
Fruit Nurseries in Amhara and Tigray Regions

Through the project 'Strengthening of Fruit and Cactus Pear Production in Tigray and North Wollo', fruit trees are now getting special attention by Ethiopian farmers as a commodity which generates income.

In the past, because of the shortage and low quality of planting...[подробнее]

International Year of the Potato exhibition in FAO atrium

The FAO atrium and surrounding areas have been transformed for an exhibition to mark the end of the International Year of the Potato (IYP) 2008. Implementation of the International Year – which aims at raising awareness of the potato's important place in agriculture, the economy...[подробнее]

Cassava’s comeback - On the plate of over 1,5 million people in Africa

After years of massive crop losses caused by a devastating virus, farmers are harvesting healthy cassava - one of Africa's principal foodstuffs - throughout the Great Lakes region, FAO announced today, hailing the achievement as a milestone in its ever stronger partnership with...[подробнее]

World focus on potato

A Peruvian and a Chinese photographer have won the world photography contest “Focus on a global food” launched by FAO and the United Nations as part of International Year of the Potato celebrations in 2008....[подробнее]

Consultation on Jatropha Development

An international consultation on pro-poor Jatropha Development organized by the United Nations Foundation, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, IFAD and FAO in April 2008 assessed knowledge and research results on Jatropha. The consultation increased knowledge on the risks...[подробнее]

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