Villahermosa, Mexico, 16-20 November 1998


Date and Place

1. The 19th Session of the North American Forest Commission (NAFC) will be held from 16 to 20 November 1998 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, in Villahermosa, at the kind invitation of the Government of the United Mexican States. Participants should arrive at Villahermosa airport where they will be met and accompanied to the hotel.

2. The opening session will begin at 09.00 hours on Monday 16 November in the Salón Tenosique of the Hyatt Hotel.


3. Registration of participants will take place on Monday 16 November between 08.00 and 09.00 hours.


4. Accommodation has been reserved at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Villahermosa, at a room rate for a standard room of US$ 82.00, and for a junior suite of US$ 141.00. Participants are requested to complete the attached form and send it as soon as possible to the addressees indicated.

Languages and documentation

5. The working languages of the Commission are English and Spanish. Simultaneous interpretation and documents will be provided in these languages. As far as possible, documents will be distributed to Member States before the meeting and participants are requested to bring them, as only a limited number of copies will be available at the meeting.

Passport and visa requirements

6. Participants should contact the nearest Mexican Embassy or Consulate to find out about visa and health certificate requirements.


7. The official currency is the Mexican peso, which has an exchange rate of about MN$9.00 for one US$. Use of the US dollar is authorized.


8. The average temperature in Villahermosa in November is 32_C with rainfall in the afternoon. Participants are therefore advised to bring light clothing and a raincoat and umbrella for the field trip.


9. There will be a visit to the archaeological site of Palenque in the state of Chiapas on Thursday 19 November and to commercial forest plantations in the state of Tabasco (a detailed excursion programme will be available at the meeting).

Programme for accompanying persons

10. Depending on numbers, a programme of visits will be arranged to areas of interest in and around Villahermosa for accompanying persons, who may also participate in the excursion on Thursday 19 November, if they wish. Information on these activities will be available at the NAFC registration desk at the Hyatt Regency Hotel from Sunday 15 November.


Villahermosa, Mexico
16-20 November 1998

Please complete this form and send one copy to each of the following addressees as soon as possible:

1. Lic. Laura Lara Granados
Dirección General Forestal
Progreso No. 5 Col. del
Carmen Coyoacán
04100 Mexico, D.F.

Tel. (525) 65831122.
Fax: (525) 5543599
Email:[email protected]

2. Ms. I. Pontecorvo
Meetings Assistant
Forestry Department, FAO
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy

Tel. (3906) 57056663
Fax. (3906) 57052151
Email:[email protected]

The undersigned (please use capital letters)

Name ____________________First Name(s)__________________________________________________

Country/Organization _____________________________________________________________________

Title/position ____________________________________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________________________


Tel: _____________Fax:______________Email:________________________________________________

Accompanied by__________________________________________________________________________

intends to participate in the 19th Session of the North American Forest Commission. I plan to arrive in Villahermosa on__________ November 1998, at _________hours (flight no. __________) and to depart on______________ (flight no. _______________)

Please reserve hotel accommodation from _____ to _____ November.

Please confirm my hotel reservation using my credit card:

Visa/Master Card/American Express # ________________________________________________________________

Valid until ______________________

Date ________________ Signature _______________________________