NSP - detail
UTF/PAK/105/PAK - Preparation of strategies for the national commercial seed production programme (NCSPP)
Project classifiers
Seeds, plant genetic resources, Food security
Summary text
The project aim to provide an analysis of the seed sector to identify strengths, constraints and opportunities that will be used to develop strategies that form the foundation of project proposal for a national commercial seed production programme
Full description

Pakistan understands the key role of the seed sector to the agriculture sector. It has undertaken a variety of initiatives to develop the seed sector so that it can play a vital role in agriculture growth. However it is recognized that further improvements in the seed sector are needed to keep pace with the demands of the agriculture and the changing roles of the public and private sector. FAO has a long history of responding to the requests of Pakistan regarding the development of their agriculture sector. The  FAO, through Seed and Plant Genetic Resource Service (AGPS), has previous assisted Pakistan in its efforts to improve the seed sector and this feasibility study is an opportunity to follow up on previous FAO initiatives and help Pakistan make the seed sector more efficient, effective and to responsive to the needs of farmers.

The objective of the feasibility study is to provide an analysis of the seed sector to identify strengths, constraints and opportunities that will be used to develop strategies that form the foundation of project proposal for a national commercial seed production programme. The study will provide information on the current status of the seed sector, the current roles of the public and private sector, economic and financial analysis and proposals for public/private sector partnerships in the seed sector. It will also provide recommendations for the future related to the new regime of IPRs/PBR Act and Seed Act Amendment 2007. 

Project outputs/results/impact

Preparation of a Strategy for the National Commercial Seed Production (NCSP) • Programme Estimation of the crop seed demand, effective seed demand, seed availability and seed production targets in Pakistan (up to 2020) • Identification of priority crops/seeds at the national and province level • Review of varietal development, registration and release system and propose appropriate measures for improvement • Examine existing systems for generational seed production and suggest possible strategies for improvement • Evaluate existing seed standards and procedures and propose pragmatic approach for improvement • Analysis of seed storage, marketing and distribution including economic analysis and roles of the public and private sector in NCSP Programme project • To propose strategy/measures to enhance the role of multination seed companies in national hybrid seed production • Planning strategy for preparation of the National Commercial Seed Production Programme Project document b. Identification of suitable public and private sector partnerships for execution of the NCSP programme • Analysis and selection of the most suitable (key) components of the public sector research institutions for participation in the NCSP programme at the national and provincial level • Analysis, selection and determine roles of public sector seed corporation at the provincial level for participation as partners in the NCSP programme • Analysis and selection and determine roles of private sector companies (national/multinational) for participation as partners in the NCSP programme c. Study for establishment and strengthening of Foundation Seed Production Cells of the public sector research institutions and seed corporations • Information collection and analysis concerning the feasibility of setting up of a National Foundation Seed Corporation and Foundation Seed Cells (FSCs) and criteria/mechanism for their establishment in the public/private seed sector • Study the feasibility of public sector seed companies in the NWFP and Balochistan provinces • Study the feasibility of public/private sector partnerships programme for hybrid seed production.

Project duration
Feb 2008 - Dec 2010
Project budget
133,197 USD
AGP Contact
Dr. Robert Guei Gouantoueu Agricultural officer, plant production and Protection Division(AGP) Room C715, FAO, Rome Italy Tel. (0039) 06570 54920, Fax. (0039) 06570 56347
Project partner information

Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock (MINFAL) of Pakistan

Geografic reference