

  • The Sixth Annual AGROVOC Editorial Community Meeting 2023

    The sixth Annual AGROVOC Editorial Community Meeting took place on July 13-14, 2023, in Freising, Germany. The main goal of the meeting was to enhance interaction with the editorial communities and establish priorities for the upcoming year. The two-day agenda encompassed crucial discussions on 2023/2024 priorities, usage statistics services for editors, outreach activities and online courses, and...

  • AGROVOC Latin America distribution list

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is pleased to announce the creation of a dedicated distribution list for "AGROVOC in Latin America". This initiative aims to establish a communication channel with users and stakeholders interested in utilizing this valuable tool in Spanish. By joining this distribution list, you will receive regular updates about new concepts and...

  • 2023年7月:新版多语种农业词汇汇编(AGROVOC)

    2023年7月版AGROVOC现已发布。现在其中包含41 016个概念和988 512个术语,多达42种语言。AGROVOC团队感谢所有为增加概念、术语和其他内容做出贡献的AGROVOC编辑。点击 此处 了解更多关于AGROVOC编辑人员的信息。

  • AGROVOC 新增概念. 2023年7月

    上个月AGROVOC 多语种叙词表中添加了23个新概念 。如需按语种查看新增标签或更新后标签的列表,请访问 粮农组织CKAN数据管理系统储存库 。 AGROVOC编辑社区 向所有为此次发布做出贡献的机构和个人致谢。 AGROVOC新增概念 气溶胶传播 行动研究 抗微生物药物易感测试 全球南方 建筑学 拟副交感神经药 止痛镇静药 解痉药 智能材料 Triaspis thoracica Heracleum mantegazzianum Physalis pubescens Prunus tenella 南极区 Rubus plicatus Pistacia khinjuk Agaonidae Blastophaga Blastophaga psenes Celtis australis Agrilus roscidus 农村妇女 生物海洋学 您可在 AGROVOC 检索这些术语。

  • Sixth Annual AGROVOC Editorial Community Meeting 2023 coming soon

    The sixth Annual AGROVOC Editorial Community Meeting, organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in partnership with the Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft e.V. , will be an hybrid event held in Munich on 13-14 July 2023. This year's meeting will take place on-site and also include an online component, ensuring a broader participation. The...