
Agroecological approaches have been given increased attention within FAO. As regional meetings are being held this year, FAO is gearing up to implement Agroecology with partners in the next biennium.
Why Agroecology? The global food system is at a crossroads. As the new Sustainable Development Goals show, agriculture is key in ending hunger and malnutrition in a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable way. This will include a
通过南亚扶贫畜牧政策项目,粮农组织帮助加强了印度两个选定地区在实施小反刍动物和小规模家禽可持续养殖干预措施方面的能力和知识。该项目为期2年,耗资38.5万美元。通过执行实地项目,展示小规模牲畜养殖者如何克服面临的主要制约因素以及如何建立制度体系(包括社区机构),该项目使小规模牲畜养殖者能够集体获取所需的物资,并从小反刍动物产品日益扩展的市场中获利。 拉贾斯坦邦和中央邦的实地项目是粮农组织和印度国家奶业发展委员会发起的共同行动。项目被设计为“综合”干预措施,连接小反刍动物/小规模家禽价值链的各个阶段:从提高产量、方便获取物资,到支持小规模饲养者机构集体进入市场的所有阶段。
In the battle to help developing countries overcome threats from declining food production caused by climate change, one species of edible grain-like crop has caught international attention because of its unique nutritional value
Breadfruit and breadnut have excellent potential for contributing to food and nutrition security, viable livelihoods, sustainable environments and adaptation to climate change which are all key elements of the Agricultural Development Strategy of the Ministry
Pollinators, pollination and food production – why the hype?
Pollination is a keystone process in both human managed and natural terrestrial ecosystems. It is critical for food production and human livelihoods, and directly links wild ecosystems with agricultural production systems. The vast majority of
Agriculture is one of the priority sectors in Georgia, currently employing over half of the total workforce in the country. Even though food production has significantly increased for the past few years, productivity, as well