Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
What is FAO
Development Assistance

Examples of development assistance:

Sustainable agriculture and rural development provides an essential foundation for improving the nutrition, food security and standard of living of millions of people living in developing countries.

In addition to ensuring adequate food, it created employment and generates income through farming, processing and distribution sectors and contributes to overall national development. FAO promotes development that provides long-term solutions to the fundamental problems of poverty and hunger

In promoting sustainable agricultural development, FAO gives practical help to developing countries through a wide range of technical assistance projects. The Organization encourages an integrated approach, with environmental, social and economic considerations included in the formulation of development projects. In some areas, for example, particular combinations of crops can improve agricultural productivity, provide a source of fuelwood for local villagers, improve soil fertility and reduce the impact of erosion. By encouraging people's participation, FAO aims to draw on local expertise and ensure a cooperative approach to development. In doing so, it brings new skills, ideas and technologies to rural communities.

On average, FAO has some 1 800 field projects operating at any one time. They range from integrated land management projects to policy and planning advice for governments in areas as diverse as forestry programmes and marketing strategies. The Organization usually takes one of three roles: implementing its own programme; executing a programme on behalf of other agencies and international donors; or providing advice and management assistance to national projects. FAO's Investment Centre assists developing countries in formulating investment projects in agricultural and rural development. During 1995, FAO-assisted investment projects were worth some $3 300 million.

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