Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), 19-21 November 2014

IFAD, FAO and partners conduct workshop on nutrition-sensitive agriculture

At first glance, the relationship between improved agricultural production and better nutrition may appear self-evident. If smallholder farmers can boost their crop yields and incomes, it seems to follow that their household nutrition levels should also increase. But a recent training session, hosted by IFAD in collaboration with FAO, World Bank and REACH, demonstrated that connecting the dots between nutrition and agriculture is much more complex. It is now widely recognized that higher levels of production and income alone have a limited impact on improving nutrition. What is needed instead – as the workshop participants learned – is a comprehensive model of agricultural development designed to prevent malnutrition, including undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and overnutrition. This model encompasses partnerships with other sectors, including health, water and sanitation and education. It also requires careful consideration of the social context, notably the status of women, as well as environmental conservation and biodiversity.

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