following equation:

Sample AA content = Table AA content (in g/16 g N) × Sample N × 6.25 content

For any new byproduct or, if the chemical analysis value of the sample (moisture, N, ash, lipids, fibre) differs too much from the literature reference values, an analysis of AA is recommended.

Digestibility of N can be worked out together with the energy measurement. It gives useful information to be compared with regular raw materials. For cockerels, a special treatment of the faeces is necessary in order to eliminate the uric acid prior to measurement of the excreted N (Terpstra and Dehart 1974).

Amino acid digestibility per se can be derived from N digestibility using the simplified procedure suggested by Picard et al (1985).

5.2.4 Remarks


This is the last section in the guidelines on methodology for evaluating feeds for monogastric animals. All too often the researcher, having published the preliminary evaluation, is inclined to stop at this point. But the job is not finished!! The research findings must be applied to a practical situation. How can this be done?

Design a practical ration which includes the byproduct taking into account:

Feeding trials should be run using the levels of introduction and the diets suggested above:

Information about feeding trials is important. It should be disseminated in as many ways as possible (eg: local conferences, local publications, in schools and in technical training).


However, there was only 2% N in the diet dry matter and the diets were balanced for N by replacing a fermentable-N source (urea) with a protein which largely escapes rumen fermentation (fish meal) and no consideration was given to the level of rumen ammonia. It is equally valid to suggest that rumen ammonia was probably low on the fishmeal diet and that this led to a decrease in the rate of fermentation of the grain carbohydrate; as a result, rumen pH would stay high (see Mehrez et al 1977). The consequence of this is that the pelleted straw and the maize silage might be more fully digested in the rumen. On the urea diet rumen ammonia levels would be higher leading to a faster rate of grain fermentation (Mehrez et al 1977), a lower pH and therefore a reduced rate of cellulolysis (Mould et al 1983).

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