Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Crop Production Intensification (SCPI)



Sustainable crop production intensification (SCPI), when effectively implemented and supported, will provide ‘win-win’ outcomes to meet the dual challenges of feeding the world’s population and environmental sustainability. The related global, regional and national instruments, treaties, conventions, codes and policies are essential for enhancing and sustainably using natural resources. They need to be in line with, complement and not contradict each other.


©FAO/Giulio Napolitano

Achieving SCPI through an ecosystem approach – and promoting the trend from non-renewable external agricultural inputs towards biological inputs - is what this Conceptual Framework attempts to achieve. The Conceptual Framework is intended to be flexible, to adapt to evolving situations and new scientific evidence and to incorporate valuable experiences from traditional knowledge. This Framework does not represent a final document and will continuously be updated in light of new knowledge and experience.

The main objectives of developing a Conceptual Framework for SCPI are to:

1.      Identify options available for sustainably increased crop production.

2.      Increase understanding of the importance of biodiversity and ecosystems, and their sustainable management.

3.   Provide guidance for decision makers at different levels (from land users to policy makers).

4.   Understand the importance of soil health and soil life as a support system for sustainable and efficient production systems  


Conceptual Framework

  • Intensifying crop production sustainably, through applying an ecosystem approach, is what this Conceptual Framework attempts to achieve. Promoting and implementing this trend is an evolving process during which experiences will be gained, more case studies will be created and collected, monitoring and indicators will be put in place, and ultimately the economic benefits will be seen in terms of higher yields.


©FAO/Hoang Dinh Nam