
The FAO-EU partnership project on pesticide management in the former Soviet Union has now been active for two years. This initiative aims to act as a catalyst for the development capacity linked to the improved
IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria, 10 – 13 November 2014
The symposium will focus on food safety and quality, considering protection of the integrity of the food supply chain as a holistic process, including aspects such as traceability, authenticity, contaminant control and animal feed safety.
粮农组织表示,没有证据表明感染甲型H7N9流感,即家禽中的一种低致病性病毒的人类患者可以将病毒传染给包括鸟类在内的动物。 粮农组织提到了最近在马来西亚发现的首例中国之外的人感染病例。
Vienna - A joint division of FAO and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has been recognized for moving quickly and effectively to help nations prepare for the potentially pandemic strain of avian influenza known
FAO/IAEA project lays foundation for thriving livestock sector
A campaign against the tsetse fly, a pest that transmits a disease that devastates livestock, in the Niayes area near the capital Dakar has radically reduced the fly population and is paving the way for
数千名阿富汗农民,主要是女性,在文书上按下手印,呼吁扩大粮农组织乳品项目,将其所在村庄和家庭囊括在内。这些文书于2010年书就,证明了项目即使在项目点安全问题不断升级以及缺少适当基础设施的条件下也能取得成就。妇女表示,她们目睹了邻里如何从项目中获益,希望项目扩大范围将更多的人和村庄覆盖在内。2005年项目启动之初,重点关注提高牛奶产量,但已经逐渐地扩展到提供完整的供应链方法,提高家庭的粮食安全水平。项目参与者的年均收入从2005年的550美元提高到2010年的2 000美元,项目还为阿富汗乳业创造了新的就业机会。
Why is it important to measure pollination deficits?The health of pollinators may impact the sustained productivity of crops, orchards and pastures. The demise of pollinator groups can affect ecosystems on all levels as it pertains
 根据粮农组织今天公布的一份报告,人口增长、农业扩展,以及食品供应链日益全球化大大改变了疾病出现、跨越物种界限和蔓延的方式。因此,需要一种新的和更全面的方法来应对动物 - 人类 - 环境相互作用所带来的疾病威胁。
Perennial agriculture, including perennial grains, oil seeds and legumes as well as forages and trees can take sustainable intensification to the next level and achieve productivity goals as well as social benefits and functioning ecosystem