NSP - Polygonum convolvulus




Family: Polygonaceae

Synonym: Fallopia convolvulus (L) A.Love.

Common name: Black bindweed

Ecol. & Biol.: Annual climbing herb,

Root: tap root.

Stem:slender, branching, trailing on the ground or twining around plants, 20-250 cm long, angular, almost hairless, green or -reenish brown.

Leaves: alternate, 1-2 cm long and 0.5-1 em wide, bluish green, arrow shaped, pointed at tip and indented at base, leaf stalk cylinderical upto 4 em long with a  stipule sheath where it joins the stem.

Inflorescence: slender, interrupted, spikelet racemes which are often leafy almost at the apex, also as clusters of flowers in leaf axilis, lowers have short stalks about 2 min long. Fruits - a nut, black, three angled, 3-4 x 2.25- mm,
seeds - truiagular and dull black. Propagation by seeds.

Flowering time: July - September.

Distribution: Often serious weed in cereals, ve-ctables and horticultural crops throughout Mongolia. It can interfere with harvesting by stringing plants together.

Control measures: There should be an emphasis on integration of sound agronomic practices like timely fertilizer application and cross sowing with herbicides in cereals. In veoetables inter-row cultivation is important.


Countries: Mongolia, Uganda


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