Wednesday 10 June 2015, 12:30-13:30, Sheikh Zayed Centre

Side Event co-hosted by Japan, FAO and African Regional Group of the Permanent Representatives to FAO
Direction for Food Value Chain Development in Africa

- Agricultural Development through TICAD Process -

About the event: The Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) was launched in 1993 and held five times with the objectives of promoting high-level dialogues between African leaders and development partners, and fostering international partnership to support African-owned development.

PurposeSharing experiences on agriculture development, especially food value chains in
Africa, and raising awareness on the ongoing African efforts.

Provisional Agenda

Responsible office: 

South South and Resource Mobilization Division (TCS)


English, French, Spanish


English, French

Concept Note:


Twitter hashtag:

#UNFAO39; #UNFAOresults; #TICAD