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A. Maar, M. A. E. Mortimer and I. Van der Lingen
A bas-relief on the Mastaba or Tomb of Aktihetep, showing net fishing on the Nile (2500 B.C.); and Tilapia being split in half for drying in the sun. (Photo by courtesy of Caisse nationale des monuments historiques, Paris.)
This publication has been financed by the United Nations Children's Fund under a project jointly sponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Health Organization and UNICEF. The views expressed are, however, those of the authors.
In most African countries the importance of fish culture has not been fully recognized and its development has not been pursued, mainly because of a lack of fisheries organizations and a shortage of professional and trained staff. Another hindrance is the small amount of educational material and instructional booklets related to local conditions.
As part of its applied nutrition program in Africa in conjunction with FAO and WHO, UNICEF has sponsored a number of manuals aimed at the improvement of nutritional standards. This manual of fish culture is one of the series and presents the essentials of fish culture to the farmer or landowner wishing either to raise fish for the family alone or to enter a commercial venture and produce fish for sale in the market. It may also serve as a text for training extension workers and others to help in promoting fish culture in their areas.
Since a large part of the protein now lacking in the diets of many African families could be supplied by fish, a fuller and more wide-spread development of fish culture must be encouraged.
First printing 1966
Second printing 1974
Printed in Italy
Rome © FAO 1966
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Equipment for pond construction and management
3. Fish culture practices in ponds
General principles of pond management and care
Types of fish used for fish culture in central east Africa
General biology of the species of value in fish culture
Suitable combinations of fish for stocking
4. Fish culture practices in dams
How dams and weirs can be used to grow fish
Growing fish in dams that dry up
5. Predators, diseases and mortalities
6. Economics of fish culture: transport and preservation of fish
7. Background to biological production
Physical and chemical qualities of waters
Biological production in a water
8. Structure and general biology of fish
Model record sheet for individual ponds
Suggested literature for further information
1. Note on fish spoilage and preservation
2. Control of bilharzia and malaria in dams and ponds
3. Recording relevant factors prevailing in ponds and dams
5. Items for estimating labor costs in pond construction
6. Notes on the economics of fish ponds in Zambia
2. Barrage ponds made in small dambo
3. Barrage ponds made below a conservation dam
4. Paddy ponds made in a flat dambo
5. Arrangements for water supplies to fish ponds
7. The measurements of pond walls
16. Marking the height of the walls for a contour pond
17. Marking the height of the wall for a barrage pond
18. Marking out the walls of a paddy pond
20. Putting in the outlet pipe
21. Making the walls of a contour pond
22. Making the wall of a barrage pond
23. Making the walls of a paddy pond
26. The most important equipment for fish pond management
28. Combined fish, crop and livestock farming
30. Gill rakers of Serranochromis robustus
31. Gill rakers of T. macrochir and T. melanopleura
39. Growth of Tilapia melanopleura in ponds
40. Growth of Tilapia macrochir in ponds
41. Growth of Tilapia andersonii in ponds
46. How to use a winch to pull out tree stumps from a dam
47. How to use a seine net in a dam
48. How to set gill nets in dams
49. Lines set in the shallow water around the side of the dam
55. Carp, black bass, yellow fish
56. Cans and drums for fish transport
57. Method of catching and handling live Tilapia species
59. A container with prepared saltpeter solution
61. Heat/smoke curing of fish on a grid
62. Reed or grass hut for cold smoking
63. Dry salting in a wooden box
64. Boiling of offal for extracting fish oil
65. Scheme of limnological zonations
69. Gills and gill rakers in Tilapia mossambica
70. Male and female Tilapia mossambica
73. A. Plankton net; B. Secchi disk
Figures drawn by Muriel G. Russell Watts and H. Maar.