FC 104/1-Add.1

Finance Committee

Hundred and fourth Session

Rome, 15 – 19 September 2003

Provisional Annotated Agenda


1. Adoption of Provisional Agenda and Timetable (docs. FC 104/1, FC 104/1 Add.1,
FC 104/INF/1)

for discussion/decision

In accordance with the Committee’s internal working procedures, the Provisional Timetable provides to the extent possible for discussion at the beginning of the meeting of those items on which the Committee is required to make decisions or recommendations to the Council.


2. Programme and Budgetary Transfers (doc. FC 104/2)

for discussion/decision

In accordance with Financial Regulation IV, paragraph 4.5(b) (i), the Committee will be requested to review and approve the Director-General’s proposals for inter-chapter transfers within the budget for the 2002-2003 biennium.
3. Financial Highlights and Status of Current Assessments and Arrears (doc. FC 104/3)

for discussion

The Financial Highlights Report is designed to show, at a summary level, the financial situation of the Organization. In terms of the structure of the report, there are three groupings of data: income and expenditure by source of funds, the plan (budget) for particular sources of funds and balances for the comparative period in the previous biennium. Also included is the report on “Collection of Current Assessments and Arrears,” which presents the status of member nation contributions to the Regular Programme as at 30 June 2003.
4. Staffing of the Treasury Function (doc. FC 104/4)

for discussion/decision

At its May 2003 session the Finance Committee noted the concerns expressed by the Advisory Committee on Investments (ACI) that the Treasury Branch’s capacity to manage investments might need to be further strengthened and requested the secretariat to make a proposal in this regard, including the consideration of the possible application of investment income for this purpose.
5. Report on Support Costs Expenditure and Recoveries (doc. FC 104/5)

for discussion/decision

This annual report informs the Committee on the implementation of the FAO support cost reimbursement policy. In the light of experience in its application, the Committee is requested to consider proposals for amendments to the policy and the request for one waiver.


6. Audited Accounts
(i) FAO Credit Union 2002 (doc. FC 104/6(i))

for discussion/decision

The Committee will receive the audited accounts for 2002 of the FAO Credit Union for its information and approval.
Audited Accounts
(ii) FAO Commissary 2002 (doc. FC 104/6(ii))

for discussion/decision

The Committee will receive the audited accounts for 2002 of the FAO Commissary for its information and approval.
7. Progress Report on Implementation of the External Auditor’s Recommendations
(doc. FC 104/7)

for information

As requested by the Committee, a report will be provided on actions taken in respect of recommendations made by the External Auditor in his report on the 2001-2002 accounts, as well as on a number of recommendations brought forward from previous biennia.
8. Programme of Work of the External Auditor 2004-2005 (doc. FC 104/8)

for discussion

The Committee will receive information from the External Auditor on his proposal for value-for-money audit topics for the next biennium. The Committee will also receive information from the Legal Counsel concerning the request that the External Auditor present his report on the value-for-money audit findings to the Finance Committee at its May 2004 Session instead of its September 2004 Session.
9. UN Joint Inspection Unit Report

for information

  - Extension of Water-related Technical Cooperation Projects to End-beneficiaries: Bridging the Gap between the Normative and the Operational in the United Nations System (Case Studies in Two African Countries) (JIU/REP/2002/4) (doc. CL 124/INF/111/ and doc. CL 125/INF/17)
  - Involvement of Civil Society Organizations other than NGOs and the Private Sector in Technical Cooperation Activities: Experiences and Prospects of the United Nations System (JIU/REP/2002/1) (doc. CL 124/INF/18)1/
  - Reform of the Administration of Justice in the United Nations System: Options for Higher Recourse Instances (JIU/REP/2002/5) (doc. CL 125/INF/12)
  - United Nations System Revenue-producing Activities (JIU/REP/2002/6) (doc. CL 125/INF/13)
  - Implementation of Multilingualism in the United Nations System (JIU/REP/2002/11) (doc. CL 125/INF/14)
  - Annual Report of the Joint Inspection Unit (A/58/34) (doc. CL 125/INF/10)
  - Programme of Work of the Joint Inspection Unit for 2003 (A/58/64) (doc. CL 125/INF/11)
  - Managing Information in the UN System Organizations: Management Information Systems (JIU/REP/2002/9) (doc. CL 125/INF/15)
  - Evaluation of United Nations System Response in East Timor: Coordination and Effectiveness (JIU/REP/2002/10) (doc. CL 125/INF/16)
These documents will be provided to the Committee for information (and any comments that it may wish to make to the Council).


10. Liabilities for After Service Medical Costs (doc. FC 104/10)

for discussion

The Finance Committee at it last session considered the proposal of the Director-General to provide US$14.1 million in the SPWB 2004-05 as the first of 12 biennial contributions aimed at funding the accumulated liability for after service medical care. While being generally supportive of the proposal, it accepted the offer of the secretariat to prepare an issue paper examining the history and current status of after service medical care liabilities.
11. Incentive Scheme to Encourage Prompt Payment of Contributions – Determination of Discount Rate (doc. FC 104/11)

for discussion/decision

The Committee will receive details of the impact of the Incentive Scheme during the first quarter of 2003 and proposed discount rate to be used in applying credits to 2004 assessments.


12. Programme of Work and Budget 2004-2005 (doc. C 2003/3)

for discussion

In accordance with General Rules XXVII 7(a) and XXVIII the Committee will review the Director-General’s proposals for the Programme of Work and Budget for 2004-2005. It is expected that the Finance Committee will consider the financial aspects of the Programme of Work and Budget, such as financial framework, budgetary framework (including cost increases, impact of exchange rates, lapse factor, etc.), Chapters 5 and 6, without concerning itself with the merits of the Programme. The comments of the Committee will be forwarded to the Council together with those of the Programme Committee.
13. Split Assessments (docs. FC 104/13)

for discussion

This document is the most recent in a series that has been produced to support the Finance Committee’s extensive deliberations on the protection of the approved programme of work from exchange rate fluctuations, focusing on the proposal for split assessments.
14. Capital Budgeting (doc. FC 104/14)

for discussion

The Finance Committee at its May 2003 session reviewed a proposal for the establishment of a facility to manage activities that involve capital expenditures. The Committee was not ready to endorse the precise modalities of the facility as proposed, but requested the secretariat to prepare revised proposals, taking into accounts its comments.


15. Progress Report on Human Resources Management Issues (including Recommendations of Joint Inspection Unit on Human Resources Management Issues) (doc. FC 104/15)

for discussion

The Committee will be provided with a progress report on human resources management issues, including those raised by the Joint Inspection Unit in its report on administration and management in FAO.
16. Recommendations and Decisions of the ICSC and UN Joint Staff Pension Board to the General Assembly (including Changes in Salary Scales and Allowances)
(doc. FC 104/16)

for information

In accordance with standard practice, the Committee will be informed of any developments which took place at the General Assembly and the UN Joint Staff Pension Board which are of interest to this Organization, as well as an updated report on changes in salary scales and allowances.


17. Methodology for the Determination of Equitable Geographic Distribution
(doc. CL 124/15-Add.1) 2/

for discussion

At its 102nd Session, the Finance Committee considered the document CL 124/15, Methodology for the Determination of Equitable Geographic Distribution, with a view to providing its comments on the matter to the Council. The Committee requested the secretariat to submit a revised proposal that would indicate as well the advantages and disadvantages of each option. The report should also provide a table showing the impact of each option on the representation of all the member states.


18. Working Methods of the Finance Committee

for discussion

In accordance with the standard practice of the Committee, members will be given an opportunity to comment on the functioning of the session and to make suggestions for future improvements.
19. Date and Place of the Hundred-and-fifth Session

for information

The Committee will be informed of arrangements for its next session.
20. Any Other Matters

for information

- JIU Report on Review of Management and Administration in FAO: Action Plan
(doc. PC 90/6b / FC 104/INF/20(a))
At the Joint Meeting of the Programme and Finance Committees in May 2003 it was agreed that further discussions of the JIU report should be supported by an additional document containing a detailed time-bound action plan with action offices indicated, covering on-going or planned follow-up activities.


1 / Despatched for 102nd Session of the Finance Committee

2 / document from 124th Session of the Council