
FAO/AGP Division provided keynote address and contributed to Synthesis Report of above meeting that was convened by the Billl & Melinda Gates Foundation in October 2015 in Beijing, China
In October 2015, an international gathering of people involved in smallholder mechanization issues took place in Beijing, China; the meeting was convened by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Grand Challenges program of the
Since the development of the farmer field school (FFS) approach in the late 80s in Asia, thousands of FFS have since been implemented across the world, in over 90 countries and across a varied range
Agroecology is the science of applying ecological concepts and principles to the design and management of sustainable food systems1. It focuses on the interactions between plants, animals, humans and the environment. Agroecological practices work in
“互动式全球畜牧环境评估模型”(GLEAM-i)利用单一一份Excel文档,把粮农组织“全球畜牧环境评估模型”的核心功能向公众开放。GLEAM-i是首个专门面向畜牧业的开放、用户友好型工具,旨在支持各国政府、项目规划人员、生产者、业界及民间社会组织,利用Tier 2方法计算排放量。GLEAM-i可用以编制国家清单,以及在畜牧业、饲料和粪肥管理干预情况评估中用以开展项目事前评价。
A new 2.3 million euro initiative will help countries in Latin America and the Caribbean fight the Zika virus with a nuclear technique that has been used to suppress various insect pests. The initiative complements
The Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention in partnership with the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) and FAO Office in Portugal promoted a meeting among African Portuguese-speaking countries under the Rotterdam Convention on the social and
Team ROMEO (Remotely Operated Mosquito Emission Operation) is a collaborative project between the mosquito group of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, and the German drone manufacturer Height Tech. Together