Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), 19-21 November 2014

Information for participants


Credentials of delegates, alternates, associates and advisers, and of the representatives of participating international organizations need to be deposited with the Director General of FAO not less than 15 days before the date of the opening of the Conference. Thus, delegates are requested to submit credentials no later than 4 November 2014.
Credentials can be validly communicated through documents such as a letter signed by the competent national authority, Notes Verbales, Ordres de Mission and in electronic form, on the understanding that formal credentials of Members and Associate Members in original form be submitted to the Secretariat (FAO Rome, Room A484; tel. (+39) 06570 55872; fax (+39) 06570 56105; or by email: [email protected]).


Participants requiring visas must obtain these from the Italian Consulate or competent Diplomatic Mission in their country before leaving for Rome. Visa applications must be submitted well in advance of departure, as up to three weeks may be required for an Italian visa to be issued. Italian visa information can be found at: For any further information, please contact the Chief of FAO Protocol by email: [email protected] or by phone (+ 39) 06570 53356.

Speaking Time and Statements

Statements will be limited to five minutes for heads of country delegations, and four minutes for United Nations agencies and other organizations.
Requests for speaking time during the General Debate in Plenary are made through the Office of the Director, Conference, Council and Protocol Affairs Division (Room A140, tel: (+39) 06570 53207), by completing the “Speaking Time Request Form”, attached to the letter of invitation, and forwarding it by email to: [email protected].
To facilitate time keeping, a traffic light system installed by the lectern indicates when the time limit has been reached.
To ensure accurate interpretation of statements and timely posting after delivery, statements should be submitted electronically at least three hours before delivery (preferably in WORD format) to [email protected].

Overflow rooms

A video link to the Red Room (first floor, Building A) will allow those unable to enter the Plenary Hall (third floor, Building A) on the morning of 19 November to follow the opening meeting. The Red Room will also be available as an overflow room for those wishing to follow the Round Tables held in the Green Room (first floor, Building A) on 19 (p.m.) and 20 (p.m.) November.

Languages of proceedings

Proceedings will be conducted in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Italian interpretation will also be provided during the Inaugural Ceremony and opening of the Conference. If speakers wish to make statements in a language other than these, they must provide well in advance a text in one of the aforementioned languages to the Conference Secretariat (Room A274). The delegation concerned should also make available to the Interpretation Group (Room A274), tel. (+39) 06570 52933, a person who knows both the language in which the statement is delivered and the language into which it has been translated to ensure synchronization between the speaker and the interpreter.

Members wishing to make available copies of their statements to the Conference participants should provide the desired number of copies to the Documents Desk, at the Korean Conference Service Centre (first floor, Building A, at the entrance of the Red and Green Rooms).

Bilateral Meeting rooms for Heads of Delegations

A limited number of small meeting rooms may be reserved for use by Heads of Delegations for bilateral or multilateral meetings. Meeting rooms may be reserved by Delegations on an hourly basis and will be assigned on a first come first served basis until available. To reserve meeting rooms, Country Delegations are invited to send an email with a clear indication of the date, preferred time, delegations to be met and number of attendees to [email protected]. Final confirmation of booking will be given via email before the meeting.

The Secretariat is not in a position to provide interpretation services for bilateral meetings.

Telephone and internet facilities

WiFi coverage is available in all meeting rooms, the Atrium and catering facilities. Participants with laptops, smartphones or tablet with Wireless Local Area Network (LAN) capabilities may use this service, selecting the network “ICN2”. The user name and password will be provided in the ICN2 Journal.

Delegates are also advised to bring charged laptops, smartphones and/or tablets, as well as extension cords and adapters to European sockets.

Information note for participants -Rev.2 (PDF)

Last updated 17 November 2014