
Will offer grants to developing countries
Germany, Norway and Switzerland have contributed a first donation of $1,000,000 to a new, FAO-managed fund designed to help developing countries conserve and sustainably use their livestock breeds.
Will offer grants to developing countries
Germany, Norway and Switzerland have contributed a first donation of $1,000,000 to a new, FAO-managed fund designed to help developing countries conserve and sustainably use their livestock breeds.
31 May - 3 June 2011. Accra (Ghana)
FAO collaborated with the World Bank and the College of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences, University of Ghana, to organize a workshop in Accra, Ghana from 31 May - 3 June 2011 on the subject of
As a contribution to the International Pollinators Initiative, FAO's Plant Production and Protection Division (AGP) and its partners have collaborated with INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, a public research body of the French
Food irradiation could play a critical role in ensuring safe, wholesome and high quality foods for consumers, especially in dealing with virulent microbial strains that have withstood other more conventional treatments. This latest E. coli
粮农组织与德国马普研究所(Max Planck Institute)目前正在联手开展针对物种间传播疾病的研究,即那些在野生动物和家畜之间来回转移,且在有些情况下,能转移到人类的疾病。当今世界相互联接,人口增长、现代化交通以及不断增长的动物及动物产品全球贸易,都极大加快了人畜共患病(即种间转移疾病)的传播,对农民生计和人类健康都会产生重大影响。甲型H1N1猪流感和H5N1高致病性禽流感只不过是最近发生的两个例子。
The first in a series of five educational modules on the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture was presented to delegates in a side event at the Fourth Session of the
粮农组织今天警告说,高加索地区和俄罗斯联邦发生的致命猪瘟可能濒临高发期,因此呼吁受影响的国家加强预防措施并采取协调一致的国际行动,防止疫病在北半球更广泛地传播。“非洲猪瘟正在迅速成为一个全球性问题,”粮农组织首席兽医官胡安•卢布罗斯说。“它现在对欧洲和欧洲以外的地方构成直接威胁。各国需要提高警惕并加强其备灾和应急计划。” 粮农组织建议各国采取的措施包括,开展风险分析以评估形势和潜在后果。这种分析应该为制订全面的应急计划铺平道路并为选择疾病控制战略提供依据。