
VIII Latin American Congress on Agroecology will be held on 25 - 27 November 2020 in online format

The Latin American Scientific Society of Agroecology (SOCLA), announces the VIII Latin American Congress of Agroecology under the theme "Agroecology. Latin American identity weaving the territory: urgent transformations for life". It will take place online on November 25, 26 and 27, 2020, under the coordination of the Organizing Commission of Uruguay. The Congress will be developed through conferences, thematic tables, workshops, scientific works, international course, and presentation of experiences.

Scientific papers and experience reports will be received in Spanish or Portuguese until 15 September. Scientific works present research results, theoretical essays that expose new theoretical-methodological approaches and case studies.

Case studies present educational activities, extension activities, ecological-based production, marketing or development of systems that promote food sovereignty, transition, territorial and political scaling of agroecology, as well as progress in the implementation of public policies (including national plans).

 25/11/2020 - 27/11/2020
年份: 2020
地理范围: 拉丁美洲及加勒比
内容语言: Portuguese, Spanish
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类别: 活动
Organization: SOCLA
