NSP - Case studies acknowledgements

The case studies were compiled and prepared with the support of the following consultants:

George Brown, Laboratorio de Microbiologia, EMBRAPA-Soja, Londrina, BRAZIL. E-mail: George Brown

Dan E. Bennack, Instituto de Ecologia, Xalapa, MEXICO, A.P. 420 Xalapa, Ver. 91001, MEXICO. E-mail: Dan Bennack

Adriana Montañez, Montevideo, URUGUAY. E-mail: Adriana Montañez

Arnoud Braun, AGLL consultant (FAO), The Netherlands; website preparation. E-mail: Arnoud Braun

Juan Jiménez, AGLL consultant, FAO, Rome, ITALY; website preparation and updating. E-mail: Juan Jiménez

Huaiying Yao, Zhejiang University, China. E-mail: [email protected]

Their contributions and further cooperation are kindly acknowledged and greatly appreciated.


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