Presentation on Rural Radio and Food Security

25 September 2002

Green room

11:30-12:15 (tentative)

Table of Contents

I. Background

1. More than two billion men and women live in the rural areas of developing countries. For all of these people, radio is still the most popular, the most economic and the most accessible means of communication. In remote rural areas where illiteracy rates are high, where electricity, phone, or access to the Internet are lacking, local community radio plays a key role in disseminating information on vital subjects such as agriculture and public health.

2. New information and communication technologies (ICTs) offer unprecedented opportunities for accessing global knowledge and information resources. However, most of this information is in text form, in English and written from a northern perspective. Rural community radios can act as an intermediary between the information available through global networks and rural people by adapting it to local contexts, broadcasting it in local languages, and by providing a platform for feedback through local discussion and networks of local correspondents.

3. At the first COAIM in 2000, Members Countries expressed a strong view on the importance of linkages between ICTs and other media such as rural radio. FAO has been an active partner of rural community and association radio networks for more than thirty years. More recently FAO has been working to harness the benefits that new information and communication technologies can play in supporting traditional media.

4. This theme was discussed at the first international workshop on Rural Radio and Food Security, organised by FAO's Extension, Education and Communications Service (SDRE) in collaboration with the Information Division (GII) and held at FAO's headquarters in November 2001. The workshop was also supported by the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC), and the Developing Countries Farm Radio Network (DCFRN).

5.  The workshop had four main objectives:

II. Objective and Outputs

6. The presentation will illustrate the Rural Radio concept and its methodology, with a specific focus on the services it provides to rural people to achieve food security. It will also report on the objectives and the outcomes of the Rural Radio and Food Security workshop held in FAO in 2001. 

III. Venue

7. Green Room (located at Building "A" first floor).

IV. Date

8. 25 September 2002 (11:00-12:15)

V.  Participants

9. This meeting is open to all interested participants attending the Second Consultation on Agricultural Information Management.

10. For further information, please contact Mr. Jean Pierre Ilboudo (+3906 - 57056889)


  1. Presentation of the Rural Radio concept and its methodology by Mr. Jean Pierre Ilboudo, Officer in Charge of the Communication for Development Group, SDRE
  2. Presentation of the objectives and the outcomes of the Rural Radio and Food Security workshop held in FAO in 2001
  3. Discussion
  4. Closure of the meeting