News archive

From 14 to 18 March, over 350 delegates representing National Plant Protection Organizations, Regional Plant Protection Organizations, Regional Economic Communities, international organizations and other observers from the scientific community and the private sector convened at
The First International Symposium on Urban and Peri-Urban Horticulture (UPH) in the Century of Cities held on 6-9 December 2010 in Dakar, Senegal attracted more than 200 participants from 39 countries of Africa, America, Asia
Tajik veterinarians have vaccinated 1.7 million animals against brucellosis
A dramatic decline in brucellosis, a serious disease affecting both livestock and humans in this Central Asian country, is being hailed as the first major victory of the recently privatized national animal health service.
Working animals play a fundamental role in livelihoods improvement as they provide farm power and contribute to food security and poverty reduction, income generation and gender equity. AGA has started a series of initiatives to
A group of 31 experts in chemicals management and numerous observers will participate at the Seventh meeting of the Chemical Review Committee in Rome, from 28 March 2011 to 1 April 2011. The main objective
Coordinated, multinational response required
FAO is calling for veterinary and border control authorities in Asia to be on alert for animals showing signs of infection by Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD), following an unprecedented outbreak of the livestock-affecting sickness in South
New FAO book celebrating traditional food production in the Southern Caucasus
As part of its contribution to the International Year of Biodiversity, FAO has published a book celebrating the richness of biodiversity for food and agriculture in the Southern Caucasus, birthplace of many common foods found
Since the last rainy season, an upsurge of the Migratory Locust is underway in Madagascar. The food security and livelihood of nearly half a million Malagasy households is threatened. From May 2010 onwards, locust swarms
But efforts to better manage animal genetic resources still have a long way to go
A growing number of countries are taking steps to catalogue, conserve and better manage the genetic diversity of livestock in order to help safeguard the resilience of the world's food production systems, says an informal
50 million sheep and goats at risk
A deadly viral disease which broke out in Tanzania earlier this year risks spreading to Southern Africa, posing a mortal threat to more than 50 million sheep and goats in 15 countries, FAO warned today.
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