PC 87/10


Eighty-seventh Session

Rome, 6 - 10 May 2002

Progress Report on the Follow-up to Past Programme Committee Recommendations


1. This Progress Report provides in tabular format the status on Programme Committee items for which specific follow-up action was requested by the Committee, or jointly with the Finance Committee.

2. The Committee is invited to note this Progress Report.


Schedule of the Programme Committee and Joint Meeting Recommendations and 
of Follow-up Action




CL 119/11
paras. 7, 8 and 12

Medium Term Plan 2002-2007
The Committee

  • considered that there was room to identify more precise and measurable indicators, particularly in the case of technical projects;

  • encouraged a more appropriate choice in the use of the three types of programme entitiy; and

  • encouraged the refinement of the PAIAs in order to sharpen their focus.

A progress report on the development of indicators will be presented to the Eighty-seventh Session of the Programme Committee.

The other comments are being taken into account in the preparation of the Medium Term Plan 2004-09.

CL 121/3
paras. 19 and 20

The Modernisation of FAOSTAT
The Committee

  • endorsed the overall thrust of the proposal to modernise the FAOSTAT working system, while emphasising that the conceptual design should take account of the need to improve data quality at the country level also requiring the dissemination of appropriate tools to national authorities, as well as within the Organization;

  • urged that options for funding be identified, including through the use of arrears; and

  • requested that an updated report on the proposal to modernise FAOSTAT be provided to its next session, when requirements' definition and conceptual design, with attendant firmer cost estimates, had been determined.

A paper providing an update on the modernisation of FAOSTAT will be presented to the Eighty-seventh Session of the Programme Committee in May 2002.

CL 121/3
para. 34

The Thematic Review of FAO's Training Activities
The Committee requested that a progress report on management's follow-up action to the recommendations of this review be submitted to the Committee at its next session in May 2002.

A progress report on FAO's Training Activities will be presented to the Eighty-seventh Session of the Programme Committee in May 2002.

CL 120/14
para. 70

The Evaluation of the Special Programme for Food Security
The Committee requested that this evaluation be submitted at its May 2002 meeting.

This evaluation will be presented to the Eighty-seventh Session of the Programme Committee in May 2002.

CL 120/14
para. 45

Evaluation of FAO's Policy Assistance
Regarding the implementation of the recommendations of the evaluation, the Committee requested a follow-up report be prepared for its attention in about two years time.


A progress report on the implementation will be submitted to the Programme Committee in 2003.




CL 121/3
Para. 37

Evaluation Topics for the period 2002 to 2005
The Committee recommend the following eight topics to the Director- General:

I. Topics for Thematic Evaluations Related to the Corporate Strategies

  • Normative work and field operations for Strategy A.3 (Preparedness for, and effective and sustainable response to, food and agricultural emergencies).

  • For Strategy B.1 (International instruments concerning food, agriculture, fisheries and forestry and the production, safe use and fair exchange of agricultural, fishery and forestry goods): the joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme (Codex Alimentarius).

  • Selected Activities in support of Strategy D.1 (Integrated management of land, water, fisheries, forest and genetic resources).

II. Topics for Thematic Evaluations Related to the Strategies to Address Cross-Organizational Issues:

  • Decentralization of FAO's Programme and Services;

  • Strategy for Communicating FAO's Messages.

III. Selected Individual Programmes (including related Field Programme):

  • Programme 2.1.2 (Crops) - covering crop production components;

  • Programme 2.1.3 (Livestock) - excluding animal health;

  • Programme 2.2.2 (Food and Agricultural Information) - activities related to Agricultural Statistics in the context of FAOSTAT.

These recommendations will be acted upon in the two biennia 2002-03 and 2004-05.

CL 119/9
para. 27

FAO's presence at Country Level
It was requested that the Secretariat provide the Committees with a progress report based on an evaluation of the new arrangements for enhancing FAO's presence at country level.


A paper reviewing the implementation of the new arrangements will be presented to the Joint Meeting at its May 2002 session.

CL 120/4
para. 13

Savings and Efficiencies in Governance
The Committees decided to defer further discussion on the Reform of the General Debate at Conference until their May 2002 Joint Meeting, by which time Members would be in a position to draw lessons from experience gained at the Thirty-first Session of the Conference.


A paper discussing possible new arrangements will be presented to the Joint Meeting in May 2002.