NSP - Mozambique


UTF /MOZ/107/MOZ: Prevention and Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides and Associated Wastes in Mozambique;
GCP /MOZ/100/GFF: Disposal of Persistent Organic Pesticides (POPS ) and Obsolete Pesticides in Mozambique;
EP/MOZ/101/UEP: Reducing Risks of Highly Hazardous Pesticides in Mozambique

Three interlinked projects associated with pesticide risk reduction are operational in Mozambique at present. All are supported administratively and operationally by the FAO Representation in Mozambique and technically by the Pesticide Risk Reduction Unit of the Plant Production and Protection Division of FAO in Rome. On the ground, project management is provided by a nationally recruited consultant, who previously led the pesticide regulatory department of the Ministry of Agriculture in Mozambique. He has been released from his post temporarily in order to support the projects which are considered priorities for the country. The projects are designed to build capacity in the country, and it is important that sustainability of these efforts is achieved.

The current supervision mission between 10-14 December 2012, was carried out by Mark Davis, Senior Officer – Pesticides Management from FAO HQs in Rome. Appreciation is expressed for the support provided to the mission by the staff of the FAO Representation in Mozambique, Project Manager, and the Director and staff of the Plant Protection Department of the Ministry of Agriculture.

A detailed discussions with the project manager, meetings with key project stakeholders and site visits to locations associated with project activities.

Aug 2013 updated

Phase 3 project in Mozambique has been implemented on time and within budget. The Phase 3 project focuses on the shipment and disposal of pesticide stocks safeguarded as part of Phase 2.

These stocks are stored at 5 strategic locations in Mozambique. An FAO managed international tender was completed in late 2007 with contract award in January 2008. Preparation is underway for the shipment of the stocks in late April 2008, May in line with the project finalization date. In addition, with the support of the government of the Netherlands, steps have been taken to develop a fully comprehensive pesticide management project for Mozambique. This will constitute a Phase 4 to the overall programme. An international consultant is scheduled to complete a mission to Mozambique in late April 2008 to review existing data collected on pesticide management as part of Phases 1 - 3. A project document for pesticide management with an estimated budget of US$1M is scheduled to be submitted to the Government of Japan for consideration in late May 2008. This project will include elements of Integrated Pest Management(IPM) but will not include a full IPM programme. A previous review of the needs of Mozambique highlighted the need for a IPM project in the Zonas Verdes in and around Maputo. This area grows the majority of food crops for the capital and currently there is little quality control on the production methods. It is estimated that approx. US$1M will be needed to start a project in this area and any potential for contribution from the Government of the Netherlands to address this issue would be most welcome. As a parallel process an approach will be made to the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to support the remediation of contaminated sites and pesticide containers also identified in Phases 1 - 3.

Photo 1

Original store location at Nampula, northern Mozambique. Store was assessed using the FAO environmental management tool kit (EMTK) and, based on the assessment process, a plan was developed to upgrade the facility to meet the standards set by FAO.




Photo 2

The upgrade process included the construction of a separate office area for the store keeper, new doors, roof repair, improved security and installation of emergency equipment.





Photo 3

Internally the store was improved by laying of a new, impermeable floor area with bunded areas for storage of liquid pesticides. Separate work areas for the repackaging of stocks from surrounding areas were also established. The floor was sealed using epoxy resin and all wall surfaces were plastered and painted. Improved lighting was installed plus an emergency shower.




Photo 4

Upon completion of the upgrade, stocks from the surrounding areas were centralized. Many of the stocks were subsequently repackaged by the local FAO trained team. Obsolete pesticides were placed into new United Nations approved packages following strict FAO safeguarding procedures. Teams were trained in the correct use of protective equipment and were supervised at all times.





Photo 5

Repackaged obsolete pesticides are now stored at the upgraded major collection centre. Approximately 80 tonnes of stocks have been packaged into new drums. Materials are stored according to FAO guidelines and are regularly inspected by trained store keepers. It is anticipated that the stocks at Nampua will be sent for final environmentally sound disposal in early 2008.