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Annex 1: Draft summary matrix of proposed sets of activities under the five main outputs of the FSL Partnership Programme

Overall goal: Contribution of forestry to sustainable livelihoods and poverty alleviation is enhanced

Immediate Objective/Purpose: To develop enabling conditions for the formulation and implementation of livelihood-oriented forest policies

Output 1: Generation of strategic information & knowledge relevant to livelihood-oriented forestry

Output 2: Support the development  of multi-stakeholder approaches to the formulation of adaptive policies and regulations towards livelihood-oriented forestry

Output 3: Support the strengthening of institutional capacities to formulate and implement adaptive livelihood-oriented forest policies at local and national levels

Output 4: Support access to & dissemination of information and knowledge related to livelihood-oriented forestry at local, national and international levels

Output 5: Enhancement of ownership by users and coordination between partners in order to maximise impact of the other outputs

1.1. Establishment of strategic partnerships outside and within 'focal' countries


1.2. Contribute to the development of approaches/ methods regarding :

Valuation of forest services and the custodian role of small-scale forest users in that respect;

Financing mechanisms for livelihood-oriented forestry;

Marketing strategies for small-scale forest producers, and how to link these to the financing of livelihood-oriented forestry

Inclusion of forest & tree tenure status in national forest inventories and surveys;

Adaptation of management plans to the requirements of livelihood-oriented forestry.


1.3. Development of Principles, Criteria & Indicators for assessing the role of forestry in poverty alleviation.


1.4. Testing of approaches/methods on the above topics in 'focal' countries.


1.5. Production of generic and specific analysis, guidelines, approaches on the above topics, as deemed necessary.

2.1. Contribute to the development of  approaches regarding adaptive and multi-stakeholder policy processes, including:

Participatory learning regarding the contribution of forestry to sustainable livelihoods and poverty alleviation;

Linked to the above, locally designed good governance mechanisms;

Approaches aimed at linking the micro and macro decision-making levels regarding forestry matters.


2.2. Testing of the above approaches in 'focal' countries


2.3. Development of recommendations and/or approaches regarding the inclusion of strategic information and knowledge in policy processes.


2.4. Production of generic and specific analysis, guidelines and/or approaches on the above, as deemed necessary.

3.1. Selection of 'focal' countries and in-country partners.


3.2. Awareness raising on the advantages of livelihood-oriented forestry for forests, policy makers and people.


3.3. Needs assessment/constraints analysis in terms of technical and governance/institutional capacities to achieve livelihood-oriented forestry, including those mentioned under outputs 1 and 2.


3.4. Training of trainers as regards approaches and concepts related to livelihood-oriented forestry, including those mentioned under outputs 1 and 2.


3.5. Support the integration of approaches and concepts related to livelihood-oriented forestry in curriculum material and programmes.


3.6. Support the development of capacities for the development of cost-effective and equitable information & communication means at local, national and international levels.

4.1. Review current needs, means, best practices and approaches in terms of communication networking and information flows at local, national and international levels, with a focus on the topics of outputs 1,2 and 3.


4.2. Develop an overall, integrated communication plan in support of the FSL Programme.


4.3. Develop approaches towards cost-effective information-communications means to achieve livelihood-oriented forestry.


4.4. Support the development and strengthening of information networks and other mechanisms at local, national and international levels, as part of a learning process on livelihood-oriented forestry.


4.5. Develop the role of FAO’s Forestry Department as an international centre for information exchange in support of the Programme.

5.1. Establishment of a programme steering committee at international level composed of representatives of main partners and 'focal' countries.


5.2. Development of a comprehensive M&E system, concerning both operational and substantive aspects of the Programme


5.3. Development of review procedures, at both country and international levels  (e.g. review committees of approaches and/or guidelines)


5.4. Tailoring of programme work to local circumstances through the inclusion of inception phases at the beginning of the Programme and at the launching stage of work in 'focal' countries


5.5. Involvement of partners in the selection of the Programme Co-ordinating Team.


5.6. Review of the work of the Forestry Department of FAO and other executing agencies as regards forestry-poverty links, in order to improve the support of FAO’s Forestry Department in that respect.


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