FAO in Asia and the Pacific - Annual Report 2001


Regional Office for Asia end the Pacific (RAP)

Table of Contents


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© FAO, 2002

For copies write to:

Meetings and Publications Officer
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Maliwan Mansion
39 Phra Atit Road
Bangkok 10200
Tel: (662)697-4000
Fax: (662)697-4445

Printed in August 2002

Table of Contents


Section 1: Production of food

Land and water management
Plant production and protection
Animal production and health
Agricultural support systems

Section 2: Access to food and rural livelihoods

Food security and nutrition
Sustainable rural development

Section 3: Support to countries

Policy assistance
Operational services
Support to field projects


Managing the FAO regional office for Asia and the Pacific
Staff of the FAO regional office in Bangkok (as at 1 August 2002)
Publications since 2001
Meetings held since 2001