
New FAO book celebrating traditional food production in the Southern Caucasus
As part of its contribution to the International Year of Biodiversity, FAO has published a book celebrating the richness of biodiversity for food and agriculture in the Southern Caucasus, birthplace of many common foods found
Since the last rainy season, an upsurge of the Migratory Locust is underway in Madagascar. The food security and livelihood of nearly half a million Malagasy households is threatened. From May 2010 onwards, locust swarms
But efforts to better manage animal genetic resources still have a long way to go
A growing number of countries are taking steps to catalogue, conserve and better manage the genetic diversity of livestock in order to help safeguard the resilience of the world's food production systems, says an informal
50 million sheep and goats at risk
A deadly viral disease which broke out in Tanzania earlier this year risks spreading to Southern Africa, posing a mortal threat to more than 50 million sheep and goats in 15 countries, FAO warned today.
Driven by the need to obtain food self-sufficiency and to increase production of export crops, many Governments have, as part of their agricultural intensification programmes, promoted agricultural production systems that rely heavily on toxic pesticides
More than 25 million hectares of cultivated land in the Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA) are potentially threatened by locusts and grasshoppers every year, and infestations have increased by 65 percent since 2006. The three
联合国粮食及农业组织积极致力于应急和恢复活动。当灾情过后发生传染病或非传染性动物及人畜共患病时,粮农组织运用其兽医公共卫生、流行病学和危机管理方面的知识,努力减少疫病风险、减缓其影响并鼓励开展公共卫生通报交流。 [英文详细内容]
The member countries of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), based in AGP, share the common goal of "cooperation between nations in protecting the world’s cultivated and natural plant resources from the spread and introduction