Information and Training Materials


Microgardens for food and nutrition security
(United Nations Day, 24 October 2014 - Brussels, Belgium)


With micro-gardens, urban poor “grow their own”
Urban and peri-urban horticulture Factsheet 6

City-to-city cooperation for urban and peri-urban horticulture
Urban and peri-urban horticulture Factsheet 8


Micro-Gardens in Dakar, Senegal
In collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, FAO has helped introduce micro-garden technology and start community gardening centres in low-income areas of Dakar and the neighbouring city of Pikine. More than 4,000 urban residents, most of them women, have started micro-gardens, which produce on average 30 kg of vegetables per sqm per year, enough to satisfy family needs and providing a surplus for sale. In 2008, the micro-gardens programme won UN-HABITAT's Dubai Award for Best Practice to Improve the Living Environment. The $30,000 prize is being used to consolidate and expand the programme.

In 2010 the judging panel of the City to City Barcelona FAD Award acknowledged mentions to the Micro-Gardens in Dakar programme.

Videos and Slideshares

Growing Greener Cities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Growing greener cities in El Alto Bolivia
In the El Alto municipality of La Paz, FAO supported a micro-gardens programme for low-income families. Some 1,500 households were trained in organic cultivation of fruits, vegetables and herbs in small greenhouse units measuring 40 sq m. The units provide fresh vegetables all year round for home consumption and sale through neighbourhood markets. Result: a significant increase in vegetable consumption and income, which families use to purchase eggs and meat. El Alto has created a UPH unit to manage expansion of the programme, which recently received the municipality's Innovaciones Municipales award.



  • Hortivar
  • Growing Greener Cities
  • Food for the Cities