NSP - Global Rice Roundtable

Global Rice Roundtable
Montepellier, France
3-4 July, 2012

The Global Rice Roundtable was convened to consider possible future directions of the International Rice Commission (IRC).  It was attended by 27 experts from 22 member countries of the IRC, representatives of the CGIAR Consortium and the Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP) which is led by the CGIAR.  The purpose of the expert meeting was to identify issues of particular concern to rice for which Intergovernmental action would be beneficial and whether an intergovernmental body such as the IRC would be an appropriate and cost effective mechanism to address these issues.

The results of this meeting will help to inform discussions on the future of the International Rice Commission at its 22nd Session scheduled for 29-30 November 2012 in Rome, Italy.  More information about this Session can be found by clicking here.

The Report of the Global Rice Roundtable is available here in English, French and Spanish.

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