
Improving Crops with Nuclear Science
On his second voyage to the “New World,” the explorer Christopher Columbus sent a ship back to Spain carrying a letter addressed to the King and Queen, dated January 30 1494. He was asking for
虽然许多国家正在采取行动,制止对粮食和农业具有重要作用的家畜遗传资源的不断流失,但是当前迫切需要解决现存的巨大差距。 在今天举行的国际会议上,80个国家提交了有关《动物遗传资源全球行动计划》的实施进展报告。
对在动物群体中流行和/或新出现的病原体做到早发现,是公共及动物卫生工作的优先重点。 美国国际开发署资助的“IDENTIFY”项目帮助粮农组织加强实验室及早发现和诊断疫病的能力,从而能对新出现问题做到快速应对 [下载英文版议程]
FAO releases first status report on urban gardening
Africa's urban population is growing faster than that of any other region, but many of its cities are not keeping pace with the increasing demand for food that comes with that growth. A new FAO
FAO publication says targeted policies and capacity building crucial
A new FAO publication says carefully tailored policy and institutional changes can help to unlock the livestock sector’s poverty reduction potential. Although an estimated 750 million poor have a major stake in the livestock sector,
In Mali, FAO uses an effective inter-project collaboration system
September 2012 - In response to the uneven results of development assistance to date, FAO is henceforth to encourage a series of good practices, including the use of "integrated projects", whose implementation is based on
人们对蝙蝠能否向其他动物和人类传播疾病的潜在风险越来越关注,从而加重了对这种围绕在周边的动物的怀疑。联合国粮食及农业组织出版了一份手册,旨在帮助各国最大程度减少对公共卫生的风险,同时保护蝙蝠在农业和环境领域所发挥的重要作用 [英文详细内容]
继在乌克兰首次检测到非洲猪瘟之后,粮农组织发出警告,在控制措施似乎暂时遏制了该疫病传播的同时,它已在高加索地区立足,并正在给周边地区造成威胁。 除了乌克兰的一些地区以外,诸如摩尔多瓦、哈萨克斯坦和拉脱维亚等拥有大量家庭养猪场和生物安全规程通常薄弱的邻近国家也面临很高的疫病传入风险。
29 rural enterprises supply demand for bean seed to ensure availability to 296,000 families
Since 2010, twenty-nine small rural enterprises in the business of producing high quality seed have been producing enough bean seed to plant 78,000 hectares, which will make bean grain available to 296,000 families in Costa
The 3ADI was launched on March 2010 in Abuja, Nigeria, by the African Union Council as the African Agribusiness and Agro-industries Development Initiative. The Abuja Declaration (click here to download) mandates FAO, through the Rural