NSP - Monochoria vaginalis




Family: Pontederiaceae

Synonyms: Monochoria africana (Solms-Laub.)N.E.Brown, Monochoria brevipetiolata Verdcourt, Monochoria hastata (L.)Solms-Laub., Monochoria korsakowii Regel & Maackj.

An annual aquatic monocotyledonous plant. It grows as tall as 10 30 cm with a glabrous, shiny appearance. Stem is usually inconspicuous, obliquely erect. Leaves are narrow at the early stage and 6 8th leaves are oblong ovate to broadly ovate, the base heart shaped or rounded, shiny, deep green in colour. Flowers are basally opposite the sheath of the floral leaf, violet or lilac blue. The plant height, number of leaves and dry weight of M. vaginalis are greatly affected by the seeding time. Earlier seeding dates produce significantly greater plant height, more leaves and dry weight than those of later seeding dates. Earlier seeding dates result in earlier flowering, but the interval between dates of seeding and flowering decrease progressively as the seeding times are delayed.

This weed is propagated by tiny seeds, which are oblong, about 1 mm long.

Although it is considered a weed of temperate areas, This is an aquatic plant, which normally grows well in rice flooded fields. it is found in various hot climatic countries of Asia and Southeast Asia.


Countries: Iran, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam


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