of the


of the



and the




Rome, Italy



Rome, 2000

Table of Contents


1. The ECE Timber Committee and the European Forestry Commission (EFC) met in joint session at Rome, from 9 to 13 October 2000. The session was attended by representatives of Albania, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America.

2. The session was attended by representatives of the Vienna Liaison Unit of the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe and of the Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee on Forest Technology, Management and Training.

3. The following United Nations bodies and intergovernmental organization agencies were represented: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO); International Labour Office (ILO).

4. The following non-governmental organizations were represented: Bracelpa; Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI); Engineered Wood Association (APA); European Observatory of Mountain Forest (EOMF); European Panel Federation (EPF); European Forest Institute (EFI); International Association of Mediterranean Forests; International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO); Le Commerce du Bois; Union of Southern European Foresters (USSE).

5. The joint session paid tribute to the memory of Mr. Alfonso Froncillo (Italy), past Chairman and long-time delegate to the Timber Committee.

6. The joint session was addressed by Dr. M. Hosny El-Lakany, Assistant Director-General, FAO Forestry Department, and by Dr. Carol Cosgrove-Sacks, Director of the ECE Trade Division.


7. The provisional agenda (ECE/TIM/94; FO:EFC/00/1) was adopted.


8. The session agreed that the Chairmen of the Timber Committee and the European Forestry Commission be co-Chairmen of the joint session.


9. The joint session reviewed the state of forestry in the region, on the basis of national reports on recent developments in forest sector policy and institutions, and a synthesis prepared by the secretariat of 14 reports received by early July. In the discussion a number of developments were identified as being of interest or concern to many countries in the region. These would be taken into account when considering the programme of work and the regional issues to be brought to the attention of the Committee on Forestry (COFO).

10. The joint session agreed that the synthesis should be revised in the light both of countries' comments and suggestions, and the discussion. Corrections and additions should be received by the secretariat by 30 November. The secretariat would then finalize the document, clear the revisions with the Bureaux and publish it as a Study Paper. The national reports would be made available on the website.


11. Mr. H. Höfle (Germany), Chairman of the Joint Committee, presented in detail the activities, strengths and comparative advantages of the Committee. In carrying out its work, the Joint Committee takes fully into account the goals and priorities of the parent bodies, and contributes to sustainable forest management in the region and to the programme of the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests.

12. Mr. M. Wenner (United Kingdom), leader of the Joint Committee team of specialists on participation in forestry, presented a report of the team "Public Participation in Forestry in Europe and North America". The mandate was to clarify the concept of "participation" and develop the conceptual framework for participatory forest management (involvement of the public). The Third Expert Level Meeting on the follow up to the Lisbon Conference of the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe had agreed to take into account the findings of the report when dealing with national forest programmes.

13. The joint session warmly thanked the speakers for their most interesting presentations.

14. The joint session was informed of the consequences of major storms including "Lothar" and "Martin", which had caused serious damage to European forests and infrastructure in December 1999. Representatives of the three most affected countries, Mr. P. Delduc (France), Mr. E. Wermann (Germany) and Mr. M. Zanetti (Switzerland), provided information on the nature and extent of damage, government measures taken to limit and alleviate the damage and the consequences for markets for roundwood and forest products. They noted that the main losers had been the forest owners (private and public), many of whom had seen the results of decades of investment destroyed in an instant. All governments had taken measures to soften the impact of the storm on the sector. Governments had shared their experience, notably with the last major European storm in 1990, to learn from the past and avoid repeating mistakes. The consequences were highly complex, involving safety aspects, changed work methods (more mechanization, need for expanded workforce), transport and logistical problems, disrupted roundwood markets, with many price falls, cash flow problems, danger of insect infestation, choices as regards regeneration etc. Many countries, in the regeneration efforts following the storms, paid attention to the desired species composition of the forests in the affected regions. It was noted that older stands were more vulnerable to windthrow, and that the average age of Europe's forests was increasing.

15. The joint session warmly thanked the speakers for their most interesting presentations. It also thanked the secretariat for its prompt action in collecting reliable information on the storms and their consequences, and making it available through press releases and the website. It noted that governments and other actors had found useful the information on how to deal with the consequences of earlier storms (for instance the "Damage Manual" prepared under the auspices of the Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee). It would be desirable to update and revise this information in the light of the latest experience: the joint session noted that the Joint Committee had formed a team of specialists on disaster preparedness which would undertake this revision.


16. The Committee reviewed the markets on the basis of the Annual Forest Products Market Review, country statements and national forecasts for 2000 and 2001. It approved a statement for subsequent publication and wide distribution (see paras. 53-55).


17. On the basis of Secretariat Note TIM/2000/3 and FO:EFC/00/4, and presentations on global processes, particularly the proposed international arrangement on forests including the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF) and Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), and on regional processes, the joint session reviewed recent developments in the international dialogue on forests with particular reference to ongoing and proposed future ECE and FAO activities.

18. The joint session endorsed the general direction of ECE/FAO's activities, reaffirming the core mandate of ECE/FAO to "monitor and analyse sustainable forest management in the region" and the similar role of FAO at the global level.

19. The joint session recognized the major role that FAO had played in the informal Inter-agency Task Force on Forests (ITFF) and in providing support to the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests (IPF) and the Intergovernmental Forum on Forests (IFF) and recommended that FAO play a leading role in the activities of the proposed UNFF and CPF. It noted that FAO had considerable strength in monitoring and reporting, which would be important functions of the CPF.

20. The joint session noted that there was already good collaboration between bodies at the regional level, notably ECE, FAO and the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE), but that this could be improved with regard to environmental organizations. The activities of the Inter-secretariat Working Group on Forest Sector Statistics were welcomed, as they reduced the reporting burden on countries. The joint session did not feel that a formal structure for inter-agency collaboration was required at regional level.

21. The joint session stressed the importance of implementation of national forest programmes in support to sustainable forest management, emphasizing the need for the mobilization of national resources. International agencies and processes could promote this. There was a regional role in adapting global principles to regional conditions.

22. The joint session noted that assistance was needed for countries with economies in transition (CIT) to participate in global processes in particular, and proposed, for example, that inter-sessional meetings could be held in countries in transition.


23. The joint session was informed about the report "Forest Resources of Europe, CIS, North America, Australia, Japan and New Zealand" (TBFRA-2000), the ECE/FAO contribution to the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000. It was also informed about progress being made in finalizing the Global FRA 2000, which will be complete by the end of the year.

24. Mr. Peter Csóka (Hungary), the designer of the TBFRA-2000 database, presented its structure, functions and contents. The database will be posted on the Timber Committee website, and published on CD-ROM together with the main TBFRA-2000 Report.

25. The joint session noted that the implementation of the TBFRA-2000, as well as the Global FRA 2000, would provide a significant improvement in knowledge of the world forest resources. The delegations congratulated the secretariat, national correspondents, team of specialists and all those involved in the TBFRA-2000, and commended the transparency and participatory nature of the process.

26. TBFRA-2000 provided a solid information basis for the on-going international forest policy dialogue, and the follow-up work should take into account the needs of current and future international forestry related processes. The policy implications of the TBFRA-2000 should be considered at the next sessions of the ECE Timber Committee (2001) and the FAO European Forestry Commission (2002).

27. The session endorsed in general the conclusions and recommendations of the last meeting of the TBFRA-2000 Team of Specialists (TIM/2000/4; FO:EFC/00/5), noting that some conclusions of the team would need further review when preparing for future assessments. The following comments and suggestions were made:

28. Mr. J. Serveau (Canada), on behalf of the Canadian Forest Service, invited the TBFRA team to organise its next meeting on Vancouver Island in June 2001, in conjunction with the meeting of the Canadian Forest Inventory Committee. The organizational details will be arranged between the Canadian hosts and the ECE/FAO secretariat.


29. The joint session reviewed FAO forestry activities in the European region in the past biennium, on the basis of Secretariat Note FO:EFC/00/6 and of presentations made by the Assistant Director-General and Division Directors.

30. The joint session expressed appreciation for the explanation of the wide range of activities being carried out, for the FAO response to requests for support from the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, and for the way in which it had linked activities to the FAO Strategic Framework and the FAO Strategic Plan for Forestry. It also acknowledged FAO's involvement in the global dialogue on forests, in response to a recommendation at its last session, and to support to CIT.

31. The joint session reviewed activities of the AFWC/EFC/NEFC Committee on Mediterranean Forestry Questions Silva Mediterranea, on the basis of Secretariat Note FO:EFC/00/7 and other information provided by the secretariat, and noted that it was the sole forum for seeking solutions to joint problems facing countries of the Mediterranean. It also involved member countries from three different FAO Regional Forestry Commissions in matters that go beyond their own regional interests.

32. For these reasons, and because the original mandate is still valid, the joint session supported the continuation and revitalisation of Silva Mediterranea and urged countries to collaborate with FAO in preparing for the 18th session to be held in Ismailia (Egypt) from 8 to 12 April 2001. The 18th session should take into account the findings of the external review of Silva Mediterranea and the recommendations of the Informal Consultation held as a satellite meeting of the 30th session of the European Forestry Commission. The 18th session should especially consider the need to broaden issues beyond research, the need to involve new partners including supra- and sub-national structures, NGOs, the private sector etc, and the need to explore new sources of funds. It was stressed that the original mandate to take action on common problems facing countries of the Mediterranean was still valid.

33. Particular reference was made to the need for co-operation on forest fire management and suppression in the region and beyond. FAO would consider responding to specific proposals in this regard.

34. The European Forestry Commission should review the outcome of the 18th session of the Silva Mediterranea at its next session.

35. The joint session recommended that the following matters be brought to the attention of COFO at its next session in 2001. The joint session:

36. The Commission elected Mr José María Solano, Chairman and Mr Arvids Ozols (Latvia), Mr Jan Ilavský (Slovakia), and Mr Bernard Chevalier (France) as Vice-chairmen. The Commission warmly thanked Mr Peter Csóka (Hungary) for his most valuable contribution as Chairman and Vice-chairman of the Commission.

37. The delegate of Spain invited the Commission to meet in Spain in the autumn of 2002, which the Commission gratefully accepted, subject to receipt of a formal invitation and the approval of the FAO Director-General.


38. The Timber Committee took note of the decisions of the Commission and agreed to take them into account when discussing its programme of work. The Committee took note of the Commission's opinion on operational activities and the involvement of the business community. In this context, it noted that the business community participated regularly and intensely in its activities. It agreed, in view of the imbalance between resources and aspirations, to undertake a fundamental strategic review of the Committee's objectives, methods, resources and outputs which would be completed before the ECE session in May 2001. The joint session could not reach final agreement on the prioritization of its programme of work but approved the proforma set out in the annex of document TIM/2000/5, until the finalization of the strategic review (see para. 43).

39. The Committee took note of the activities recorded in document TIM/2000/6 and agreed to take them into account when discussing its programme of work.

40. Mr Jeff Serveau (Canada) was elected Chairman, and Mr Gheorghe Florian Borlea (Romania) and Ms Astrid Bergquist (Sweden) were elected Vice-chairmen. The session warmly thanked Mr. N. Burdin (Russian Federation) for his valuable contribution as Vice-chairman and past Chairman of the Committee.

41. Provided that conference services are available, the week of 2-5 October 2001 has been provisionally reserved for the fifty-ninth session of the Committee.


42. The joint session reviewed ECE/FAO activities over the past years (see annexes to TIM/2000/7; FO:EFC/00/9). It was not possible to review every item in detail. Pending the results of the strategic review (see para. 43), the joint session decided to carry out planned activities as proposed, except where modified in the descriptions (see paras. 44-59).

43. It considered that the programme as approved was in accordance with countries' needs and priorities but there were significant problems of the balance between resources and desired outputs, which in turn raised questions of priorities and quality control. It decided that there should be a process of strategic review and asked the secretariat, in close co-operation with FAO Headquarters, to arrange the following:

The strategy should be submitted for approval by the Timber Committee at its next session while the EFC authorized its Bureau to approve it after consultation with countries.

44. The joint session reviewed, commented and approved the proposed programme for EFSOS and the mandate for the Team of Specialists. As the quality and richness of the final output are dependent on the resources available, and considering that regular budget resources are only sufficient to produce a basic study, it invited governments and other agencies, including the private sector, to consider whether they could contribute to the programme in resources or in kind.

45. The joint session urged member countries which had not yet nominated correspondents to do so as soon as possible; participation and transparency are essential to the process, and the national correspondents have an important role to play as a means of communication between the secretariat and the forest and forest products sector in each country.

46. The following specific comments and suggestions were made:

47. The joint session considered future work on trade and environment on the basis of TIM/2000/7/Add.4; FO:EFC/00/9/Add.4. It took note of the proposal that EFSOS be used to prepare alternative scenarios on trade and environment themes. It decided to consider the question of trade and the environment in the context of the strategic review, while welcoming the work already done, notably the monitoring of markets for certified forest products and the special topic at the 1999 Timber Committee session.

48. The joint session was informed of the activities of the UN-ECE/FAO team of specialists to monitor and develop assistance to countries of central and eastern Europe in transition in the forest and forest products sector (ToS on CITs), and the current strategic directions of this work. The joint session noted and commended the close co-operation on CITs between ECE/FAO and the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, especially in monitoring the implementation of Resolution H3.

49. Participating countries expressed their appreciation of the work done so far in this priority area, and confirmed their support for the future activities of the team of specialists. The future directions, scope, quality and effectiveness of the work with countries in transitions depend on the resources to be allocated, and the joint session urged countries to consider contributing resources to this work.

50. The joint session thanked Estonia for the organization of the workshop on the "Changing Role of State Forests" (Sagadi, Estonia, 6-8 April 2000) and noted that the topic of the workshop was very relevant in the light of developments of the transition process in countries of the central and eastern Europe. Mr. I. Gschwandtl (Austria) proposed to host the next international workshop on the "Changing Role of State Forests" in the first half of the year 2001 in Austria. The invitation was accepted with gratitude. The exact time of the workshop, place and practical details will be arranged by the organizers (Oesterreichische Bundesforsten AG) in co-operation with the ECE/FAO secretariat.

51. The delegation of Poland invited the team of specialists to hold its next meeting in September 2001 in Poland, in conjunction with the workshop on Resolution H3, which is to be organized by MCPFE. The invitation was accepted with gratitude, and the practical organizational details will be arranged by the ECE/FAO secretariat, the Vienna Liaison Unit of MCPFE, and the leader of the team Dr. S. Zajac (Poland).

52. Mr. I. Gschwandtl (Austria), Leader of the FAO/ECE Team of Public Relations Specialists in the Forest and Forest Industries Sector, reviewed the accomplishments of the team, emphasizing the success of the International Forest Communicators Forum 2000 held the previous month in Canada as documented in its report (TIM/2000/7/Add.6). He mentioned the team's meeting in conjunction with the Forum which focussed on the follow-up of the Forum (TIM/2000/7/Add.5). The joint session approved a 4-year extension of its mandate to carry out that specific work, to assist in three upcoming seminars of the FAO/ECE/ILO Joint Committee and to assist in public relations for the Commission and Committee's products, e.g. the TBFRA. The strategic review will consider the implications of this extension of mandate.

53. Mr. E. Pepke introduced the programme for the review of markets for forest products, explaining how it fits into the mandate of the Committee and Commission and defining the current programme and its resources. The Programme needs assistance in order to meet more of its mandate through a country-sponsored associate professional officer, a team of specialists and loaned experts.

54. The difficulty of receiving comprehensive and reliable statistics in a timely manner from the member countries in response to the Committee and Commission questionnaires was mentioned. As the country-supplied statistics are the basis of all the work, the joint session supported conducting a second meeting of statistical correspondents in order to improve collection and reporting of statistics.

55. The joint session agreed to consider the proposed team of specialists on forest products markets in the context of the strategic review.

56. The subject of the Joint Timber Committee and European Forestry Commission Study Tours was introduced by the secretariat. The joint session thanked the hosts, Industry Canada, and the organizers in the provinces of Quebec and British Columbia, for the successful tour held in September 2000 on "Certification of sustainable forest management and forest products in the forest and forest industries of Canada." A special thanks by the participants of the tour was given to Mr. Serveau.

57. Mr. E. Lenart (Poland), on behalf of the Minister of Environment, Poland, invited the Committee and the Commission to conduct the 2001 tour in Poland, possibly in conjunction with the meeting of the Team of Specialists on Countries in Transition (provisionally scheduled for 15-17 September 2001, meaning the tour might be 18-23 September 2001) (see para. 51). The joint session accepted the generous offer from Poland.

58. The joint session stressed the usefulness of the study tours, although concern was expressed over the level of secretariat resources devoted to them.

59. The delegation of Romania offered to host a seminar on the above topic in September 2001.


60. The joint session reviewed this item on the basis of a presentation of Secretariat Note FO:EFC/00/10 and noted that despite the many issues remaining to be resolved, the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol were likely to be implemented in some form in the near future. The joint session welcomed the contribution that FAO had made to the dialogue on forestry and the Kyoto Protocol through its role as neutral forum and the provision of information, and appreciated the inter-disciplinary work of the FAO Inter-Departmental Working Group to this end.


61. The joint session considered this item on the basis of a presentation of Secretariat Note FO:EFC/00/11 and noted the high priority given to issues concerning mountains in the European Region. It expressed appreciation for the work of FAO and the EFC Working Party on the Management of Mountain Watersheds and noted that the programmes and activities of the International Year of Mountains (IYM) should be long-term, action-oriented, process-driven and focussed primarily at country level. The IYM offers the opportunity to share experience with other regions and to provide renewed momentum for implementation of the recommendations of recent meetings. It emphasized that issues of mountain forests are interlinked with other sectors such as water, energy and tourism.

62. The joint session welcomed the recent efforts to re-focus the methods of the Working Party and improve its efficiency, to which the 22nd session (Toulouse) of the Working Party had contributed. It could play an enhanced role in providing linkages between various ongoing initiatives. The joint session adopted the revised mandate as agreed at the 22nd session of the Working Party.


63. None.


64. The Timber Committee and the European Forestry Commission adopted the present report of the joint session.





European Forestry Commission Timber Committee
Mr. Peter Csóka (Hungary) Ms. Astrid Bergquist (Sweden)

European Forestry Commission Timber Committee
Mr. Pierre Müehlemann (Switzerland) Mr. N.A. Burdin (Russian Federation)
Mr. Arvids Ozols (Latvia) Mr. J. Serveau (Canada)
Mr. José María Solano (Spain)



Genti Kromidha
Directorate General of Forests and Pastures
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Rruga "Sami Frasheri" No. 4
Tel: +355 4256795
Fax: +355 4256785
Email: [email protected]


Ingwald Gschwandtl
Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
Marxergasse 2
A-1030 Wien
Tel: +43 1 71100 7305
Fax: +43 1 71100 7399
Email: [email protected]

Martin Höbarth
Standing Committee of the President of the Austrian Chambers of Agriculture
Löwelstrasse 12
A-1014 Wien
Tel: +43 1 53441 8592
Fax: +43 1 53441 8529
Email: [email protected]

Christian Rebernig
Member of the Board
Association of the Wood Industries of Austria
Schwarzenbergplatz 4
A-1030 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 7122601
Fax.: +43 1 712 2601-19
E-mail: [email protected]


Mikhail Kuzmenkov
Department of the Ministry of Forestry
Tel.: +375 172 244705
Fax.: +375 172 244183


Carl De Schepper
Forest Engineer
Ministry of the Flemish Community
Flemish Forest Service
Koning Albert II - Laan 20 bus 8
B-1000 Brussels
Tel. +32 2 553 8122
Fax: +32 2 553 8105
Email: [email protected]

Guillaume Daelmans
Secrétaire général
Fédération belge Commerce Importation du Bois
Galerie du Centre, Bloc 1
rue des Fripiers, 15/17
B-1000 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 2 219 4373
Fax: +32 2 229 3967
Email: [email protected]


Krassimir Kostov
Permanent Representative of Bulgaria to FAO
Permanent Representation of the Republic of Bulgaria to FAO
Via Pietro Paolo Rubens, 21
00197 Roma
Tel: +39 06 322 4643
Fax: +39 06 322 6122
Email: [email protected]


Jeffrey Serveau
Senior Industry Officer
Industry Canada
235 Queen St.
Ottawa, Ontario K1A0H5
Tel: +1 613 954 3039
Fax: +1 613 952 8988
Email: [email protected]

Marc Boutin
Director, Quebec Wood Export Bureau
979 avenue de Bourgogne
Ste Foy, Quebec
Tel. +1 418 6506385
Fax.: +1 418 6509011
E-mail: [email protected]

Patrick Hum
Industry Canada
235 Queen St.
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0H5
Tel: +1 613 954 3048
Fax: +1 613 952 8988
Email: [email protected]

William Townsley
B.C. Shake and Shingle Association
Chilcotin, Oak Grange Rd.
West Clandon, Surrey, B.C.
Tel: +1 483 222596
Fax: +1 483 222596


Savvas Theophanous
Director, Department of Forests
Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment
1414 Nicosia
Tel: +357 2 303861
Fax: +357 2 781419
Email: [email protected]

Andreas Roushias
Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO
Permanent Representation of the Republic of Cyprus to FAO
Piazza Farnese 44
00186 Rome
Tel: +39 06 6865758/6865263
Fax: +39 06 68803756
Email: [email protected]


Pavel Rybnícek
Vice-Minister for Forest Management
Ministry of Agriculture
Tešnov 17
117 05 Prague 1
Tel: +42 2 2320106
Fax: +42 2 2312706
E-mail: [email protected]

Pavel _koda
Permanent Representative to FAO
Embassy of the Czech Republic
Via dei Gracchi, 322
00192 Roma
Tel: +39 06 324 4459
Fax: +39 06 324 4466


Karsten Gasseholm
National Forest and Nature Agency
Ministry of Environment and Energy
Haraldsgade 53
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Tel: +45 39 472700
Fax: +45 39 472715
Email: [email protected]


Erik Kosenkranius
Director, Development Affairs
Ministry of Environment, ESFMC
Viljandi mnf. 18 B
Tel: +372 62 81500
Fax: +372 62 81510
Email: erik@riigimets

Mati Valgepea
Specialist of Forestry Statistics
Centre of Forest Protection and Silviculture
Ministry of Environment
Rõõmu tee 2
51013 Tartu
Tel: +372 7339 944
Fax: +372 7339 464
Email: [email protected]

Ilmar Mändmets
Permanent Representative of Estonia to FAO
Viale Liegi, 28
Tel: +39 06 8440 751
Fax: +39 06 8440 75119
Email: [email protected]


Aarne Reunala
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Forestry
PO Box 30, FIN-00023 Government
Tel: +3589 160 3350
Fax: +3589 160 2280
Email: [email protected]

Jouni Suoheimo
Senior Adviser
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Forestry
PO Box 30, FIN-00023 Government
Tel: +3589 160 88681
Fax: +3589 160 2430
Email: [email protected]

(Ms.) Aulikki Kauppila
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Forestry
PO Box 30, FIN-00023 Government
Tel: +3589 160 88681
Fax: +3589 160 2430
Email: [email protected]

Matti Sihvonen
Vice President
Finnish Forest Industries Federation
PO Box 336,
FIN-00171 Helsinki
Tel: +358 9 13266692
Fax: +358 9 132 4410
Email: [email protected]

Pekka Kallio-Mannila
Natural Resources and Forest Policy
Finnish Forest Industries Federation
PO Box 336,
FIN-00171 Helsinki
Tel.: +358 9 132 6624
Fax: +358 9 132 4445
E-mail: [email protected]

Juha Kalevi Hakkarainen
Research Manager
Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK)
PO Box 510, FIN-00101
Tel: +358 9 1311 5490
Fax: +358 9 1311 5403
Email: [email protected]

Juhani Rouhiainen
Counsellor (Agriculture)
Embassy of the Republic of Finland
Via Lisbona, 3
00198 Roma
Tel: +39 06 852231
Fax: +39 06 854 0362
Email: [email protected]

Perttu Pohjonen
Forest Products Marketing Department
University of Helsinki
Pursimienhenkatu 14 B23
FIN-00150 Helsinki
Tel: +358 9 639 613
Email: [email protected]


Bernard Chevalier
Chargé de mission pour les affaires
Ministère de l'agriculture et de la pêche,
78 rue de Varenne
F-75749 Paris 07 SP
Tel: +33 1 4955 5789
Fax: +33 1 4955 5112
Email: [email protected]

Michel Thibier
Conseiller scientifique
Représentant permanent adjoint
Représentation permanente de la France auprès de l'OAA
Corso del Rinascimento, 52
00186 Rome
Tel: +39 06 6865305
Fax: +39 06 6892692
Email: [email protected]

Paul Delduc
Chef du bureau de la modernisation et de l'orientation économique
Direction de l'espace rural et de la forêt
Ministère de l'agriculture et de la pêche
19, avenue du Maine
F-75732 Paris CEDEX 15
Tel: +33 1 49555142
Fax: +33 1 49554076
Email: [email protected]

(Mme) Sylvie Benda-Alvarez
Chargée d'études économiques
Office national des forêts
2 avenue de St. Mandé
F-75012 Paris
Tél.: +33 1 40195911
Fax: +33 1 40195942
E-mail: [email protected]

Pierre Verneret
Directeur, Fédération Nationale du Bois
6, rue François 1er
75008 Paris
Tel: +33 1 5669 5200
Fax: +33 1 5669 5209
Email: [email protected]

Yves Costrel de Corainville
Délégué Général
Fédération Nationale du Bois
6, rue François 1er
75008 Paris
Tel: +33 1 5669 5200
Fax: +33 1 5669 5209
Email: [email protected]


Ernst Wermann
Director of Forests
Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry
Rochusstr. 1
D-53123 Bonn 1
Tel: +49 228 529 4325
Fax: +49 228 529 4318
Email: [email protected]

Johann Georg Dengg
Regional Officer-in-Charge
Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry
Rochusstr. 1
D-53123 Bonn 1
Tel: +49 228 529 3359
Fax: +49 228 529 4318
Email: [email protected]


Vassilis Bornovas
Deputy Permanent Representative of Greece to FAO
Embassy of Greece
Via Saverio Mercadante, 36
00198 Rome
Tel: +39 06 841 6873
Fax: +39 06 841 5927
Email: [email protected]

Dimitrios Vakalis
Ministry of Agriculture
Hippokratous 3-5
101 64 Athens
Tel: +30 1 362 8041
Fax: +30 1 360 8685
Email: [email protected]


Péter Csóka
State Forest Service
Ministry of Agriculture
Széchenyi u. 14
H-1054 Budapest V
Tel.: +36 1 3743203
Fax: +36 1 3743207
E-mail: [email protected]


John McLoughlin
Irish Forestry Board
Leeson Lane
Dublin 2
Tel: +353 1 663 5267
Fax: +353 1 6768 598
Email: [email protected]

James Gerard Cody
Assistant Principal
Forest Service
Department of the Marine and Natural Resources
Johnstown Castle
Tel: +353 53 60211
Fax: +353 53 43836
Email: [email protected]


Franco Cozza
Director, Division III
International Relations
General Direction of Forestry
Ministry of Agricultural and Forest Policies
Via Carducci, 5
00187 Rome
Tel: +39 06 485841
Fax: +39 06 4817 690
Email: [email protected]

Paolo Vicentini
Senior Official
Ministry of Agricultural and Forest Policies
Via Carducci, 5
00187 Rome
Tel: +39 06 4818 972
Fax: +39 06 4817 690
Email: [email protected]

Roberto Cavalensi
Official, State Forestry Unit
Ministry of Agricultural and Forest Policies
Via Carducci, 5
00187 Rome
Tel: +39 06 4817 690
Fax: +39 06 4817 690
Email: [email protected]

Giorgio Cavalleri
Ministerial Official, Ministry of Agricultural and Forest Policies
Via Carducci, 5
00187 Rome
Tel: +39 06 466 57046
Fax: +39 06 481 7690
Email: [email protected]

(Ms.) Lorenza Colletti
Forest Officer, Ministry of Agricultural and Forest Policies
Italian Forest Service
Via A. Carducci, 5
00187 Rome
Tel: +39 06 4665 7046
Fax: +39 06 481 7690
Email: [email protected]

Everdo Giordano
Professor, MURST
Facoltà di Agraria - DISAFRI
Via S. Camillo de Lellis
01100 Viterbo
Tel: +39 0761 357 403/4
Fax: +39 0761 357 389
Email: [email protected]

Piermaria Corona
Università degli Studi di Firenze - MIPAF
Via San Bonaventura, 13
50145 Florence
Tel: 39 055 302 3140
Fax: 39 055 319 179
Email: [email protected]

Maurizio Magni
Procuratore della Giunta
Via Toscana, 10
00187 Rome
Tel: +39 06 4200 681
Fax: +39 06 42817391
Email: [email protected]

Paolo Cora
Via Toscana, 10
00187 Rome
Tel: +39 06 4200 681
Fax: +39 06 42817391
Email: [email protected]

(Ms.) Nicoletta Cutolo
Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT)
Settore Forestale - Servizio Agricultura
Via Ravá, 150 Rome
Tel: 39 06 595 24540
Fax: 39 06 5410 528
Email: [email protected]

Pierre Desclos
Forest Products Consultant
Via Cassia 1004
00189 Rome
Tel: 3906 3031 1046
Fax: 3906 3031 1293
Email: [email protected]

Armando Cafiero
Deputy Managing Director
Bastioni di Porta Volta 7
20121 Milan
Tel.: +39 0229003018
Fax: +39 0229003396
e-mail: [email protected]

(Ms.) Lara Malucelli
Via Toscana 10
00187 Rome
Tel.+ 39 06 4200681
Fax.: +39 06 42012236
E-mail: [email protected]

Vittorio Comi
Scalo Legnami
34145 Trieste
Tel.: +39 040 827984
Fax.: +39 040 823446
E-mail: [email protected]

Camillo Castellani
Ministry of Agricultural and Forest Policies
Via F. Giacomelli 46
00142 Rome
Tel.: +39 065190548


Tomass Kotovics
Head of President's Office
State Forests of Latvia
Kristapa Street 30
LV-1046 Riga
Tel: +371 940 8866
Fax: +371 780 5430
Email: [email protected]

Arvids Ozols
Deputy State Secretary for Forestry
Ministry of Agriculture
Republikas laukums 2
Riga, LV-1981
Tel: +371 7027 201
Fax: +371 7027 096
Email: [email protected]


Arvydas Lebedys
Centre of Forest Economics
Ministry of Environment
Vytenio Str. 6
LT-2600 Vilnius
Tel: +370 2 232 936
Fax: +370 2 232 937
Email: [email protected]

Vilija Augutaviciene
Chief Officer
Department of Forests and Protected Areas Ministry of Environment
A. Juorapavicìaus g. 9
2600 Vilnius MTP
Tel: +3702 725879
Fax: +3702 722029
Email: [email protected]


Peter R. Schutz
Senior Staff Officer
Nature Management Department
Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries
P.O. Box 20401
2500 EK The Hague
Tel.: +3170 378 5641
Fax: +3170 378 6146
E-mail: [email protected]

Lodewyk Dielen
Director, SBH
Boszandweg 5
Tel.: +31 317 466550
Fax +31 317 410247
E-mail: [email protected]


Oluf Aalde
Department of Forestry
Ministry of Agriculture
PO Box 8007 N-0030 Oslo
Tel: +47 2 224 9360
Fax: +47 2 224 2754
Email: [email protected]

Arne Ivar Sletnes
Department of Forestry
Ministry of Agriculture
PO Box 8007 N-0030 Oslo
Tel: +47 2 224 9377
Fax: +47 2 224 2754
Email: [email protected]

Finn Johansen
The Norwegian Sawmill Industries Association
Jakthia 27C
1361 Ostuos
Tel: +47 67145889
Email: [email protected]

Aasmund Bunkholt
Marketing Director
The Norwegian Sawmill Industries Association
Essendropsgl. 3
0307 Oslo
Tel: +47 230 87608
Fax: +47 2246 5523

Kjetil Løge
Marketing Manager
The Norwegian Forest Owners'Federation
Stortnesgt. 30
PL. 1438 Vika
Tel: +47 220 10550
Fax: +47 228 34047
Email: [email protected]


Edward Lenart
Adviser to the Minister
Department of Forestry, Nature Conservation and Landscape
Ministry of the Environment
ul.Wawelska 52/54
00-922 Warsaw
Tel: +48 22 825 4105
Fax: +48 22 825 4705
Email: [email protected]

Roman Michalak
Forest Officer
Department of Forest Management Planning and Monitoring
Forest Research Institute
Bitwy Warszawskiej 1920
Roku nr 3
00-973 Warsaw
Tel: +48 22 822 3201
Fax: +48 22 822 3201
Email: [email protected]


Joao De Sousa Teixeira
Head of Department
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries
Av. Joao Crisostomo, 28 40
1069-041 Lisboa
Tel: +351 21 312 4803
Fax: +351 21 312 4996
Email: [email protected]

Conceição Ferreira
Head of Division
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries
Av. Joao Crisostomo, 28 40
1069-041 Lisboa
Tel: +351 21 312 4910
Fax: +351 21 312 4992
Email: [email protected]

(Ms) Maria Carolina Varela
Ministry of Agriculture
Estacão Florestal Nacional PROCALFER
Quinta do Marouês
Tel.: +351 21 4415763
Fax.: 351 21 4415660
E-mail: [email protected]


Tinel Gheorghe
Director, Forestry Department
Ministry of Water, Forest and Environmental Protection
B-dul Libertati 12
Tel: +40 1 410 0531
Fax: +40 1 410 0531

Gheorghe Florian Borlea
Director, National Forest Administration
Ministry of Water, Forest and Environmental Protection
Episcopiei 48
Tel: +40 5 728 0261
Fax: +40 5 725 0551
Email: [email protected]

Ioan Pavel
Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO
Embassy of Romania
Via Nicolò Tartaglia 36
00197 Rome
Tel.: +39 068084529
Fax.: +39 068084995
E-mail: [email protected]

Ioan Ciurea
Director General
INL - National Institute of Wood
7 Fabrica de Glucoza Str.
Bucharest 2
Tel: +40 1 242 2600
Fax: +40 1 242 3550
Email: [email protected]

(Mrs.) Constanta Istratescu
Scientific Secretary
INL - National Institute of Wood
7 Fabrica de Glucoza Str.
Bucharest 2
Tel: +40 1 242 3329
Fax: +40 1 242 3550
Email: [email protected]


Nikolaj Burdin
General Director
Research and Design Institute on Economics, Production Management and Information of Forestry, Pulp and Paper and Woodworking Industries
Klinskaya St., 8
125818 Moscow
Tel: +7 95 456 1303
Fax: +7 95 456 5390
Email: [email protected]

Alexei Kornienko
Deputy Director
Department of International Cooperation
Ministry of Natural Resources of the
Russian Federation
Ryatnitskaya str. 59/19
113184 Moscow
Tel: +7 95 951 6101
Fax: +7 95 951 7061 / 9430013
Email: [email protected]

Igor V. Shapovalov
Minister Plenipotentiary
Embassy of the Russian Federation
Via Gaeta, 5, Rome
Tel: +39 06 494 1680
Fax: +39 06 491031

Alexander Gusakov
Embassy of the Russian Federation
Via Gaeta, 5, Rome
Tel: +39 06 494 1680
Fax: +39 06 491031

Valentin Korobov
General Director
Central-Scientific-Research and Project-Design Institute
Mechanization and Power Supply of Forest Industry
Moskovskaya str., 21
Moscow Region
141400 Khimki
Tel: +7 95 572 6353
Fax: +7 95 797 2675
Email: [email protected]

Maxim Potapov
First Secretary
Department of International Organizations
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
32/34 Smulenskaya-Sennaya sq.
121200 Moscow
Tel: +7 95 244 4211
Fax: +7 95 244 2401
Email: [email protected]

Eduard L. Akim
Department of Technology, Pulp and Composite Materials
4 Ivana Chernykh Street
RF-198092 St. Petersburg
Tel: +7 812 247 3558 / 534 9943
Fax: +7 812 534 8138
Email: [email protected]


Jan Ilavský
Forest Research Institute
Ministry of Agriculture
Masarykova str. 22
96092 Zvolen
Tel: +421 855 533 5716
Fax: +421 855 532 1883
Email: [email protected]

Lubomír Micek
Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to FAO
Embassy of the Slovak Republic
Via dei Colli della Farnesina, 144
00194 Roma
Tel: +39 06 367 151/2
Fax: +39 06 367 15266


Maksimilian Mohoric
State Secretary for Forestry
Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Food
Dunajska 56
58 Ljubljana
Tel.: +386 61 1789144
Fax: +386 61 1789144
E-mail: [email protected]

Danilo Beloglavec
Minister Plenipotentiary to FAO
Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to FAO
Via della Traspontina, 10
00193 Rome
Tel: +39 06 5091 4376
Fax: +39 06 5235 5112
Email: [email protected]

Jurij Begu_
Head of Department
Forest Service
Vecna Pot 2
1001 Ljubljana
Tel.: +386 61 1345432
E-mail: [email protected]


José María Solano
Jefe, Servicio Ordenación Selvicultura
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente
Gran Vía de San Francisco, 4
28005 Madrid
Tel: +34 91 597 5600
Fax: +34 91 597 5565
Email: [email protected]

Javier Piernavieja Niembro
Representante Permanente Adjunto
Oficina del Representante Permanente de España ante la FAO
Largo dei Lombardi, 21
00186 Roma
Tel: +39 06 686 9539
Fax: +39 06 687 3076
Email: [email protected]


(Mrs) Astrid Bergquist
Deputy Director
Division of Energy and Primary Industries
Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communications
S-103 33 Stockholm
Sven A. Svensson
Head of Analysis Department
National Board of Forestry
S-55183 Jönkoping
Tel.: +46 36 155655
Fax.: +46 36 166170
E-mail: [email protected]

Lennart Ackzell
Coordinator International Affairs
National Board of Forestry
S-551 83 Jönkoping
Tel: +46 36 155706
Fax: +46 36 166170
Email: [email protected]

Katarina Ekberg
Senior Advisor
Analysis Department
National Board of Forestry
551 83 Jönkoping
Tel: +46 36 155591
Fax: +46 36 166170
Email: [email protected]

Mikael Westin
Managing Director
Swedish Wood Association
P.O. Box 16385
S-10327 Stockholm
Tel.: +46 8 7627965
Fax.: +46 8 762 7990
E-mail: [email protected]


Werner Schaerer
Director General
Swiss Forest Agency
Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape
CH-3003 Bern
Tel: +41 31 324 7836
Fax: +41 31 324 7866
Email: [email protected]

Otmar Wüest
President of the Conference of the Heads of the Cantonal Forest Services
Head of the Cantonal Forest Service of Canton Lucerne
Bundesplatz 14
CH-6002 Luzern
Tel: +41 41 228 6201
Fax: +41 41 210 3724
Email [email protected]

Marco Zanetti
Chef de Section
Office fédéral de l'environnement, des forêts et du paysage
CH-3003 Berne
Tel: +41 31 324 7784
Fax: +41 31 324 7789
Email: [email protected]

Christian Küchli
Head, Society and Forest Unit
Swiss Forest Agency
Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape
CH-3003 Bern
Tel: +41 31 324 7780
Fax: +41 31 324 7866
Email: [email protected]


Erkan Ispirli
Head, Foreign Relations and EU Department
Ministry of Forestry
Atatürk Bulvari No. 153
TR-06100 Bakanliklar, Ankara
Tel: +90 312 417 7724
Fax: +90 312 417 9160
Email: [email protected]

Ahmet Saylam
Agricultural Counsellor
Permanent Representation of the Republic of Turkey to FAO
Via F. Denza, 27 - Int. 16
00197 Roma
Tel: +39 06 8069 0562
Fax: +39 06 8066 5610
Email: [email protected]


Michael Dudley
Head, International Policy
Forestry Commission
231 Corstorphine Rd.
Tel.: +44 131 314 6115
Fax: +44 131 334 0442
E-mail: [email protected]

Miles Wenner
Forestry Commission
55 Moffat Rd.
Dumfries DG1 1NP
Tel: 44 1387 272440
Fax: 44 1387 274591
Email: [email protected]

Michael Buckley
12 Turnstone House
Star Place, St. Katharine Docks
London, E1W 1AE
Tel: +44 20 7709 7408
Fax: +44 20 7709 7408
Email: [email protected]

Keith Forsyth
European Timber Procurement
Unit S, Telford Road
Eastfield Industrial Estate
Glenrothes, KY13 8DS
Tel: +44 1592 773181
Fax: +44 1592 773253
Email: [email protected]

Rubert Oliver
19 Raikeswood Drive
Skipton, North Yorkshire
Tel./Fax: +44 1756 796 922
Email: [email protected]


David Brooks
Research Forester
USDA Forest Service
Forestry Science Laboratory
3200 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
Tel: +1 541 750 7416
Fax: +1 541 750 7329
Email: dbrooksø[email protected]

Albert Schuler
Research Economist
USDA Forest Service
Northeast Forest Experiment Station
Princeton, West Virginia
Tel: +1 304 431 2727
Fax: +1 304 431 2772
Email: [email protected]



Mostafa Jafari
Alternate Permanent Representative
Permanent Representation of the Islamic Republic of Iran to FAO
Via Aventina, 8
00153 Rome
Tel: +39 06 574 3594
Fax: +39 06 574 7636
Email: [email protected]


United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Bai-Mass Taal
Senior Programme Officer
Division of Environmental Policy Development and Law
PO Box 30552
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 2 623 238
Fax: +254 2 624 260
Email: [email protected]


European Forest Institute (EFI)

Fergal Mulloy
National Council for Forest Research and Development
Agriculture Building
University College Dublin
Tel: +353 1 285 5614
Fax: +353 1 285 5614
Email: [email protected]

International Labour Office (ILO)

Mattias Lövgren
Associate Expert
Sectoral Activities Department
International Labour Office
4, route des Morillons
CH-1211 Geneva 22
Tel: +41 22 799 7778
Fax: +41 22 799 7967
Email: [email protected]

Hans Höfle
Chairman Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee on Forest Technology, Management and Training
Auf dem Thie 4
D-37120 Bovenden
Tel.: +49 551 508890
Fax.: +49 551 5088555
E-mail: [email protected]

International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)

Steven E. Johnson
International Organizations Centre
5th Floor, Pacifico-Yokohama
1-1-1 Minato-Mirai
Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0012, Japan
Tel: +81 45 223 1110
Fax: +81 45 223 1111
Email: [email protected]

Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe

Peter Mayer
Liaison Unit Vienna
Marxergasse 2
A-1030 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 710 7702
Fax: +43 1 710 7702-13
Email: [email protected]

Alexander Buck
Scientific Officer
Liaison Unit Vienna
Marxergasse 2
A-1030 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 710 7702
Fax: +43 1 710 7702-13
Email: [email protected]

Union des Sylviculteurs du Sud de l'Europe (USSE)

D. Miguel Pérez Turrado
Presidente Ejecutivo
Avda. Madariaga No. 1 1o
48014 Bilbao
Tel.: +34 4 4206990
Fax.: +34 4 4763715
E-mail: [email protected]

Luis Javier Tellería Orriols
Consejero Delegado
Nekazal Ikerketa Eta Teknologia, S.A.
Granja Modelo
01192 Arkaute, Araba
Tel.: 34 945 121240
Fax.: +34 945 121290
E-mail: [email protected]

Ricard Estrada I Arimon
Director Gerent
Centre de la Propietat Forestal
A.C. 119
08130 Santa Perpètua de Mogoda
Tel.: +34 93 5740036
Fax.: +34 93 5741695


APA - The Engineered Wood Association

Craig Adair
Market Research
PO Box 11700
Tacoma, Washington, 98411-0700
Tel: 1 253 565 7265
Fax: 1 253 565 6600
Email: [email protected]

Association internationale des forêts méditerranéennes

Américo Mendes
Universidade Católica Portuguesa
14 rue Louis Astouin
F-13002 Marseille
Tel.: +33 4 91907670
Fax.: +33 4 91907162
E-mail: [email protected]
Private: [email protected]


Claes Hall
Senior Adviser, Aracruz Cellulose
35 Onslow Gardens
London SW7 3P4
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 207 225 0819
Fax.: +44 207 584 6245-9

Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI)

Wolfgang Schopfhauser
Forest Director
Avenue Louise 250
B-1050 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 627 4911
Fax: +32 2 646 8137
Email: [email protected]

European Observatory of Mountain Forest (EOMF)

Jean-Claude Monin
Les Thermes
F 73230 Saint Jean d'Arvey
Tel: +33 4 79284203
Fax: +33 4 79284058
Email: [email protected]

Pier Carlo Zingari
Les Thermes
F 73230 Saint Jean d'Arvey
Tel: +33 4 79284203
Fax.: +33 4 79284058
E-mail: [email protected]

European Panel Federation

(Ms.) Ilse van den Akker
Economic Advisor
Box 5
B-1070 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 556 2589
Fax: +32 2 556 2594
Email: [email protected]

International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO)

Oscar Fugalli
A-1131 Wien, Austria
Tel.+39 06 8155 8899

Le Commerce du Bois

Daniel Prudhomme
6 avenue de Saint-Mandé
F-75012 Paris
Tel: +33 1 44755858
Fax: +33 1 44755400
E-mail: [email protected]

Eric Boilley
6 avenue de Saint-Mandé
F-75012 Paris
Tel: +33 1 44755858
Fax: +33 1 44755400
Email: [email protected]


FAO Secretariat

M. Hosny El-Lakany
Assistant Director-General
Forestry Department
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel.: +39 06 57055879
Fax.: +39 06 57052151
E-mail: [email protected]

Wulf Killmann
FAO Forest Products Division
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
I-00100 Rome
Tel: +39 06 5705 3221
Fax: +39 06 5705 5618
Email: [email protected]

Lennart Ljungman
Forestry Policy and Planning Division
Forestry Department
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel.: +39 06 57055205
Fax.: +39 06 5705
E-mail: [email protected]

El Hadji Sène
Forest Resources Division
Forestry Department
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel.: +39 06 57055978
Fax.: +39 06 5705
E-mail: [email protected]

Jim Ball
Policy Coordination and Information Unit (FODA)
Forestry Department
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel.: +39 06 57054047
Fax.: +39 06 57052151
E-mail: [email protected]

Tage Michaelsen
Chief, Forest Conservation, Research and Education Service (FORC)
Forest Resources Division
Forestry Department
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel.: +39 06 57056548
Fax.: +39 06 57055137
Email: [email protected]

Robert Davis
Senior Forestry Officer
Coordinator, FRA 2000 Programme
Forest Resources Division
Forestry Department
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel.: +39 06 57053596
Fax.: +39 06 57055825
E-mail: [email protected]

Jim Bourke
Senior Forestry Officer
Forest Products Division
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel.: +39 06 57054174
Fax.: +39 06 57055137
E-mail: [email protected]

(Ms.) Becky Ortiz
Meetings Officer
Forestry Department
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel.: +39 06 57056746
Fax.: +39 06 57052151
E-mail: [email protected]

(Ms.) Michèle Millanès
Meetings Assistant a.i.
Forestry Department
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel.: +39 06 57053641
Fax.: +39 06 57052151
E-mail: [email protected]

UN/Economic Commission for Europe (ECE)

(Ms) Carol Cosgrove-Sacks
UN-ECE Trade Division
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 2480
Fax: +41 22 917 0036
Email: [email protected]

Christopher Prins
Chief, Timber Section
Trade Division
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Tel.: +41 22 917 2874
Fax.: +41 22 917 0041
E-mail: [email protected]

Edward Pepke
Forest Products Marketing Specialist
Timber Section, Trade Division
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Tel.: +41 22 917 2872
Fax.: +41 22 917 0041
Email: [email protected]

Hans Jansen
Timber Section, Trade Division
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 3728
Fax: +41 22 917 0041
Email: [email protected]

Jorge Najera
Timber Section, Trade Division
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Tel.: +41 22 917 3240
Fax.: +41 22 917 0041
E-mail: [email protected]

Volker Sasse
Forest Officer
Timber Section, Trade Division
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 1637
Fax: +41 22 917 0041
E-mail: [email protected]

Alexander Korotkov
Timber Section, Trade Division
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917
Fax: +41 22 917 0041
E-mail: [email protected]

Antti Juhana Kustaa Koskinen
Timber Section, Trade Division
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 1701
Fax: +41 22 917 0041
Email:[email protected]




Agenda Item



Item 1

Provisional Agenda


Item 3

State of forestry in the region: synthesis of national reports on forest policy and institutions


Item 4

Special Topics:
(a) Sustainable forest Management Practices, the Work of the Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee on Forest Technology, Management and Training;
(b) Consequences of storm damage by "Lothar".


Item 5

Market developments in 2000 and prospects for 2001


Item 6

In-session seminar: international dialogue on forests, support to the global and regional processes


Item 7

Special topic: Forest Resources Assessment 2000


Item 7

Report of the meeting of the team of specialists on temperate and boreal forest resources assessment 2000


Item 8(a)

FAO forestry activities in the region


Item 8(b)

Silva Mediterranea


Item 9(a)

Matters arising from the fifty-fifth session of the Economic Commission for Europe


Item 9(b)

Activities of principal subsidiary bodies of ECE of interest to the Timber Committee


Item 10

Review of activities in 1999/2000 and integrated programme of work for 2001-2005


Item 10

European forest outlook studies (EFSOS)


Item 10

Europeam forest outlook studies (EFSOS)


Item 10

Trade and Environment Issues in the Forests and Forest Products Sector


Item 10

Project on Capacity Building to Improve Trade Finance and Investment Prospects for the Russian Timber Sector


Item 11

Forestry and the Kyoto Protocol: Key issues


Item 12

International Year of Mountains - Working Party on the Management of Mountain Watersheds



FOR 2001-2005


This programme is carried out by the ECE Timber Committee (TC) and the FAO European Forestry Commission (EFC), and their subsidiary bodies, which meet on a two-year cycle:


1.1 Collection and dissemination of information on trends in the sector, including publication of the Timber Bulletin

Description: Information is regularly collected and disseminated on production, trade and prices of roundwood and forest products, and forest fires.
Method of work: Statistics are collected on an annual basis from countries and published in the Timber Bulletin and on the Internet. Data collection is coordinated with FAO Rome, EUROSTAT and ITTO and the results are shared between all four organizations. The whole system is reviewed by the Joint FAO/ECE Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics at its biennial sessions.
Duration: Continuing
Annual outputs: publication of six issues of the Timber Bulletin: on forest products prices, statistics on production and trade, trade flow data, the annual market review, forest fire statistics and the Committee's market discussion at its annual session. The data and analysis are also made available in electronic form and on the Internet.

1.2 Forest Resource Assessment 2000 (temperate and boreal forests)

Description: Information on the forest resource of the temperate and boreal zones (including developed countries outside the ECE region), will be collected and published in the context of the FAO global forest resource assessment, under the guidance of the Joint FAO/ECE Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics.
Method of work: An enquiry was prepared under the supervision of a team of specialists, taking into account the recommendations of the Expert Consultation at Kotka (Finland) in June 1996. The results were published in 2000. At all stages, the work is being carried out in close cooperation with the FAO Forestry Department and other organizations active in this area.
Duration: Continuing, review in 2003
Outputs in 2000/2001: publication, database and background documentation. The team met in 2000, at the European Forest Institute.

1.3 Sustainable forest management in the region: support to the follow-up to UNCED and the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe

Description: The Committee and the Commission will provide support, as appropriate, to the follow-up to UNCED, including the work of the Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD), the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF), and the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE). In particular, the Commission will review, on a regular basis, national forest policies and selected topical policy issues, such as certification of sustainable forest management, in order to review implementation at the national level of the provisions of UNCED and the pan-European process, and as support for national policy makers. The Committee and the Commission will collect and analyse information relevant to Helsinki Conference resolutions H1 and H2, notably as regards quantitative indicators of sustainable forest management and support the reporting to the pan-European process on this subject.
Method of work: At each EFC session, delegations submit national progress reports, according to an outline drawn up by the Executive Committee. These reports are synthesized by the secretariat before the session, presented, discussed and subsequently published. The Committee and the Commission will cooperate with the pan-European process in drawing up a MCPFE programme of work, as laid down by the Lisbon Ministerial Conference. The team of public relations specialists will continue to work towards creating a positive image of the forest sector, according to the mandate in annex III. The team of specialists on socio-economic aspects of forests, under the auspices of the Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee, provided input to resolution L1 of the Lisbon Conference and the team of specialists on participation and partnerships in forestry will submit a report on this topic to the MCPFE. Possible activities on trade and environment issues in the forest and forest industries sector will be carried out as decided by the Committee and the Commission during the strategic review of the programme. Strategies to stimulate and promote the sound use of wood and other forest-based products, as environmentally friendly and renewable materials will also be discussed by a seminar in Romania in 2001.
Duration: to 2002
Outputs in 2000/2001: Review of national progress reports, at joint session, Rome 2000. International Communications Forum, Canada, September 2000. European Forums for Forest and Society (to be confirmed). Report on public participation in forest decision making. Possible activities on trade and environment, promotion of sustainable use of wood.

1.4 Activities for countries in transition, including coordination of implementation of resolution H3 of the Helsinki Ministerial Conference

Description: The Committee and Commission will provide assistance to the countries in transition, in order to promote the process of economic reform and transition to a market economy in their forest and forest products sector. The topics and themes to be included in this programme shall be in line with the priorities and needs identified by the countries concerned. The Committee and the Commission will contribute to implementing resolution H3 on forestry assistance to countries in transition, by monitoring and analysing this assistance; in particular to determine whether it corresponds to countries' real needs and priorities.
Method of work: The work is guided by a team of specialists, which meets regularly. The secretariat, as international coordinator for H3, collects, stores and analyses information and reports regularly to the parent bodies and, as appropriate, to meetings of the pan-European process. A data base on forestry assistance to countries in transition is maintained and its contents made available. The Committee and Commission implement a wide range of activities, notably workshops, which are scheduled and organized in a flexible manner, under two broad headings:
Duration: to 2004
Outputs in 2000/2001: a workshop on sustainable development of marketing of wood and non-wood forest products and recreation services in forests. The database on forestry assistance to countries in transition, established under resolution H3 will be updated regularly and made widely available. The team will meet in 2001.

1.5 Review of markets for forest products and short-term forecasts

Description: The Committee analyses, on a continuous basis, short-term trends in the production, trade, consumption and prices of forest products and forecasts short-term prospects, with a view to providing Governments and the forest products sector with accurate and up-to-date information and assessments.
Method of work: The annual session of the Timber Committee reviews short-term trends and prospects in the markets, on the basis of estimates provided by delegations and the Forest Products Annual Market Review, prepared by the secretariat, which reviews trends in the previous year. An analysis of trends and short-term outlook, approved by the Committee, is published. The Committee's market discussion also reviews trends in the markets for certified forest products on the basis of information provided by delegations on developments in their countries, and statements by experts.
Duration: Continuing
Annual outputs: Forest Products Annual Market Review and the Committee's market statement at its annual session.

1.6 Forest and forest products sector outlook studies

Description: The Committee and Commission prepare and publish studies of the outlook for the forest and forest products sector in the region, addressing issues such as the long-term scenarios for the supply and demand of forest products and other goods and services of the forest, as well as other major, policy relevant, issues, of a regional or subregional nature. The work is overseen by the Joint FAO/ECE Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics, which determines in particular the scope and objectives of the studies to be undertaken.
Method of work: A baseline scenario, with approximately the same scope as ETTS V, and "business-as-usual" assumptions will be prepared, followed by a series of alternative scenarios on policy-related themes. Analysis will be based on quantitative scenarios, prepared with and reviewed by national correspondents. Work will be coordinated with the FAO outlook studies programme.
Duration: Continuing
Output in 2000/2001: Outline and plan of action for future outlook studies. Meeting of national correspondents, identification of themes for alternative scenarios. Baseline scenario completed in 2002.


2.1 Joint FAO/ECE Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics

Description: The Working Party keeps under review the needs for international statistics in the forest and forest products sector and develops programmes to meet those needs, notably with regard to improving comparability; develops methodologies for collection and analysis of information and statistics; and undertakes projects in the field of economics and statistics relating to forestry and forest products.
Method of work: The Working Party meets every two years and advises the parent bodies and the secretariat on the implementation of work in its field. In particular, it is responsible for guiding the implementation, in its area of competence, of programme elements 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5 and 1.6.
Duration: Continuing
Outputs in 2000/2001: At its session in 2001 the Working Party will evaluate the TBFRA, review plans for the next outlook study, and consider intergovernmental cooperation on forest sector statistics.

2.2 Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee on Forest Technology, Management and Training

Description: The Joint Committee assists countries, in particular those which its parent bodies may identify at any time as requiring priority attention, to develop their forestry activities in the context of sustainable development. This is achieved by fostering international cooperation on technical, economic and organizational aspects of forest management and forest working techniques and of the training of forest workers in logging and forest operations.
Method of work: The Joint Committee's activities are led by a Steering Committee, which meets annually. There are three subject areas: management (e.g multiple use forestry, ecological and economical issues, marketing, information systems), technology (e.g. forest engineering, ecologically and economically sound operations in silviculture, wood harvesting and transport) and training (e.g. for workers, supervisors and managers, including applied ergonomics, occupational safety and health and social aspects of forestry). Much of the work is carried out by teams of specialists which report to the Joint Committee and Steering Committee sessions, or by seminars or workshops hosted by member countries.
Duration: Continuing
Outputs: The Joint Committee's work programme for 2001-2005 is set out in the report of its twenty-third session (June 2000) (TIM/EFC/WP.1/2000/2).

2.3 AFWC/EFC/NEFC Committee on Mediterranean Forestry Questions, Silva Mediterranea

Description: Silva Mediterranea will advise FAO and member countries in the Mediterranean region on the implementation of the Mediterranean Forest Action Programme (MED-FAP). It will also encourage the exchange of information and the coordination of research in topics of interest to Mediterranean forestry, through research networks.
Method of work: Silva Mediterranea will act, at regular sessions and between them, as an inter-governmental forum for the coordination, monitoring and orientation of MED-FAP. It will contribute to identifying international regional priority activities, as well as designing and monitoring them. Six research networks are at present operational, focusing on forest fires, key species of the subregion (stone pine, cedar species, and the most recently created network, on cork oak), other multipurpose tree species, and on selection of stands of Mediterranean conifers for the production of seeds to be used in reforestation programmes.
Duration: Continuing

2.4 FAO Working Party on the Management of Mountain Watersheds

Description: The Working Party collects information, documents technologies, monitors evolution, exchanges experience and discusses progress within mountain ecosystems in view of their sustainable management and conservation. Important areas of concentration will be sustainable management and security of mountain ecosystems, with special attention to torrent control, avalanches, risk zoning, and mapping and early warning systems.
Method of work: The Working Party has an important role in the follow-up of Agenda 21, and supports FAO's role as task manager for chapter 13 on mountain ecosystems. The twenty-first session was held in May/June 1998 in the Czech Republic. Key areas of concentration will be sustainable management of mountain ecosystems, improved mountain livelihood systems, in response to UNCED, activities related to international agreements on mountains, and risk and disaster control and monitoring.
Duration: Continuing


Projects for possible implementation at a future time

(See ECE decision O (45) and Supplementary report containing the views and proposals of ECE to the Special Commission of ECOSOC, E/ECE/1150/Rev.1, para. 131)

Structural trends in markets for forest products and in the structure and capacity of forest industries

Description: The Committee and the Commission review medium-term (3-5 years) trends in the production, consumption, trade and prices of major forest products and the structure and capacity of the sawmilling and wood-based panels industries, so that governments may be continuously informed of structural trends in the forest products sectors.
Work accomplished and to be undertaken: Medium-term surveys are carried out on a 3-year rotation of sectors. These surveys incorporate as appropriate the results of surveys of the structure and capacity of major sectors (every time for panels, every other time for sawmilling). The issue of the medium-term surveys has been suspended until the Geneva staff is at full strength.

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