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Appendix F


Wierzba, Mazurian Lakeland, Poland, 26 – 29 May 2004


The European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission will hold a Symposium on Aquaculture Development – Partnership between Science and Producer Associations, in connection with its Twenty-third Session in Poland to be held from 26 May to 2 June 2004.

The main objective of the Symposium is to define the complementary roles of science and production, as expressed through producer associations in the development of the aquaculture sector.

Background and Rationale

The Symposium will continue the thrust of previous EIFAC Symposia that explored the challenges that face the fisheries and aquaculture sectors in the globalizing world. Sustainability has been a main guiding principle for all themes, providing major focus on key issues and interactions between aquatic production, aquatic environment and society. Further, EIFAC has been providing an international forum for information exchange and collaboration among European countries not only for scientists, but all stakeholders interested in sustainable development of inland fisheries and aquaculture, among them the representatives of producers.

There is an increasing trend towards creating partnerships and collaboration between aquaculture producers and scientists, government officials and other stakeholders. Producers are recognized as key players of sustainable aquaculture development, being direct users of resources during the production of food. However, more interaction and better communication and coordination between them and natural and social scientists and other stakeholders interested in aquaculture, is required. Producers should have a better stakeholder position through stronger representative associations particularly in view of the complexity and international dimensions of sustainability issues and also in view of the diversity of the European aquaculture sector. Aquaculture producers must play a stronger participatory role in sectoral development but the conditions for an effective stakeholder position in many cases have yet to be fulfilled.

Aims of the Symposium

The aims of the Symposium will be:

  1. to make a broad assessment of the present roles, opportunities and needs of aquaculture producer associations in the EIFAC region,
  2. to identify the possible contributions by other stakeholders, including in particular, research institutions (natural and social sciences) and government agencies, in support of aquaculture producer associations, and
  3. to propose measures to strengthen participation, activities and positions of aquaculture associations in the management and development of the aquaculture sector.


Specific issues and challenges for attaining the long-term sustainability of aquaculture include:

The Symposium will provide an appropriate forum to address the above issues, and to discuss the role of producer associations and their partnership with various actors interested in the promotion of more coordinated and sustainable inland aquaculture development in Europe. In particular, researchers, including natural and social scientists, government experts, non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders, would contribute their views, experiences and recommendations, on the above issues. The Symposium will benefit from the experience and participation of the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP), and the European Aquaculture Society (EAS), which are active partners of EIFAC. Since the Symposium will be held in an Eastern European country, a wide attendance of producers, scientists and their representatives from this region is expected for this professional forum.

Participation and contributions

The Symposium is addressed to aquaculture producers associations, scientists, government agencies, research and education institutions, environmental and social non-governmental initiatives, including groups representing consumer protection, private sector (e.g. suppliers, processors, retailers, etc.) and other interests with regard to aquaculture.

Written contributions and presentations are invited within any of the above broad headings. It is suggested that the majority will relate to experiences within countries, both reviewing past and present and predicting future opportunities for strengthening aquaculture producer associations and their interactions with other stakeholders. Inter-active discussion during the Symposium will lead to a major statement embracing the entire context and future of aquaculture producer organizations of Europe. Anyone wishing to present a paper or poster display should submit a title by 31 March 2003 to the Technical Secretary of EIFAC Sub-Commisson II - Aquaculture, Fishery Resources Division, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy, E-mail [email protected], fax (+39) 06 5705 3020.

Papers will be accepted in English or French, the official languages of EIFAC, but no interpretation will be provided. An abstract, not to exceed 150 words, of the proposed contribution should be submitted, preferably by e-mail, by 31 August 2003. The Steering Committee will review all abstracts in relation to the objectives and themes of the Symposium and the authors will be informed of the outcome by 1 December 2003. Successful authors must submit a draft manuscript not later than 1 March 2004.

The Convener of the Symposium is Mr L. Váradi (Hungary), E-mail: [email protected], Fax: (+36-66) 312142

The Chairperson is Mr K. Goryczko (Poland), E-mail: [email protected], Fax: (+48-58) 6818427

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