


Professor of Comparative Agriculture and Agricultural Development
National Agricultural Institute of Paris-Grignon
and the Institute of Economic and Social Development Studies of the University of Paris I - Sorbonne

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2The untenable state of food and agriculture
2.1Agricultural inequalities and poverty of the rural masses
2.2Rural poverty and nutritional inadequacies
2.3The very contemporary reasons for the extreme impoverishment of hundreds of millions of rural inhabitants and small farmers
3.Origin and replication of agricultural inequalities, small farmer poverty and nutritional inadequacies
3.1The triumph of the contemporary agricultural revolution in the developed countries
3.2The limits of the agricultural revolution in developing countries
3.3The crisis of under-equipped small farmers and the rural poor in developing countries
4.The consequences of the impoverishment of under-equipped small farmers and the rural poor in developing countries
5.Proposals to effectively combat impoverishment, launch the development of the poorest sectors and revive the world economy