Written Correspondence Process

Given the decision to hold the 32nd Session of the Regional Conference for Europe in virtual mode and the constraints related to the span of seven time zones in Europe and Central Asia region, the programme of live plenary meetings of the Session shall be condensed. In order to streamline the proceedings of the Regional Conference, a written consultation procedure will be implemented as the main method to address e selected items indicated in the Provisional Timetable of the Session. These items to be addressed through written consultation shall not be discussed live at the virtual session of the ERC.

Members and Observers are requested to submit any inputs and statements on the selected documents by email to [email protected] no later than Sunday, 25 October 2020. The subject line of the email has to indicate clearly, to which agenda item the submitted input relate. Where applicable, the Secretariat will provide written responses to the inputs received. All inputs received and the FAO Secretariat responses, will be translated in all languages of the Regional Conference, and posted by the ERC Secretariat on a dedicated page within the Regional Conference website.

Items for discussion

Item 11 ERC/20/4 Decentralized Offices Network
Item 14 ERC/20/7 Multi-year Programme of Work (MYPOW) 2020-2023 of the Regional Conference for Europe
Item 15 ERC/20/8 Report from the Outcome of the Debate of the 41st Session of the European Commission on Agriculture (ECA)
Item 16 ERC/20/9 Report from the Outcome of the Debate of the Joint Session of the 40th European Forestry Commission (EFC) and the 77th UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry (COFFI)
Item 17 ERC/20/10 Report from the Outcome of the Debate of the 30th Session of the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission (EIFAAC)
Item 18 ERC/20/11 Report from the Outcome of the Debate of the 6th Session of the Central Asian and Caucasus Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission (CACFish)

Information items

ERC/20/INF/10, ERC/20/INF/11, ERC/20/INF/12, ERC/20/INF/13, ERC/20/INF/14, ERC/20/INF/15