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Twenty-Sixth FAO Regional Conference
for Latin America and the Caribbean

Merida, Mexico,  10 - 14 April 2000


List of documents Download ID
LARC/00/1 Provisional Annotated Agenda word.gif (913 bytes) X4707E
LARC/00/2 Impact of technical and non-tariff barriers on agricultural trade in Latin America and the Caribbean word.gif (913 bytes) X4329E
LARC/00/3 Water as a resource for food production in the Region word.gif (913 bytes) X4440E
LARC/00/4 Effect of adverse climatological conditions on food production and trade word.gif (913 bytes) X4583E
LARC/00/5 Reforms of rural development institutions word.gif (913 bytes) X4584E
LARC/00/6 Follow-up to the World Food Summit word.gif (913 bytes) X4606E
LARC/00/7 Research and transfer of technology in food production word.gif (913 bytes) X4441E


Information Note

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LARC/00/INF/2 Provisional Timetable word.gif (913 bytes) X4711E
LARC/00/INF/3 Provisional List of Documents word.gif (913 bytes) X4712E
LARC/00/INF/4 Statement by the Director-General    
LARC/00/INF/5 FAO activities, trends and challenges in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and food security in the Region (1998-99) and action taken on the main recommendations of the 25th FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean


LARC/00/INF/6 Sustainable development in mountain areas word.gif (913 bytes) X4442E
LARC/00/INF/7 Plant genetic resources: international commitment and the Leipzig Plan of Action

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LARC/00/INF/8 Plan of action project for agriculture in the small island developing states

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LARC/00/INF/9a Report of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) word.gif (913 bytes) X4445E
LARC/00/INF/9b Report of the Commission for Inland Fisheries of Latin America (COPESCAL)

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LARC/00/INF/10 Report of the Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission

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LARC/00/INF/11 Report of the Commission on Livestock Development for Latin America and the Caribbean word.gif (913 bytes) X4448E
LARC/00/INF/12 Establishment of a Sub-Regional Office for Central America word.gif (913 bytes) X4708E


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