Workshops on Management of Wheat Rust Diseases in Morocco and Turkey

Wheat rust diseases: planning and rapid surveillance are the keys to efficient management

Wheat rust diseases (yellow, stem and leaf rust) are among the major constraints of wheat causing significant losses in many wheat producing countries around the world. Due to the airborne and complex nature of these fungal diseases their spores can spread and move across the borders and regions easily. Thus, their management requires effective integrated approaches using all the available tools and resources such as resistant cultivars, research, extension system, farmer training, regular surveillance and timely interventions in case of emergencies.

Prevention and preparedness are the key elements of wheat rust management. Appropriate policies, technical capacity and coordination among the institutions as well as international collaboration play an important role. In this regard,  FAO promotes and supports preventive approaches in context of the Emergency Prevention System (EMPRES) through the global wheat rust disease programme. Development of effective strategies, awareness raising, contingency planning, preparedness, capacity building, promotion of international collaboration and support for rapid surveillance systems are essential components of this programme.

In this context, two workshops are organized to contribute to integrated management of wheat rusts in Morocco and Turkey. These will focus on contingency planning for management of the diseases and development of a rapid surveillance tool based on SMS technology to facilitate real time information exchange. The details on the two workshops can be found through the links below:



Core Themes