NSP - detail
GCP/AFG/045/EC - Variety and Seed Industry Development in Afganistan
Project classifiers
Seeds, plant genetic resources
Summary text
This project is designed to support a private sector seed and planting materials industry that produces and markets seeds and planting materials in Afghanistan to meet the needs of farmers for enhancing agricultural productivity and ensuring food security. The project will place systems to the government to regulate a private sector seed industry that meets international standards.
Full description

Objective of the project:  

Strengthen the capacity of ARIA research stations.


Activity 1.1:
Obtain advanced breeding lines from international collections

Activity 1.2:
Assist ARIA in the design and management of trials to screen materials for adaptation to major agroecological zones

Activity 1.3:
Assist ARIA in collecting, analyzing data and in selection of promising material and submitting to Variety Release Committee

Activity 1.4:
Assist in registering released varieties and producing breeder seed (BS) under good husbandry care

Activity 1.5:
Assess training needs of different categories of staff in relation to expected tasks and duties

Activity 1.6:
Develop training plan (types of training, duration and location of training services)

Activity 1.7:
Provide overseas training in agronomy research

Activity 1.8:
Provide on-the-job training in trial design, management and data analysis

Activity 1.9:
Provide essential equipment and supplies for variety trial management

Activity 2.1:
Assist ISE in producing foundation seed in plots under appropriate husbandry care

Activity 2.2:
Assist and monitor the harvesting process and packaging of early generation seed

Activity 2.3:
Monitor the sale of foundation seed to seed enterprises

Activity 2.4:
Provide essential equipment and spares for repairs to irrigation canals, seed cleaning and storage facilities

Activity 2.5:
Assess training needs of different categories of staff in relation to expected tasks and duties

Activity 2.6:
Develop training plan (types of training, duration and location of training services)

Activity 2.7:
Provide on-the-job training in seed technology, quality assurance and equipment service and maintenance

Activity 3.1:
Assist in preparing ToRs and appoint members of the National Seed Board (NSB)

Activity 3.2:
Establish Secretariat of NSB and supply it with necessary support services

Activity 3.3:
Provide running costs of NSB and supply it with necessary support services

Activity 3.4:
Assist in organizing regular meetings of NSB

Activity 3.5:
Establish Seed Certification Agency (SCA) under NSB

Activity 3.6:
Establish Variety Release Committee under NSB

Activity 3.7:
Establish a Seed & Plant Health Inspectorate under NSB

Activity 4.1:
Assess training needs of certified seed producers and develop a training plan

Activity 4.2:
Provide on-farm training in crop husbandry care and post-harvest handling

Activity 4.3:
Hold Seed Review and Planning meetings

Activity 4.4:
Hold consultations regarding privatization of ISE

Activity 4.5:
Conduct consultancies for privatization of NGO seed operations

Activity 4.6:
Carryout nationwide market research at farmers’ level

Activity 4.7:
Conduct an ECOFIN analysis during inception phase

Activity 4.8:
Conduct national workshop for ISE privatization

Activity 4.9:
Conduct seed marketing and production training including study tours and traveling workshops

Activity 4.10:
Organize business meetings to link seed producers with seed / input dealers


Activity 4.11:
Create awareness about improved varieties and quality seed through field days

Activity 4.12:
Assist in the establishment of regional seed associations

Activity 4.13:
Assist in the establishment of a national seed association and participation in APSA meetings

Activity 4.14:
Assist in the organization of seed and input fairs in various regions

Activity 4.15:
Introduce margin analysis, promote cost-effectiveness and competitive pricing

Output and results

Output 1:
The Agricultural Research Institute of Afghanistan (ARIA) is enabled to effectively develop varieties and produce breeder seed.

Output 2:
The Improved Seed Enterprises (ISEs) are enabled to produce foundation seeds of newly released and popular existing varieties.

Output 3:
National Seed Board (NSB) and its affiliated bodies are established and made functional as apex institutions for coordinating seed industry functions.

Output 4:
An appropriate system for commercializing certified seeds to farmers is established and made functional.

Project duration
Jan 2007 - Dec 2011
Project budget
12,974,874 USD
AGP Contact
Osborn Thomas Arthur, Senior Officer, Plant Production and Protection Division (AGP), Room C716, Tel. (0039) 06570 55407, Fax. (0039) 06570 56347
Project partner information

- Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL), the National Seed Board (NSB)
- Afghanistan National Seed Organization (ANSOR)

Geografic reference