NSP - Morocco



GEF PPG project

During the period 2008-2009, under ASP-Morocco financed by the GEF, 21 plant protection agents were trained on inventory of obsolete pesticides and associated wastes, and 850 tons of obsolete pesticides were inventoried in 359 sites located in 8 regions. In early 2010, inventory data were uploaded and validated in Pesticides Stock Management System (PSMS). During the same period, an infrastructure for the management of empty pesticides containers used for Desert Locust control was established. In the area of IPM, education activities on enhancing ecosystem services and reducing reliance on synthetic chemical pesticides, involving farmers and extension agents were initiated under a trust fund IPM project in Near East countries funded by the Italian government.

Building on these past initiatives, specific key preparation activities will consist of: (i) multi-stakeholders consultations, including inception and completion workshops to ensure involvement of key stakeholders in the project design process and clear definition of their role and responsibilities in the project; (ii) preliminary work to design a POPs/obsolete pesticides disposal strategy; (iii) identification of priority contaminated sites and needs for their remediation; (iv) design of a container management strategy and / or options , including an analysis of the current management of pesticide containers in the country and consultations with local pesticide industry representatives about possible public-private partnership for container management; (v) review of existing pesticide legislation and regulations and registration system for identifiying gaps and areas needing strengthening; (vi) analysis of pesticides lifecycle management and identification of institutional and technical capacity building needs for sound pesticide management; (vii) development of baseline data on the use of pesticides and related alternatives for the control of pest and diseases as basis for IPM strategy and selection of potential sites for implementation of such  strategy during the project; and (viii) incremental reasoning and development of the detailed financing plan.

The main outputs that will contribute to the preparation of the full FAO-GEF Project Document and CEO Endorsement request will consist of: relevant baseline data and information collected during the preparation period, workshop reports, consultants’ analysis and proposals. The final product will be FAO-GEF Project Document with the detailed design of project components, including Results Framework, a monitoring and evaluation plan, detailed financing plan, risk and mitigation analysis, stakeholder analysis, cost effectiveness analysis of the project strategy, and agreed implementation arrangements. The CEO Endorsement Request template and the POPs tracking tools will also be prepared.

Aug 2013 updated


The inventory training for staff of the ASP programme was undertaken in October 1-10, 2007. The participants in the training session included 32 technicians /engineers and medical doctors selected by the Project Management Unit (PMU) from the Ministries of Agriculture, Environment, Public Health and the Interior. The training session covered the aspects of Personal Protective Equipments (PPE), inventory forms for data collection and inventory implementation. The training was led by FAO/AGPP. For the period December 2007- March 2008, 275 of 335 sites were inventoried. Training on the Pesticide Stock Management System (PSMS) for inventory data entry was organized from 23- 28 March 2008. 9 participants from the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Environment were trained. One member of the Project Management Unit (PMU) participated in the workshop on preparation of technical specification for disposal contracts held in Rome during 21-25 January 2008.