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State of the Art and Tools


The purpose of the second part is to propose a ‘state-of-the-art’, particularly in relation to the following:

- biology of forest species (Chapter V);
- forest resources evaluation (Chapter VI);
- silviculture and silvo-pastoralism (Chapter VII); and
- the social sciences (Chapter VIII).
In the biology of forest species, emphasis is placed upon the possibilities of provoking or facilitating the regeneration of forest stands by vegetative multiplication or enrichment by favouring new recruitment.

The assessment of the forest resources is built around proven inventorying techniques, tailored to meet forest management needs. These are complemented by a presentation of new positioning and resources monitoring instruments.

For silviculture and silvo-pastoralism, the various traditional extraction and development of the resource techniques are reviewed. A more integrated approach, linking the woody layer and the herbaceous layer is suggested.

Lastly, we have tried to provide a framework for the contribution that the social sciences can make to the management of forests in dry zones. This normalization is made difficult by the fact that the approach is comparatively novel and complex. The fundamental components, namely the human, relational, economic, administrative and legal aspects, are also considered.

The value of the systemic approach to dealing with user-user interests and the methods used for conflict resolution are also discussed. The multidisciplinary approach is advocated as an investigation tool and factor.

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