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Appendixes (continue)

Appendix 8

Column NBR1234567891011121314
OperationSpecies Priority RatingOperational priority rating 
SpeciesIndustrial WoodFuelwoodOther UsesBotanicalGenecologicalCollection for TestingTesting (Provenance TrialsIn SituCollection for ConservationStorage as Seed etc.Ex Situ in Artificial StandsUse of Bulk SuppliesIndividual Selection and BreedingRemarks

11. Australia (contd.)

Brachychiton populneus
Callitris glauca
3  4333------ 
C. intratopica
3  4333------Termite resistant
Casuarina cristata
1114111------High potential for wood, fuelwood, shelter
C. decaisneana1
C. equisetifolia
C. fraseriana1
33 4112------ 
C. glauca
2224111------Salt tolerant
C. luehmannii1
 3 4112------ 
C. obesa
 33 111------Salt tolerant
C. stricta (syn. Allocasuarina verticcillata)
 3 4112------ 
Elaecarpus grandis
33 4222------Potential fuelwood species
Erythrophleum chlorostachys
Eucalyptus alba
33 2222------Tolerates high pH
E. andrewsii
3  4222------ 
E. apodophylla
 3 4222------ 
E. argophloia
33 4333111--- 
E. astringens
E. badjensis
3  4222------Untested, new species related to E. viminalis
E. brookerana
3  4112------Untested, nes species related to E. ovata
E. botryoides
E. brassiana
22 4111------ 
E. brockwayi
3 342222----- 
E. camaldulensis
11141111---11Internat. provenance trials in progress. Ex situ conserv. stands established of some provenances
E. cambageana
 3 4223------Grows on heavy clay soils
E. citriodora
E. cladocalyx
22242122-----Calcareous sites
Eucalyptus cloeziana
11 4111----2- 
E. crebra
33 1223------ 
E. cullenii
33 1212------Potential fuelwood species for poor sites
E. dalrympleana
2  4122------Cold resistant
E. deanei
2  4122------ 
E. delegatensis
1  414/14/1------Cold resistant. Internat. provenance trials in progress. Additional sampling desirable
E. dendromorpha
3  4222------Untried species
E. dives var. ‘c’
  24112-----1Cineole oil production
E. drepanophylla
33 1211------ 
E. dunnii
2  42221---1- 
E. elata
2  4222------ 
E. exserta
2224221------Tolerates poor soils
E. fraxinoides
3  4111------ 
E. fastigata
2  4222------ 
E. flocktoniae
E. gillii
E. glaucescens
3 34111------Very cold resistant
Eucalyptus globulus ssp. bicostata
33 414/14/1------Internat. provenance trials in progress. Tolerates colder and drier conditions than ssp. globulus
E. globulus ssp. globulus
112434/34/1----1-Internat. provenance trials in progress (E) some provenances
E. globulus ssp. maidenii
112434/34/1----1-Internat. provenance trials in progress. May be superior to ssp. globulus in uniform to summer rainfall areas
E. gomphocephala
1  4222------Tolerates calcareous soils
E. gonglyocarpa
E. grandis
1  4111------ 
E. gunnii
2 24223------Very cold resistant
E. henryii
3  4212------New species formerly included in E. maculata
E. houseana
33 4223------ 
E. intermedia
33 4222------ 
Eucalyptus intertexta
 3 4222------Tolerates calcareous soils, potential fuelwood species
E. kondininensis
 334223------Salt tolerants
E. laevopinea
3  4222------Little tried species
E. largiflorens
3  4333------Potential fuelwood, tolerates high pH
E. leucoxylon
3334222------Tolerates calcareous sites
E. longicornis
 334333------Tolerates saline conditions
E. loxophleba
E. macarthurii
2 34222------Cold resistant
E. maculata
2  4221------ 
E. melanophloia
E. melliodora
E. microcorys
2  4132------ 
E. microtheca
11 4144------Internat. provenance trials in progress. Grows on heavy clay soils
E. muellerana
3  4222------ 
E. nesophila
33 4222------ 
Eucalyptus nitens
2  4111------ 

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