Woodfuel Flows in the Dry Zone of Myanmar

A Case Study

Field Document No.39, 1993

This study is one of several woodfuel flow studies undertaken with support from RWEDP. It provides an insight in the market mechanisms, consumption patterns and the socio-economic status of fuelwood gatherers and traders in the dry zone of Myanmar. It confirms the important role the fuelwood trade plays in providing (additional) income to poor and often landless rural people.

The dry zone of Myanmar is situated in the centre of Myanmar. It consists of hilly areas and reaches to the central plains. Bamboo plays an important role next to other woodfuels. The fuelwood trade is presented for six woodfuel resource areas and seven villages. The woodfuel distribution system is reported with details about woodfuel prices, royalties and the effect of transport on prices. The woodfuel user groups are described. These consist of domestic and institutional users, cottage and village industries. Woodfuel consumption and the supply potential are discussed, particularly the supply potential of the study area.

 Table of Contents
Executive Summary
2.Background Information on the Study Area
3.Types and Nature of Woodfuel in the Area
4.Villages and People Involved in the Woodfuel Trade
5.Woodfuel Distribution System and Pricing
6.Woodfuel End-user Groups
7.Woodfuel Consumption and the Supply Potential
8.Conclusions and Recommendations

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