
The Way Forward for Sustainable Production Intensification
There are already over 1 billion (about 15% of the human population) people hungry and living in poverty, and 75% of them as well as other less poor but vulnerable people live in rural areas
International task force concerned over declining support for H5N1 monitoring, despite disease persistence and spread
An international team of experts has warned that while more is known today about the role of wild birds in the spread of the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus than ever before, significant information
Government officials and international experts from more than 30 countries of all world regions stress the role of the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) as a central
Indiscriminate use of pesticides is of high concern to many governments in Asia as it poses risks to crop production, farmers, the environment, food safety and government plans to intensify agricultural production and develop export
FAO is partnering with Oregon State University (OSU) to deploy new technology in West Africa for monitoring pesticides in surface and ground waters. The “passive sampling device” (PSD) uses an artificial membrane suspended within a
The Soil and Water Management and Crop Nutrient Section in collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China Agricultural University and scientists from 12 countries participated in a field campaign recently to evaluate a
- 在未来18个月的时间里,动物卫生界将取得阿波罗11号登月那样意义非凡的成果:粮农组织将联合世界动物卫生组织和其他伙伴,正式宣布牛瘟这一人类已知破坏性最大的动物疾病之一被根除。 这将是历史上人类首次成功消灭一种动物疾病,也是第二次通过人类的努力,成功清除一种疾病。(第一次是于1980年消灭的天花。)
A new AGS publication
Agro-industries for Development highlights the current status and future course for agro-industries and brings attention to the contributions this sector can make to international development. The book includes contributions from agro-industry specialists, academic experts and