Fruit Nurseries in Amhara and Tigray Regions

Through the project 'Strengthening of Fruit and Cactus Pear Production in Tigray and North Wollo', fruit trees are now getting special attention by Ethiopian farmers as a commodity which generates income.

In the past, because of the shortage and low quality of planting material, fruit nurseries could not guarantee the distribution of fruit plants to farmers.

Fruit tree nurseries are currently being established or rehabilitated and appropriate planting material is being propagated; in parallel, sustainable practices, to improve the cultivation of fruit crops, are being introduced and applied.

With regard to cactus pear, there is an enormous potential for its utilization; it grows profusely in the Tigray Region. The plant has become crucial to cropping patterns serving as a life-saving crop to both humans and animals. However, its cultivation remains under-developed without improved varieties and production techniques. This project is promoting utilization of cactus for human consumption, introducing adequate agricultural practices and selecting superior clones.


More reading in the following article.



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