Bureau régional de la FAO pour l'Afrique

Advancing Operationalization of the Framework for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Africa (SAMA)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The African Union Commission (AUC) and FAO support a common vision to create “The Africa We Want”. This is supported by the view that agricultural mechanization in Africa is an indispensable pillar for attaining the Zero Hunger vision by 2025, as stated in the Malabo Declaration of 2014.

FAO and AUC jointly prepared and launched a Framework for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Africa (SAMA) in October 2018. The SAMA Framework is expected to significantly contribute to FAO’s commitment to ending hunger and reducing rural poverty. The meeting will contribute to increase the visibility of the SAMA Framework, disseminate it and create synergies to support its operationalization at AUC, RECs and country level and allow a fresh start on mechanization in the twenty-first century.