Thursday, 7th June 2018 from 13.00 to 14.30, Sheikh Zayed Centre

Engaging agriculture, forestry and fisheries in the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development: a guide for policymakers


About the event:

Three years into the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, countries are progressively mainstreaming the SDGs into their national strategies, setting up monitoring systems, and rolling out policies.

More sustainable, inclusive, and resilient food and agriculture systems are central to this process. How can policymakers turn that potential into reality? How can they select and prioritise resources to accelerate progress?

FAO is working closely with its counterparts in countries to support their engagement in the SDG process. This includes raising awareness within the agriculture sectors and supporting their active participation in the national dialogue on SDGs. To guide these efforts, FAO has developed guidelines describing how to engage in the SDG process and identifying 20 interconnected actions to transform food and agriculture, each describing approaches, policies and tools that contribute to multiple SDGs.


  • Introduce the newly released publication “Transforming food and agriculture to achieve the SDGs: 20 actions;”
  • Discuss progress made by countries in implementing the SDGs and their ambitions in achieving them;
  • Explore ways to accelerate SDG implementation in countries and FAO’s contribution to the process.



Jean-Marc Faurès







Opening remarks: FAO and the SDGs

Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director General (DDN)


Introducing FAO’s publication “Transforming Food and Agriculture to Achieve the SDGs: 20 Interconnected actions to guide decision-makers”

Clayton Campanhola, Strategic Programme Leader on Sustainable Agriculture


Perspectives from the countries:

  • Sudan
  • Sweden
  • Bangladesh

Sudan: Limiaa Abdelgafar Khalafalla, Secretary General, National Population Council

Bangladesh: Manash Mitra, Economic Counsellor and Assistant Permanent Representative to FAO

Sweden: Fredrik Alfer, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO


Discussion: How can we accelerate SDG implementation in countries?



Closing remarks: strengthening FAO engagement in countries

Daniel Gustafson, Deputy Director-General Programmes, FAO


English, French, Spanish

Webcast link:

Twitter hashtag:

#CL159 #FutureofFood #SDGs